Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

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Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Hey everyone,

it's been a while since I had the time and reason to write some good old cheats, I'm glad this place still exists.

I'll leave a simple cheat table for "Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version" here.
As of now it contains these options:

-Main (which contains the anti-anti-cheat script, in case you want to start modifying the game yourself)
>>>Infinite Crafting (aka "you want me to collect mushrooms and murder monsters for parts? no.")
>>>Collector's Luck (aka "give me those rare caves, monsters, eggs and materials")
>>>Channeled Monsters Stay (aka "friendship forever, nobody is allowed to leave.")
>>>Register All Genes (aka "Project X")
>>>Free The Colors (aka "why game devs")
>>>Enable Quick Finish for previously defeated Monsters
>>>Defeated Monsters retreat
>>>Always able to fly
>>>Monstie Size Multiplier
>>>Inventory Editor (aka "now people can put mantles in their herb bags again, jk")
>>>>>>Collect one of every non-story Item (aka "I found that, it's mine now.")
>>>Character Editor
>>>Monstie Editor (aka "several monsties ended up as weird and sad hybrid creatures for this")
>>>Weapon Editor
>>>Armor Editor
>>>Talisman Editor
option details
  • Update Dropdowns
    Not really an option itself, but this amazing entry can be used to update the table's dropdown lists, currently for monstie types, genes, battleskills, items, weapons and armors. This also means that after any updates the dropdowns will be accurate and immediately contain possible new options, if either I use this script and upload a new table or any user does it for their own table.
  • Infinite Crafting
    Works with the blacksmith where you won't have any material requirements for crafting/upgrading stuff and also while combining items, where you'll be able to combine however many you wish without losing items from it in the end.
  • Collector's Luck
    This has 3 modes, Best Luck, Equalized Luck and Inverted Luck and it affects the luck while gathering items and eggs and also for cave spawns and maybe other things.

    Any materials/eggs/ingredients/monsters generated under the effect of this script will become the best versions you'd receive, if you had very very good luck. If there would be several best options, it can still be random between those.
    Just use the Best Luck option as default, Equalized Luck, if you just want all outcomes to have the same chance of happening and Inverted Luck, if the things that would be the rarest (not necessarily the best) options, should happen.

    Impossible results with probability 0 can be either counted as grouped with the most rarest outcomes or as the rarest outcomes directly (meaning only they occur now). That's adjustable via an option.

    I also added an option below that to exclude caves, because super rare caves tend to have only one type of egg you can get from them. You can only exclude those from the probability changes or exclude all caves to just have the normal cave spawn rates.

    For similar reasons I added an option to exclude monsters as well, because being lucky in that regards means going face to face with Anjanath or worse.

    Last but not least there is an option to always get the best egg smell, which will make it like that independent of other chosen options in collector's luck.
  • Channeled Monsters Stay
    After channeling the monster just rests itself and if you reenter the stable, it's there again. Ready to train more of your sla friends.
  • Register All Genes
    Registers all genes naturally, as if you'd hatched the monsties with these.
  • Free The Colors
    Makes it so you can use multiplayer with any skin/amor/eye color etc. No corrupted data messages will occur. Before you do that it's recommended that you give yourself a character edit ticket (with the Inventory Editor) to keep as reserve. If at some point the game updates and I'm not there to fix stuff, you'll have to recreate the character with that, if you want to use multiplayer.
  • Defeated Monsters retreat
    This only works on monsters, that are able to retreat (first time encounters are usually not). It also works together with quick finish. So basically you only need to defeat each thing in the game once now. Or you know, at least less than before.
  • Always able to fly
    This only works for monsties who can fly naturally, maybe you need to unlock the ability in the story first. If you haven't done so, I recommend you to wait anyways, so you avoid breaking the storyline.
    I don't recommend using this ability during story missions as well, just in case you break something by flying over obstacles you wouldn't have been able to pass otherwise and thus triggering a later story sequence, I don't know if that's a possibility.
  • Inventory Editor
    Backup your save before using it.
    Enter Camp Menu to initilialize. You have the option of either editing items directly by selecting a type and then changing the amount or to just browse the whole inventory of things you own.

    It's designed so that the amount for the current item updates with the ingame value unless you either change it in the table or freeze it and in those cases it'll update the ingame value with yours.
    (I of course added the types to the "Update Dropdowns" script as well, so it'll be up-to date and always contain any items.)

    If you increase the amount of new items (or really any item), it'll use the game's item collect function to change the game amount, instead of just changing the memory address. That way it's completely safe to edit any items, even the ones you haven't seen yet.

    The "Collect one of every non-story Item" option will give you one of all items [story items excluded]. While doing that it'll count as if you'd naturally collected that item. It seems safe to collect some items before you'd get them in the story, so I included stuff like stable upgrades.
  • Monstie Editor
    Backup your save before using it.
    Enter Camp Menu to initialize or to update the monsters, which are recognized as party members. Change the edit slot to edit any of your own monsters in the current party or the monstie of your supporter. Don't bother editing, if isSlotUsed says that itt's not being used. Don't edit while in some submenu, especially the stable. Because those make a copy of your monster data and overwrite that, if you leave the menu.

    You may need to visit the "Manage Monsties" area in the stables to make updates to bonus stats reflect in your monster (they are permanent though). (That'll also overwrite the normal stats based on the Type.)
  • Character Editor
    Backup your save before using it.
    Similar to Monstie-Editor.
    Also see troubleshooting section regarding character corruption.
    Also see "Free the Colors".
    All colors are coded like this in hexadecimal form: XXBBGGRR, so the first byte is unused by the game (too bad, no alpha), then the byte for blue, then green, then red, e.g. 0x000000FF is red, 0x00FF0000 is blue.
  • Talisman/Armor/Weapon Editor
    Backup your save before using it.
    Just what you'd expect.

    There is a list of allowed skills for talismans, basically only use the [1C] marked ones in my table (on the bottom of the list) excluding the 12 skill for specific elemental attack/defense boost (All-E Def Boost is allowed), and excluding the skill Kin Cost Down, so 13*4 skills are excluded.
    I can add that as hint later instead of just the [1C]. Other than that, the type seems irrelevant, same as the level(probably always 1?). Oh and of course, if you use 2 skills, set the Num Skills to 2.

    Since it's an editor I'll leave you the freedom to still use any battleskill, for singleplayer all of them are usable in theory. I'm not sure what the exact rules are for using the skills in combat, but someone can play around with that and hopefully share some insane results here. It could be that humans can only use human skills and need the right weapon equipped as well and monsties need to be the right type and for kinship skills, maybe you need to ride on the right monstie?
Notes about egg weight
While egg smell aka quality and of course the monster type are randomized, that's not the case for egg weight.
From what I've seen a specific monster will always have a specific weight, so it's no use modifying that, or if you modify it, that's something the game would never give you naturally. I think it doesn't affect anything either and is just an indicator for the monster stars.
credit to:
-caliber1942 for getting me started with disabling the veh stuff and being helpful
-turtle-insect and the guys from gbatempt who created these [Link], which helped me, while creating my "Update Dropdowns" script
-notpikachu for the very detailed gene dropdown values in the monster editor, that I used in the beginning
-Rayer for giving me his high rank save for testing purposes
future plans
I may or may not add more to this table. Here are some things I might go for:
  • auto switch-back leader monster or avoid switch for field abilities: just because I want to use that jump pad I don't want to switch my favorite monster I'm riding on. Thought too small, instead enable usage of every skill from whatever monstie you're riding on. (if possible from models etc.)
troubleshoot / faq
how to use this table together with trainers:
Apparently there is a bug in CE v7.2 that causes CE to freeze (7.0 works fine), if you activate any auto assembly scripts after one of the trainers. To prevent that from happening you can delete/rename/(rebuilid from the current github sources) the dotnetdatacollector64.exe in the CE folder.
After that always attach the trainer first and activate the Main in my table afterwards.
See also [Link].

Alternatively use CE 7.0 (or 7.1 might work too).

"replaced 0 / 8 anti-veh, 0 / 1 anti-breapoint and 0 / ? anti-memory injection/misc locations." and options not working:
If you're using cheat engine 7.0 or higher and no other trainer (even if you use another trainer, it wouldn't break all options if any at all) and if you do have the same game as me, which is Monster Hunter Stories 2 steam version (see changelog for the exact version) with the game.exe file, where you attach to, you should be alright.
That message just indicates that the anti-anti cheat aobs couldn't be found at all, which could mean they've already been replaced. Maybe you've used my table in the same game session before and quit CE without disabling the options or you're using another trainer/table using my Main script. Still if less than the expected number is found in that situation, you only get a message, it's not an error.
The second thing of course is, you're not attaching to the correct game/process, check the version/CRC I posted above.

After doing vague thing X I do Y and then Z, which I don't like, happens:
Don't do X. Or if you must do X, then don't do Y anymore. In particular don't give your monsties that weird legendary pizza hat, because I just made that up and it's not really in the game and might crash you.
Make sure to read the "option details" section thoroughly.
Reflect about what exactly you did, that could have caused your problem, revert that and avoid doing that in the future or keep experimenting until you narrow it down to exactly the one click/change you shouldn't have made.
If you want to post your problem here, at least give a detailed step by step description, what you did/what you're doing.

"Corrupt data has been found" message when trying to access multiplayer
This mainly happens because you edited something in a way, the game doesn't allow it for multiplayer. If that concerns a monstie, you can probably just visit the stables "rite of channeling" menu and leave it to make the game recalculate monstie stats etc.
If it's your character, that's affected, a common cause is a non-default skin color. You can revert that, or use a character edit voucher, that you can create via the "Collect Item"/"Inventory Editor" script.
Even after the cause for corrupt data is removed, you still need to restart the game, to clear that corrupted flag.
6.6 (tested with game version 1.3.0):
-fixed "Free The Colors" (and the gene's "Update Dropdowns" script) after game update

6.5.1 (tested with game version 1.2.1):
-fixed "Defeated Monsters retreat", that couldn't be activated by some

6.5 (tested with game version 1.2.1):
-add "Defeated Monsters retreat"
-add "Always able to fly"
-add "Monstie Size Multiplier"

6.4.1 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-fixed "Enable Quick Finish for previously defeated Monsters" for high rank

6.4 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-added "Enable Quick Finish for previously defeated Monsters"

6.3 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-updated armor type dropdowns with female armor names as well (automatically extracted)
-added "Free The Colors"
-flagged colors in the table as hex types and changed some descriptions for the previously unknown ones
-updated Main, so the anti-anti-cheat is slightly better and won't be disturbed by random loaded dlls
-excluded stable and expedition upgrades from "Collect one of every non-story item" as those weren't working properly, you apparently need to buy them from the shop

6.2 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-improved "Inventory Editor" and "Collect one of every non-story Item" below that

6.1 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-added "Register All Genes"

6.0 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-added "Character Editor"
-added "Weapon Editor"
-added "Armor Editor"
-added "Talisman Editor"
-added battle skills to "Monstie Editor", use CE's freeze function to keep customized skills over the duration of one session (non-permanent)
-changed "Monstie Editor" monstie recognition, should be working flawlessly now and also gives the supporter's monster as well

4.8.1 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-4.8 was buggy with the anti-anti-cheat, replaced that

4.8 (game version >= 1.1.0, tested with 1.2.0):
-fix game freezes related to monster clashes (anti-anti-cheat was changing slightly too much, I also refined the method now.)

4.7 (game version 1.1.0):
-added "Collect Item" script in "Inventory Editor"
-prevent adding of unknown items via "Inventory Editor"

4.6 (game version 1.1.0):
-item types in the Inventory Editor will now shop up with category and sub-category

4.5 (game version 1.1.0):
-added Inventory Editor

4.4 (game version 1.1.0):
-removed "Tsukino's Best Luck", that wasn't working as expected and for now I don't care enough to really make it work
-added "Update Dropdowns" script, the table now has 100% accurate labels for the monstie and gene options, because they're directly pulled from game memory (and updating those is as easy as using the mentioned script, so updates won't be a problem

4.3 (game version 1.1.0):
-added "Tsukino's Best Luck" option, untested due to once a day limit ;)
-moved around monster editor values and added Gene dropdown values

v4.2 (game version 1.1.0):
-added option to exclude caves or monsters selectively in Collector's Luck
-some minor changes to monstie editor (mainly removed that one list, they were battle skills and are reloaded after each battle, so less useful for an editor)

v4.1 (game version 1.1.0):
Monstie Editor:
-added more addresses, including some unknown ones ???
-fix riding action being at the wrong location with wrong type
-added dropdown entries for monster type and riding action

v4 (game version 1.1.0):
-added "Channeled Monsters Stay"
-added "Monstie Editor" (this really was more out of curiosity, sry game devs)

v3 (game version 1.1.0):
Infinite Crafting:

v2.2 (game version 1.1.0):
Collector's Luck:
-added option to always get best smelling eggs (independent of other options)

v2.1 (game version 1.1.0):
Collector's Luck:
-added more options regarding impossible outcomes
-option to exclude monsters from luck

v2 (game version 1.1.0):
initial release with Collector's Luck option

v1.1 (game version 1.1.0):
anti-anti-cheat improved

v1 (game version 1.1.0):
anti-anti-cheat ready
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How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by seikur0 on Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:50 am, edited 44 times in total.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by BatedHawk »

Works great except for one tiny problem. every fight i go into, its always Anjanath.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

BatedHawk wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:19 am
Works great except for one tiny problem. every fight i go into, its always Anjanath.
Lucky, amiright? :P
To remedy that I just now added an option to either exclude monsters from the luckiness or to just exclude the ultra rare monsters similar to the caves. That should do the trick. It could be done by turning impossible outcomes off as well, though it might change from impossible to a low chance if you're further into the game.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Jirodyne »

Well, as much as I want to use this cheat, it doesn't seem to work. I click on Main, while in cheat engine 7.2 the latest version, and it doesn't work. Instead the program freezes, inresponcive, and loading forever till it asks me to forcefully quit it.

So as much as I would love to use it, I have no idea why I can't lol.

Ignore all that. I don't know if it's cause I had fearlessrevolution's trainer on too through fearlessrevolution or what, but closed and reopened the game and just this cheat table and it ran the script. Woot, time to beat the odds through cheating and not luck!

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Jirodyne wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:12 am
Try attaching cheat engine and activating the Main entry before opening the trainer.
I don't know why cheat engine freezes, that's odd. If you open your trainer and then afterwards just execute this table's Main function as table lua script, it works normally and that's just what the Main entry is supposed to do.

Hurray for luck! :mrgreen:

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Impala »

Really awesome man, I tried doing this but it was above my paygrade, glad you did a proper one

Also, because I'm curious, does cheat engine freeze because the other trainer (by whom will not be named) has a disable of the anti cheat as well?

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Jirodyne »

Impala wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:50 pm
Really awesome man, I tried doing this but it was above my paygrade, glad you did a proper one

Also, because I'm curious, does cheat engine freeze because the other trainer (by whom will not be named) has a disable of the anti cheat as well?
If he is who I think he is, and thus I am using his Trainer, Then no. There seems to be a conflict somewhere tho. When I have this table up and running, with Main and the cheats turned on, 'Whoshallnotbename's Trainer only semi works. His Zenny and Bottle cap cheats work, but his EXP multiplier, and the other item settings stop working, they go back to 0 the second you try to go higher. It seems like either the Scripts are conflicting, or the Script in this Table effects the Addresses that the 'Whoshallnotbename's Trainer requires in some way.


Either way, I haven't even gotten to High Rank, I think, let alone beat the story and unlock post game content, so really getting rare eggs and monsters I can wait for, and I don't need other cheats on when I go farming for me. So I will just wait, and then switch off which ones I am using as I need them.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Impala wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:50 pm
It's not really the anti-cheat methods that conflict. My method is different from the commonly used one and even if the trainer changed some anti-cheat aob locations before my table can do it, that's fine.

It's more like something the trainer(s) do (probably as part of their anti-cheat method), that seems to break cheat engine's ability to activate/execute auto assembly scripts, even a simple script as this one will lead to the same freeze error:


Someone from one of the trainer teams would have to debug that with their trainer code to find out, why that happens and maybe fix it. Until then just activate cheat tables first. If you did that at least once before loading the trainer, it'll just work the whole time.
Jirodyne wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:12 pm
Maybe it goes both ways and cheat engine and the trainers just don't like each others and they'll take whatever both need for themselves, if they execute first. I feel like that should be avoidable from the trainer's side, I don't know about cheat engine.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Impala »

seikur0 wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:38 pm
I can also confirm when I'm using your table, the trainer options for items and EXP multiplier do not work.

This is after attaching cheat engine first then opening the trainer

Cheat engine does not freeze, however the trainer generates an error message


A simple fix for this would be to create your own exp script and item script for 900 of each item and including it in your table :D 8-) :lol:

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Impala »

I was joking above about the "simple fix". In all seriousness, it would be great to not have to use this trainer, and I appreciate your hard work thus far.
Last edited by Impala on Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Impala wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:08 pm
You get these errors because I disable one of the anti veh places, which the trainer can't find afterwards. I wouldn't need to do that anymore since I'm already disabling all anti-cheat effects with the second part of my anti-anti-cheat. The first part is the aa_tamper1 function in my table, I think you could just comment that out together with the disable and the references to changemap1, lenChangemap1 and changemap2, lenChangemap2.

I found out another interesting thing though, this freeze doesn't occur with version 7.0 of cheat engine, I already wrote up a [Link]. So you could just get that version from somewhere and attach the trainer first and then my table.

On a side note, stuff like exp is normally worlds easier to find than anything related to random generation, so I won't have any troubles with that. I'm planning some "exp share" option, which from the lore side of it makes the more powerful monsters in your group pass along their experience to the less powerful monsters making them level up faster. The further underleveled a monster is, the more exp it'll get from all sources then.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Impala »

seikur0 wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:41 pm
So no shot of adding those features in your table? :)

Also, a feature request that doesn't exist, best luck in the daily Tsukino's Lunar Luck, also make it unlimited use instead of daily.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by seikur0 »

Impala wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:45 pm
I'll see about that. If it's well balanced in the game, I won't touch it. And instead of the 900 items one, the ability to make crafting etc. free as long as you have 1 would be more my style. Don't expect that I work on this table too much though, I'll add things at my pace.
I'll put up a list of features I find interesting and might add into the main post the next time I edit that.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Impala »

seikur0 wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:55 pm
You've actually done plenty so far, so take your time.

Also, I just realized the AOB in that error message is pointing to the anti cheat instead of the AOB's for experience and items, LOL, but yea, I was able to get the trainer and the table working at the same time, so both features are not needed in the table.
Last edited by Impala on Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monster Hunter Stories 2 - steam version (SeiKur0)

Post by Jirodyne »

Impala wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:58 pm
but yea, I was able to get the trainer and the table working at the same time, so both features are necessity in the table.
You 'was' or 'was not' able to get the table to work, your line after about 'both features are necessity in the table' makes it confusing.

If you were able to get this table to work with the Trainer, what exactly did you do to get it to work? If not, well then that would clarify my confusion of your post, lol.

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