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Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:03 pm
by Csimbi
Been playing similar games lately, so I thought I would check this game again so I took out Revision 7955 to a spin (see revision number in the main menu, bottom right corner).
Seems this title is rounding up to be fairly playable and fun, there's even a campaign now it'd seem.
I attached a table with a single script that gives you:
- Move Speed Mod; disables turtle mode.
- Skill Speed Mod; scales the speed of most skill animations
- Disarm Speed Mod; scales the speed of the disarm skill animation (seems to be using a different code). Healing animation seems to have a different code, too, I did not care.
- Detection Rate Mod; scales the speed enemies detect you.
- Attack Speed Mod; scales the speed of aiming, firing and post-firing animations.
- Attack Cool Rate Mod; scales the speed of weapon cooldown delay.
- Infinite Ammo; single and multi-ammo weapons. I noticed there are some self-aimed ammos in the game, I did not care about those.
- Damage Dealt Mod; scales the damage you do onto others.
- Damage Received Mod; scales the damage others do onto you.
- Weight Mod; scales the weight of items. You may need to drop/pickup an item to refresh full inventory weight.
- Character Stats; a bunch of pointers to stats you picked and the effective values. Effective values won't refresh until you hit 'Done' in the character leveling dialog. The points you can spend is the difference of XP earned and XP spent. Adjust as necessary.
- Inventory; Two things here: a pointer to money and a script that retrieves the inventory you carry. You need to disable/enable the script when your inventory changes.

I don't plan on adding anything else at this point.

Enjoy while it lasts!

Update #1
- Skill Speed Mod
- Disarm Speed Mod
- Attack Speed Mod
- Attack Cool Rate Mod
- Infinite Ammo

Re: Dustwind

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:12 pm
by kanggg
Thank you. Now I can finally play this game.

Re: Dustwind

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:55 am
by yuumura
NVM now its working :)

Re: Dustwind

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:11 pm
by morevalar
Update please!