Page 51 of 61

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:00 am
by afraidless
JDimensional wrote:
Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:01 pm
harrypotter2022 wrote:
Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:57 pm
Excuse me, Are there any way to edit the skill ?
Yes via the "Instant Max Level" script.

*Edit* Now renamed to "Instant Max Skill Level" for less confusion in the 8.6.11 table I just released.
Thanks for your effort :D it works great

I've been playing around a bit both with CE and also unpacked the game files but hit a wall, so to speak :oops:
because I want to have unlimited outposts but I can't do it. Is that something that you would know how to do?? ^_^

Anyway thanks again JD!

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:20 pm
by SvT
Instantly complete ALL active Bounties upon 1 zombie kill:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(instantBounties,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,39 43 08 7D 62)



  cmp [rbx+08],eax
  jmp StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db 39 43 08 7D 62


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4B: 4C 63 76 38              -  movsxd  r14,dword ptr [rsi+38]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4F: 49 C1 E6 04              -  shl r14,04
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F53: 4C 03 F3                 -  add r14,rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F56: 49 3B DE                 -  cmp rbx,r14
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F59: 0F 84 96 00 00 00        -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FF5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F5F: 44 8B BC 24 80 00 00 00  -  mov r15d,[rsp+00000080]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F67: 4C 8B 64 24 78           -  mov r12,[rsp+78]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F6C: 0F 1F 40 00              -  nop [rax+00]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F70: 48 8B 13                 -  mov rdx,[rbx]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F73: 8B 42 78                 -  mov eax,[rdx+78]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76: 39 43 08                 -  cmp [rbx+08],eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F79: 7D 62                    -  jnl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7B: 48 8B 42 10              -  mov rax,[rdx+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7F: 4D 8D 84 24 88 00 00 00  -  lea r8,[r12+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F87: 49 63 48 08              -  movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F8B: 3B 88 90 00 00 00        -  cmp ecx,[rax+00000090]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F91: 7F 47                    -  jg StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F93: 48 8B 80 88 00 00 00     -  mov rax,[rax+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9A: 4C 39 04 C8              -  cmp [rax+rcx*8],r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9E: 75 3A                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA0: 49 8B 4D 08              -  mov rcx,[r13+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA4: 48 89 54 24 28           -  mov [rsp+28],rdx
No Trauma & No Injuries (supplement to Unlimited Health, will prevent instant death from teleporting and Freak zombies)
BEWARE: If you use these two scripts, be sure to ALWAYS activate them BOTH before loading your save or might instantly die when loading in:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(noTrauma,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00)


  cmp [rcx+C4],#391 // filter player/hostile humans
  jne code
  cmp [rcx+43C],#391
  jne code
  //cmp [rcx+1D0],1 // filter player/hostile humans
  //jne code
  //cmp [rcx+1D4],1 // filter player/hostile humans
  //jne code
  mov [rcx+00000474],(float)0
  jmp return

  movss [rcx+00000474],xmm1
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

  db F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C3

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C29F: 48 89 5C 24 70                    -  mov [rsp+70],rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2A4: 0F 29 74 24 50                    -  movaps [rsp+50],xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2A9: 49 8B F8                          -  mov rdi,r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2AC: 48 8B D9                          -  mov rbx,rcx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2AF: 0F 57 F6                          -  xorps xmm6,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B2: 0F 2F CE                          -  comiss xmm1,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B5: 73 03                             -  jae StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C2BA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B7: 0F 28 CE                          -  movaps xmm1,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2BA: 0F 2E 89 74 04 00 00              -  ucomiss xmm1,[rcx+00000474]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C1: 74 73                             -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C336
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C3: F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00           -  movss [rcx+00000474],xmm1
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2CB: 48 81 C1 30 07 00 00              -  add rcx,00000730
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D2: B2 07                             -  mov dl,07
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D4: E8 47 3D FF FF                    -  call StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+210020
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D9: 0F 2E B3 74 04 00 00              -  ucomiss xmm6,[rbx+00000474]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E0: 75 54                             -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C336
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E2: 33 C0                             -  xor eax,eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E4: 48 89 44 24 38                    -  mov [rsp+38],rax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E9: 48 89 44 24 40                    -  mov [rsp+40],rax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2EE: 48 8D 57 40                       -  lea rdx,[rdi+40]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2F2: 48 8D 05 17 55 3D 03              -  lea rax,[StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+35F1810]

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(noInjury,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00)


cmp rax,7
jne code
cmp [rdi+24],#391 // filter player/hostile humans
jne code
mov [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],(float)0
jmp return

  movss [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4

  db F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B2E

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B08: 41 FF 50 10                 -  call qword ptr [r8+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B0C: 4C 8B 06                    -  mov r8,[rsi]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B0F: 8B D3                       -  mov edx,ebx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B11: 48 8B CE                    -  mov rcx,rsi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B14: 0F B6 E8                    -  movzx ebp,al
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B17: 41 FF 50 08                 -  call qword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B1B: 40 80 FD 94                 -  cmp bpl,-6C
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B1F: 73 16                       -  jae StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216B37
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B21: 40 0F B6 C5                 -  movzx eax,bpl
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B25: F3 0F 58 84 87 D0 02 00 00  -  addss xmm0,[rdi+rax*4+000002D0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B2E: F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00  -  movss [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B37: FF C3                       -  inc ebx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B39: 41 3B DE                    -  cmp ebx,r14d
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B3C: 7C C2                       -  jl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216B00
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B3E: 49 83 C7 08                 -  add r15,08
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B42: 4D 3B FD                    -  cmp r15,r13
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B45: 75 9E                       -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216AE5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B47: 4C 8B 74 24 28              -  mov r14,[rsp+28]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B4C: 48 8B 74 24 60              -  mov rsi,[rsp+60]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B51: 48 8B 6C 24 58              -  mov rbp,[rsp+58]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B56: 48 8B 5C 24 50              -  mov rbx,[rsp+50]
Instantly Complete Daybreak Wave:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(daybreakTimer,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00)


  sub [rcx+000001C8],(float)1
  jmp return

  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

  db F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE7F: 48 83 C4 30              -  add rsp,30
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE83: 5B                       -  pop rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE84: C3                       -  ret 
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE85: F3 0F 10 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rcx+000001C8]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE8D: 0F 57 C9                 -  xorps xmm1,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE90: 48 89 7C 24 40           -  mov [rsp+40],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE95: 33 FF                    -  xor edi,edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE97: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE9A: 0F 86 85 00 00 00        -  jbe StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA0: F3 0F 5C C6              -  subss xmm0,xmm6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4: F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEAC: 40 38 B8 B0 00 00 00     -  cmp [rax+000000B0],dil
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB3: 74 70                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB5: 39 78 40                 -  cmp [rax+40],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB8: 75 05                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AEBF
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBA: 39 78 44                 -  cmp [rax+44],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBD: 74 66                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBF: 48 39 B9 E0 01 00 00     -  cmp [rcx+000001E0],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC6: 75 3B                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF03
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC8: 48 8B 89 10 01 00 00     -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000110]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AECF: 48 8B 40 40              -  mov rax,[rax+40]
Instantly Complete Daybreak Wave (alternative)
Setup your own hotkey to enable the script. It will complete the wave every time you press the hotkey, giving you time to collect the drops, selectively skip waves, etc:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(daybreakTimer,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00)


  sub [rcx+000001C8],(float)1
  jmp return

  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

if syntaxcheck then return end
local memrec = memrec or getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Script Name")

local timer = createTimer()
timer.Interval = 100 -- 1000 milliseconds per second
timer.OnTimer = function(theTimerCallingThisFunction)
  memrec.Active = false -- deactivate the script
  timer.destroy() -- destroy the timer so it doesn't keep running

  db F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE7F: 48 83 C4 30              -  add rsp,30
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE83: 5B                       -  pop rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE84: C3                       -  ret
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE85: F3 0F 10 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rcx+000001C8]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE8D: 0F 57 C9                 -  xorps xmm1,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE90: 48 89 7C 24 40           -  mov [rsp+40],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE95: 33 FF                    -  xor edi,edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE97: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE9A: 0F 86 85 00 00 00        -  jbe StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA0: F3 0F 5C C6              -  subss xmm0,xmm6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4: F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEAC: 40 38 B8 B0 00 00 00     -  cmp [rax+000000B0],dil
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB3: 74 70                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB5: 39 78 40                 -  cmp [rax+40],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB8: 75 05                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AEBF
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBA: 39 78 44                 -  cmp [rax+44],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBD: 74 66                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBF: 48 39 B9 E0 01 00 00     -  cmp [rcx+000001E0],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC6: 75 3B                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF03
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC8: 48 8B 89 10 01 00 00     -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000110]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AECF: 48 8B 40 40              -  mov rax,[rax+40]

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:29 am
by CarlosGFG
Thank you very much for providing us with these cheats

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:41 am
by BSWoolfe
Добрый день. Игра последней версии, сегодняшний апдейт. Вшил ваш код в существующую таблицу - при использовании скрипта на выполнение заданий посредника - краш игры. То ли я что-то не так делаю, то ли скрипт нужно проверять из-за обновления.
Good afternoon. The game is the latest version, today's update. Sewed your code into an existing table - when using the script to perform tasks of the intermediary - crash the game. Either I'm doing something wrong, or the script needs to be checked because of an update.

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:59 pm
by MrAngelus
15.1 PATCH

unlimited health wont activate

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:22 pm
by kelly Murphy
SovietWristwatch.jpg wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:20 pm
Instantly complete ALL active Bounties upon 1 zombie kill:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(instantBounties,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,39 43 08 7D 62)



  cmp [rbx+08],eax
  jmp StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db 39 43 08 7D 62


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4B: 4C 63 76 38              -  movsxd  r14,dword ptr [rsi+38]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4F: 49 C1 E6 04              -  shl r14,04
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F53: 4C 03 F3                 -  add r14,rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F56: 49 3B DE                 -  cmp rbx,r14
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F59: 0F 84 96 00 00 00        -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FF5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F5F: 44 8B BC 24 80 00 00 00  -  mov r15d,[rsp+00000080]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F67: 4C 8B 64 24 78           -  mov r12,[rsp+78]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F6C: 0F 1F 40 00              -  nop [rax+00]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F70: 48 8B 13                 -  mov rdx,[rbx]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F73: 8B 42 78                 -  mov eax,[rdx+78]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76: 39 43 08                 -  cmp [rbx+08],eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F79: 7D 62                    -  jnl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7B: 48 8B 42 10              -  mov rax,[rdx+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7F: 4D 8D 84 24 88 00 00 00  -  lea r8,[r12+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F87: 49 63 48 08              -  movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F8B: 3B 88 90 00 00 00        -  cmp ecx,[rax+00000090]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F91: 7F 47                    -  jg StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F93: 48 8B 80 88 00 00 00     -  mov rax,[rax+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9A: 4C 39 04 C8              -  cmp [rax+rcx*8],r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9E: 75 3A                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA0: 49 8B 4D 08              -  mov rcx,[r13+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA4: 48 89 54 24 28           -  mov [rsp+28],rdx
No Trauma & No Injuries (supplement to Unlimited Health, will prevent instant death from teleporting and Freak zombies)
BEWARE: If you use these two scripts, be sure to ALWAYS activate them BOTH before loading your save or might instantly die when loading in:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(noTrauma,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00)


  cmp [rcx+C4],#391 // filter player/hostile humans
  jne code
  cmp [rcx+43C],#391
  jne code
  //cmp [rcx+1D0],1 // filter player/hostile humans
  //jne code
  //cmp [rcx+1D4],1 // filter player/hostile humans
  //jne code
  mov [rcx+00000474],(float)0
  jmp return

  movss [rcx+00000474],xmm1
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

  db F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C3

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C29F: 48 89 5C 24 70                    -  mov [rsp+70],rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2A4: 0F 29 74 24 50                    -  movaps [rsp+50],xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2A9: 49 8B F8                          -  mov rdi,r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2AC: 48 8B D9                          -  mov rbx,rcx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2AF: 0F 57 F6                          -  xorps xmm6,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B2: 0F 2F CE                          -  comiss xmm1,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B5: 73 03                             -  jae StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C2BA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B7: 0F 28 CE                          -  movaps xmm1,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2BA: 0F 2E 89 74 04 00 00              -  ucomiss xmm1,[rcx+00000474]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C1: 74 73                             -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C336
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C3: F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00           -  movss [rcx+00000474],xmm1
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2CB: 48 81 C1 30 07 00 00              -  add rcx,00000730
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D2: B2 07                             -  mov dl,07
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D4: E8 47 3D FF FF                    -  call StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+210020
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D9: 0F 2E B3 74 04 00 00              -  ucomiss xmm6,[rbx+00000474]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E0: 75 54                             -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C336
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E2: 33 C0                             -  xor eax,eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E4: 48 89 44 24 38                    -  mov [rsp+38],rax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E9: 48 89 44 24 40                    -  mov [rsp+40],rax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2EE: 48 8D 57 40                       -  lea rdx,[rdi+40]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2F2: 48 8D 05 17 55 3D 03              -  lea rax,[StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+35F1810]

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(noInjury,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00)


cmp rax,7
jne code
cmp [rdi+24],#391 // filter player/hostile humans
jne code
mov [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],(float)0
jmp return

  movss [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4

  db F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B2E

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B08: 41 FF 50 10                 -  call qword ptr [r8+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B0C: 4C 8B 06                    -  mov r8,[rsi]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B0F: 8B D3                       -  mov edx,ebx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B11: 48 8B CE                    -  mov rcx,rsi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B14: 0F B6 E8                    -  movzx ebp,al
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B17: 41 FF 50 08                 -  call qword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B1B: 40 80 FD 94                 -  cmp bpl,-6C
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B1F: 73 16                       -  jae StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216B37
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B21: 40 0F B6 C5                 -  movzx eax,bpl
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B25: F3 0F 58 84 87 D0 02 00 00  -  addss xmm0,[rdi+rax*4+000002D0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B2E: F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00  -  movss [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B37: FF C3                       -  inc ebx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B39: 41 3B DE                    -  cmp ebx,r14d
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B3C: 7C C2                       -  jl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216B00
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B3E: 49 83 C7 08                 -  add r15,08
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B42: 4D 3B FD                    -  cmp r15,r13
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B45: 75 9E                       -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216AE5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B47: 4C 8B 74 24 28              -  mov r14,[rsp+28]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B4C: 48 8B 74 24 60              -  mov rsi,[rsp+60]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B51: 48 8B 6C 24 58              -  mov rbp,[rsp+58]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B56: 48 8B 5C 24 50              -  mov rbx,[rsp+50]
Instantly Complete Daybreak Wave:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(daybreakTimer,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00)


  sub [rcx+000001C8],(float)1
  jmp return

  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

  db F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE7F: 48 83 C4 30              -  add rsp,30
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE83: 5B                       -  pop rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE84: C3                       -  ret 
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE85: F3 0F 10 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rcx+000001C8]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE8D: 0F 57 C9                 -  xorps xmm1,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE90: 48 89 7C 24 40           -  mov [rsp+40],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE95: 33 FF                    -  xor edi,edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE97: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE9A: 0F 86 85 00 00 00        -  jbe StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA0: F3 0F 5C C6              -  subss xmm0,xmm6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4: F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEAC: 40 38 B8 B0 00 00 00     -  cmp [rax+000000B0],dil
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB3: 74 70                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB5: 39 78 40                 -  cmp [rax+40],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB8: 75 05                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AEBF
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBA: 39 78 44                 -  cmp [rax+44],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBD: 74 66                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBF: 48 39 B9 E0 01 00 00     -  cmp [rcx+000001E0],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC6: 75 3B                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF03
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC8: 48 8B 89 10 01 00 00     -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000110]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AECF: 48 8B 40 40              -  mov rax,[rax+40]
Instantly Complete Daybreak Wave (alternative)
Setup your own hotkey to enable the script. It will complete the wave every time you press the hotkey, giving you time to collect the drops, selectively skip waves, etc:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(daybreakTimer,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00)


  sub [rcx+000001C8],(float)1
  jmp return

  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3

if syntaxcheck then return end
local memrec = memrec or getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Script Name")

local timer = createTimer()
timer.Interval = 100 -- 1000 milliseconds per second
timer.OnTimer = function(theTimerCallingThisFunction)
  memrec.Active = false -- deactivate the script
  timer.destroy() -- destroy the timer so it doesn't keep running

  db F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE7F: 48 83 C4 30              -  add rsp,30
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE83: 5B                       -  pop rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE84: C3                       -  ret
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE85: F3 0F 10 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss xmm0,[rcx+000001C8]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE8D: 0F 57 C9                 -  xorps xmm1,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE90: 48 89 7C 24 40           -  mov [rsp+40],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE95: 33 FF                    -  xor edi,edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE97: 0F 2F C1                 -  comiss xmm0,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE9A: 0F 86 85 00 00 00        -  jbe StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA0: F3 0F 5C C6              -  subss xmm0,xmm6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4: F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00  -  movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEAC: 40 38 B8 B0 00 00 00     -  cmp [rax+000000B0],dil
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB3: 74 70                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB5: 39 78 40                 -  cmp [rax+40],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB8: 75 05                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AEBF
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBA: 39 78 44                 -  cmp [rax+44],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBD: 74 66                    -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBF: 48 39 B9 E0 01 00 00     -  cmp [rcx+000001E0],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC6: 75 3B                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF03
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC8: 48 8B 89 10 01 00 00     -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000110]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AECF: 48 8B 40 40              -  mov rax,[rax+40]
How do you use these? I tried to insert the alternate Daybreak wave completion script into a <CheatEntry> in the existing table, but the hotkey I defined for it does nothing, and I can't manually enable it by clicking the checkbox either...

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:24 pm
can someone fix the item swap script?

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:48 pm
by MrAngelus
would someone please take a look at the health script

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:47 pm
by SvT
kelly Murphy wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:22 pm
How do you use these? I tried to insert the alternate Daybreak wave completion script into a <CheatEntry> in the existing table, but the hotkey I defined for it does nothing, and I can't manually enable it by clicking the checkbox either...
It's probably because the game got an update the day after I posted this :D
I didn't update yet

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:58 am
by EnterpriseNL
Health/stamina not working, lets wait for a update

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:34 pm
by Slayheim
BSWoolfe wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:49 pm
Slayheim wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:30 pm
This crashed my games like 70% of the time and I don't know which causes it
Well, the problem is DEFINITELY not in the table. The only thing that doesn't work is infinite health and stamina. But this is not the reason for 100% crashes . Look for a problem in the system , in the software, and reinstall the game. And writing " I don 't know what the problem is " and claiming that the reason is in the table is stupid
By "I don't know which causes it", I mean there's a script in the table that causes me to crash which I quote again "I don't know which causes it". I didn't say "I don't know what the problem is", if you go over to their Discord community there's a few problem that other users also experiencing with this table. These are the ones that I found crashed my game :
  • Teleport
  • Unlimited Health/Stamina
Most of the users didn't experience any problems with this table but if you do have the same problems like me, my solution was to switch into Windowed mode for Teleport & use a table I found here initially for Bounty as the Inf HP and Inf Stamina works wonderfully ! :D

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:42 am
by akaza1996
it seem to work perfect accept unlimited health/stamina , won't work with lasted update of state of decay 2 JE 3 days ago. if the unlimited health/stamina won't work then teleport won't work, either. Even it work but still can't teleport cuz survival still die when teleport too much time. Only the save position and tele to position seem to work very well, other option work well too. The unlimited health/stamina from V2 is work well but from V3 and V4 it won't work.

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:20 pm
by Bannedaga1n
Come back JD, we need you!

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 9:38 am
by bloodaxis
He'll be back when he wants to/has time to, it's not like this is his full time job or anything. :D

Re: State of Decay 2 - Windows Store (Legit)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:50 am
by Daddyalsogames
Hello, I was wondering if there is any table that works with the steam version of this game?