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Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:48 pm
by Algester
Right now I can not be too sure how long will my pointer maps hold as I am not that versed in Unity Engine when it comes to cheat engine

so if anyone out there has better skills I hope anyone reading this can contribute a better Table

right now I only made Money and EXP with some important items (Synthetic Fiber and Tungsten 1 and 50 for each)

I tried to look for HPs but I can't exactly do a pin point search for it it seems everytime you load a map it changes address

what I ultimately aim to make it a transitory point like Akiba's Trip 2/Akiba's Trip Undead and Undressed
we have the Avatar Editor and a script switch to enable and disable the Shadow Soul/Vampire filter

also for completionist sake the game has a hidden value for "morality" you need to be hated by the town at one point to get an achievement which if you are just normally playing the game is quite hard to do

Current EDIT5
I have hot keys attached to the current equiped clothes but you need to keep on applying it cause freezing the value will most likely than not break the game due to the fact that everytime you generate a map the pointer jumps to another address which may or may not be used by other NPCs

EDIT 6 I got almost everything I just need a better way of handling Dress HP but I'm scared poking around that so Pointers it will be for now, I just need someone to do an exhaustive Item value dump so I can start populating the Avatar parts

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:06 pm
by Algester
Huhuhu I'm trying to meddle with the items this is hard to handle


without knowing exactly how to modify the avatar flags... or maybe I'm just being Derp

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:38 am
by Algester
anyone still willing to pitch in...

if anyone I need someone to help me find the PC relationship values

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:20 am
by chaos-sensei
thank you for great table.
I have requests,could you add unlock all features when new game(models,skin,voice)
This is can not be used without game clearing,I want to use by cheats.

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:08 pm
by Algester
no can't do I'm a dum dum when it comes to Unity

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:19 am
by Algester
I'm at the absolute limit of what I can do with the game... sadly I couldnt get the Avatar Editor working

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:54 pm
by Algester
I just need someone to help me get the IDs down...

if anyone wants to know the AoB scan relies on the base value that stores all the GlobalData which is what I labeled as play_money and then jumps the offsets from there

Re: Akiba's Trip 1/Akiba's Trip Hellbound & Debriefed

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:55 am
by Algester
if the game will have any more updates I'm sad to say that I can not get any reliable way to get PC Dress HP than what I currently have as a proof of concept (meaning you need to get smacked in the head but you need clothes for the values to appear)

also I give up trying to find a reliable way to make those values pop everytime I get an idea the game will just crash on me trying to get those AoB injections to work