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Dragon Sinker (PC STEAM)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:05 am
by SylarDean

Has anyone got any cheat engine codes for Dragon Sinker (steam version) by Kemco ?
Gold, DRP, JP Gain, invincibility etc would be great.

I managed to figure out Gold and DRP but for some reason once I shut down Cheat Engine the codes become unusable and I have to go through the process of finding the Gold and DRP again. I'm guessing the address is not pointing to the correct pointer that can be used permanently and i'm just using an address that will change every time I start the game. :wub:

Re: Dragon Sinker (PC STEAM)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:09 am
by SylarDean
oh crud, my apologies, didnt notice the "no requests" thing sorry :(