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Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:41 pm
by lightsaber0
Someone uploaded working stealth cheat for Metro: Last Light on Youtube, [Link]

He was able to achieved it through changes of the coordinates which NPCs use to recognize your position. I am not claiming anything, just want to report that I wasn't able to reproduce exact the same way, but was able to see the similar effect by searching all the same float values of z position after NPCs are engaged to me and then forcing them to a different value. NPCs lost attention and stopped firing at my char. Hope this can be of any help.

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:16 pm
by SunBeam
There is a console CVar that allows disabling AI activity (like ignoring you; don't recall). I'll let you know when I get back home :P

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:16 pm
by bakaraider
I'm sorry is there any way to "ressurrect" dead / leaving party member? is there are some kind of flag to switch on the story progression? I've really bummed that my crew are all killed / leaving me even though i tried my best not to kill & just knock out everybody, there is no visual clue if i'm crossing the line other than just a short glitch on screen while i'm shooting someone, and that's easily miss-able in the heat of battle. I've had played caspian stage two times in a row and from scratch and try my best to just knocking out everyone but still my crew leave me in the end. It's just frustrated me.

If for example we know what address govern the story progression then we can change it so for example we still have all the party member in the beginning of new chapter even though in the previous chapter he / she supposedly died / leaving in the cut scene. Maybe this is more of savegame editing than memory editing?

I think if we have a way to "ressurrect" party member then the game is more enjoyable because you don't have to worry to much about killing the wrong guy, or constantly hiding in fear of spotted and ruin the game. If someone can find a way for this i would really happy and thankful.

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:12 pm
by l0wb1t
MovementBase+13C = Falling Damage

some Kind of AI freeze, may we're on the rigth way.

SOme Kind of Bool:
MetroExodus.exe+16DBC38 if youa dd that to the adresslist anbd channge value to 1 the AI completly freezes

Backtraced it from the LED light

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_FreezeAI,MetroExodus.exe,49 89 E3 55 56 57 41 56 48) // should be unique

  db C3 90 90


  db 49 89 E3


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C0

"MetroExodus.exe"+A419398: 4D 8D BB 58 04 00 00     -  lea r15,[r11+00000458]
"MetroExodus.exe"+A41939F: 21 9E 24 EF 24 01        -  and [rsi+0124EF24],ebx
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193A5: 41 C1 93 58 04 00 00 02  -  rcl [r11+00000458],02
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193AD: 48 8D 64 24 F8           -  lea rsp,[rsp-08]
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193B2: FF E7                    -  jmp rdi
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193B4: E8 66 66 2E 0F           -  call 1596FFA1F
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193B9: 1F                       -  pop ds
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193BA: 84 00                    -  test [rax],al
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193BC: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193BE: 00 00                    -  add [rax],al
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C0: 49 89 E3                 -  mov r11,rsp
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C3: 55                       -  push rbp
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C4: 56                       -  push rsi
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C5: 57                       -  push rdi
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C6: 41 56                    -  push r14
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193C8: 48 81 EC 98 00 00 00     -  sub rsp,00000098
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193CF: 48 8B 02                 -  mov rax,[rdx]
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193D2: 49 89 D6                 -  mov r14,rdx
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193D5: 41 0F 10 40 10           -  movups xmm0,[r8+10]
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193DA: 49 8D 53 10              -  lea rdx,[r11+10]
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193DE: 0F 29 44 24 40           -  movaps [rsp+40],xmm0
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193E3: 4C 89 C6                 -  mov rsi,r8
"MetroExodus.exe"+A4193E6: 49 89 43 10              -  mov [r11+10],rax

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:34 pm
by forkinator
Thanks for the Table. Any way to get noclip working?

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 3:45 am
by l0wb1t
Ok the function I found above has something to do with enemy coordinates. I entered some calls inside this function and found the code that handles enemy's coordinates. Funny. Now teleporting to random enemy's is working, also teleporting all enemy's to last saved position, teleporting a single enemy to last saved position. I also added the rate of fire mod. You can make weapons shooting as fast as you wish. Also added the Freeze AI thing i talked about.
Real No Falling Damage added as well plus some new pointers
I'm Going to upload the updated table later this evening.

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 8:40 am
by SunBeam
Something I pulled from the console :)

Code: Select all

ai::feel_vision off
ai::feel_vision_ex off
ai::graph off
ai::graph::links off
ai::graph::normals off
ai::graph::radius 10.
ai::look_body off
ai::look_head off
ai::path::detail off
ai::path::patrol off
ai::path::vertex off
ai::patrol off
ai::space_restrictions off

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:41 pm
by l0wb1t
Great, now "we" just have to figure out how to execute the cvars

To the dog smell theory

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 1:42 am
by SunBeam
Bbbbbowwwwwmp :D

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 4:11 am
by l0wb1t
Nice, engine based noclip or costum?

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:11 am
by SunBeam
It's this one: viewtopic.php?t=2433 :) Adapted, of course. Big props to mgr.inz.Player for the major kick-ass movement calculation.

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 3:23 pm
by l0wb1t
Alright going to take a look at it when I'm home.

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 5:46 pm
by l0wb1t
SunBeam wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:11 am
It's this one: viewtopic.php?t=2433 :) Adapted, of course. Big props to mgr.inz.Player for the major kick-ass movement calculation.
well, haven't expected it was that easy to open the console, but i can't type anything into it

MetroExodus.exe+AD1EFF - 83 3D 768BAF00 00 - cmp dword ptr [MetroExodus.exe+15CAA7C],00 { (0),0 }
Toggles Benchmark FPS Screen xD

i wonder if typing needs to be enabled seperatly or if its already enabled but i have no focus on the console window, hmmmm xD

MetroExodus.exe+3BE2D9 - 80 3D 34692101 00 - cmp byte ptr [MetroExodus.exe+15D4C14],00 { (0.01),0 }

Pauses the game

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(_GetConsole,MetroExodus.exe,44 0F B6 61 50) // should be unique
mov [_pConsole],rcx
mov byte ptr [rcx+50],1
mov byte ptr [MetroExodus.exe+15D4C14],1
  movzx r12d,byte ptr [rcx+50]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

dd 0


  db 44 0F B6 61 50


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MetroExodus.exe"+1212A484

"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A450: E8 7B 60 9A EE           -  call MetroExodus.exe+AD04D0
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A455: E8 D6 FD 92 EE           -  call MetroExodus.exe+A5A230
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A45A: 48 8B 0D D7 06 4A EF     -  mov rcx,[MetroExodus.exe+15CAB38]
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A461: 0F B6 5D 50              -  movzx ebx,byte ptr [rbp+50]
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A465: 0F 57 C9                 -  xorps xmm1,xmm1
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A468: 8B 05 DA 64 4A EF        -  mov eax,[MetroExodus.exe+15D0948]
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A46E: 0F 57 D2                 -  xorps xmm2,xmm2
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A471: F3 0F 10 1D C7 34 28 EF  -  movss xmm3,[MetroExodus.exe+13AD940]
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A479: 0F 28 C3                 -  movaps xmm0,xmm3
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A47C: F3 0F 10 35 98 33 28 EF  -  movss xmm6,[MetroExodus.exe+13AD81C]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A484: 44 0F B6 61 50           -  movzx r12d,byte ptr [rcx+50]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A489: F3 0F 10 25 F7 30 28 EF  -  movss xmm4,[MetroExodus.exe+13AD588]
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A491: F3 48 0F 2A C8           -  cvtsi2ss xmm1,rax
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A496: 8B 05 B0 64 4A EF        -  mov eax,[MetroExodus.exe+15D094C]
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A49C: F3 48 0F 2A D0           -  cvtsi2ss xmm2,rax
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A4A1: F3 0F 5E C1              -  divss xmm0,xmm1
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A4A5: 0F 28 F8                 -  movaps xmm7,xmm0
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A4A8: F3 0F 59 FE              -  mulss xmm7,xmm6
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A4AC: F3 0F 5E F2              -  divss xmm6,xmm2
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A4B0: 4C 39 79 08              -  cmp [rcx+08],r15
"MetroExodus.exe"+1212A4B4: 74 74                    -  je MetroExodus.exe+1212A52A

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:11 am
by oduska
SunBeam wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:11 am
It's this one: viewtopic.php?t=2433 :) Adapted, of course. Big props to mgr.inz.Player for the major kick-ass movement calculation.
That's awesome! I've been lurking and crossing my fingers hoping noclip would be implemented.

Are you going to share on here or will it be exclusive to fearlessrevolution?

Re: Metro Exodus [CPY] Table+20*Table Update 0.42*

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:43 am
by l0wb1t
oduska wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:11 am

Are you going to share on here or will it be exclusive to fearlessrevolution?
If i re-download the last light again and check what is going on, it shouldn't be so hard adapting that to exodus, since mgr.inz. Player already shared everything we need. Just in case sun ☀ isn't sharing it in the next days.

My personal goal is to get the console flawlessly working. @Sun, i saw you enabled the console in the other metro game. Can you type anything into it? Have you enabled the console in Exodus as well? I feel lost haha.

MetroExodus.exe+F87EBAF - 75 1F - jne MetroExodus.exe+F87EBD0

Check if the game is already running, pathcing this allows multiple instances of the game

MetroExodus.exe+A3E1F6 - 0F84 39010000 - je MetroExodus.exe+A3E335

Check is previous launch was unsuccessfull, patching this and no more annoying message popup when start