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Re: Chronicon [Steam]

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:03 pm
by MaadGamer
Not as impressive as a scripted cheat table, but somewhat reliable pointers I have developed over the last week I am still trying to learn how to create the scripted cheats. Locking the chain kill number at a point just before a special attack has quite impressive results, (99 or 9999 for example).

Most of the pointer values hide when the game is paused (the pause menu where you have access to the game settings, not the item and stats inventory screen).

Steam Game - Version 1.30.02
Value Type: Double
A handful of pointers that work for me
HP and HP Max
MP and MP Max
Burn Damage
Chain Kill total (lock at 99 or 9999 for a cool effect... basically lock it at 1 less than a special effect)
Chain Kill Timer
Skill Points
Mastery Points
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Re: Chronicon [Steam]

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:18 pm
by Toobie
I will give this a try. Does anyone have any resources for how I can learn to do stuff like this? I just purchased fearlessrevolution and I'm in love with the entire of modding a game I'm a fan of to love it even more in my own personal way. For instance I work/school I just don't have the time to grind all day like I did when I first purchased this game. An update would be awesome theres this person I well viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15595. Hopefully updated sometimes soon. Cheers to anyone who reads this.

Re: Chronicon [Steam]

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:58 am
by Toobie
Does anyone have an updated table please?