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I am asking for help in modifying the table.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:45 pm
by Luciu
I am asking for help in modifying the table. Is it possible to modify this table so that I can add the value of the fleet as I want.
for example +20

//========================================= X v2.0 (ok)
// When increasing Spent Fleet points
cmp dword ptr [rcx+00000368],0
je _ExitMFP

mov [pFleet],rcx

cmp dword ptr [iEnableMFP],0
je _ExitMFP // Jump if feature is disabled

xor edx,edx // Spending 0

movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+00000519] // Original code (decrypt Value) =
jmp _BackMFP // Back to main code

//========================================= X v2.0 (ok)
// When decreasing Spent Fleet points
cmp dword ptr [rcx+00000368],0
je _ExitFP1

mov [pFleet],rcx

cmp dword ptr [iEnableMFP],0
je _ExitFP1 // Jump if feature is disabled

xor edx,edx // Recovering 0

movzx eax,byte ptr [rcx+00000519] // Original code (decrypt Value) #
jmp _BackFP1 // Back to main code

//========================================= v2.0 ok