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Haydee +10 (table Update3)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:19 pm
by STN
Made by Cielos

made some scripts for Haydee.

- changed inf. remote device to inf. remote device / keycard, as it works on keycard too.
- added fake crowbar and fake keycard.
- added a few scripts: inf. remote device, ignore ammo clip, ignore ammo pouch, fake save floppy, and fake remote device
- updated enable scripts, it works properly when fetching the pointers to inventory now.
- added the pointers to the remaining inventory slots.
- refined enable and undead, they should work if the health offset got changed again on late updates. also they should work on previous updates now.
- updated the table to work on v1.04.02

- health still drop but you won't die.

inf. medkit
- quantity still decrease but won't be used up.

inf. save floppy
- quantity still decrease but won't be used up.

inf. remote device / keycard
- quantity still decrease but won't be used up.

ignore ammo clip
- you can fire the weapon with 0 clip. i.e., no reload.
- ammo clip still decrease when fired until it reaches zero.
- tested on the first 2 handguns (Colt and Magnum).

ignore ammo pouch
- you can reload the weapon without any ammo pouch with you. that means you can just leave the ammo pouch in the storage to save space.
- if you have any corresponding ammo pouch on you, they'd still be used on reload.

fake save floppy
- you can use a screwdriver or a remote device (or some other items other than ammo or medkits) to save.
- if the item you use to save is not a screwdriver, it may still be used up if you've got only one left. make sure you're using inf. save floppy as well to avoid that.

fake remote device
- you can use a screwdriver or a save floppy (or some other items other than ammo or medkits) to plant a remote device.
- if the item you use to plant is not a screwdriver, it may still be used up if you've got only one left. make sure you're using inf. remote device / keycard as well to avoid that.

fake crowbar
- you can use a screwdriver or a save floppy (or some other items other than ammo or medkits) to plant open locked chests.

fake keycard
- you can use a screwdriver or a save floppy (or some other items other than ammo or medkits) to open locked doors/gates.
- if the item you use to unlock a door/gate is not a screwdriver, it may still be used up if you've got only one left. make sure you're using inf. remote device / keycard as well to avoid that.

- made with aob scans, tested on v1.04.02, should work on any updates.
- if you find the pointer to health is off, correct the health pointer manually referring to the value of health offset