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Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:28 am
by realdead_man
{EDIT: I Just re-read what you wrote}

Use a table, not a trainer!

THE "FarCry5 +5.CT " TABLE?

USE the last steam table.

THE 5+5 works for inf money and ammo, for me....but crash prone.

The "steam Farcry5" Table works better, stable for inf money/ammo, no reload.

God, and perks don't work for me.

For perks, search for 4 byte value. Should be 3 values. Set and lock them to 14. PERK UP, and unlock!

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 11:06 am
by Lebynthos
[QUOTE="realdead_man, post: 44880, member: 1603"]

THE 5+5 works for inf money and ammo, for me....but crash prone.

The "steam Farcry5" Table works better, stable for inf money/ammo, no reload.

God, and perks don't work for me.

For perks, search for 4 byte value. Should be 3 values.


[URL='']@realdead_man[/URL] did you try either of these two?

Check these two posts [URL='']Post 560[/URL] and [URL='']Post 565[/URL] on the [URL='']Far Cry 5 Megathread EAC Bypass table compilation[/URL] thread.

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:32 pm
by realdead_man
NOT tried the one(s) dated April 6 yet.

The others did what I wanted. (just money)

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 9:26 pm
by realdead_man

ignore the above post

the tables in " the two posts [URL='']Post 560[/URL] and [URL='']Post 565[/URL] on the [URL='']Far Cry 5 Megathread EAC Bypass table compilation[/URL] thread. "

Are the ones I use

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 10:01 pm
by l0wb1t
[QUOTE="realdead_man, post: 44949, member: 1603"]Jesus.

the tables in " the two posts [URL='']Post 560[/URL] and [URL='']Post 565[/URL] ...."

Are the ones I use[/QUOTE]

Good choice :)

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 12:44 am
by valkyrie743
hey i know this is OT but can someone make a CT or something that can disable the auto save feature. there is an issue with this game whenever it auto saves. it causes a frametime spike to 40MS or higher. i play at 144 hz (fps) and these spikes are annoying. happens every time i pick up ammo. get a pop up (like near a shop or point of interest)

there is a setting in DocumentsMy GamesFar Cry 5 within gamerprofile.xml i changed the value for autosave from "1" to "0" and also set the file to read only and still autosaves.

if anyone can help me figure out how to save this i will be forever grateful :) thanks

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 3:38 am
by dinghow100
I've seen players online have the main character models.

Is that possible?

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 7:29 am
by jonasbeckman
Yeah it's the current online event reward for I think this time you had to play 40 minutes in the arcade lobby for the initial unlock which was some gun (Beretta M9 variant though named differently for licensing reasons.) and then the community total for 1.500.000 minutes unlocked one or two days ago which gives the default deputy outfits as a reward.

Personal challenge is often a weapon skin or similar, community total is often a vehicle or outfit. :)

(Sometimes a simple reskin, sometimes something new.)

There is a [bleep]-ton of weapon data just from using the .fat/.dat unpacker on the new 1.5.0 patch archives for skins, unavailable new weapons (Well, some were in the previous games.) and probably the same for outfits such as the new masks in 1.5.0 itself and also the wearable NPC skins for the sheriff and John Seed I think the guy was named.

(Just about most of the FC3 and FC4 weapon data is in the game but at what state well I can't tell but with the patch having files for anything from new skins for existing guns to the MG42 - FC4 favorite that one. - well they're probably going long term with these weekly challenges.)

EDIT: The arcade time challenge popped up a few weeks ago so I assume Ubi is using it for promotional purposes too besides the in-game kill X with Y or do X Y amount of times, will be interesting to see what the next one will be about and what that will unlock.

(Switches every Tuesday.)

And at least it's not as bad as Assassin's Creed Unity was originally locking the top tier gear behind challenges that took forever and then a bit longer still for the item to be unlocked in general plus the phone app before that was discontinued, glad that's all over with though with how many weapon skin variants and little stat differences there with the existing weapon lineup there's probably a lot that's locked behind these challenges in Far Cry 5 too.

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 12:19 pm
by Manas sharma
Game not starting up

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 6:02 pm
by SunBeam
I'm gonna say that this one time.. so pardon my French.. for all fuckwads attempting to use the bypass on CPY version, don't. It comes with EAC already disabled.

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 1:17 am
by mrwhalerus
Untrusted System file?

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 2:20 pm
by Darkfiberke

Can someone help me with cheatengine? I found the out of bounds timer, but I need some help because I'm new to this... really love to disable the out of bounds timer and explore the map with complete freedom. I can explain how to find the value of the timer, but there seems to be some trickery that prevents it from being changed directly...

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 7:03 pm
by SunBeam
Do post. Will investigate afterwards.

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 10:47 am
by Vitalus
[USER=16737]@sunbeam906[/USER] ,

First, thank you for your hard work in analyzing EAC. I hope you don't mind answering a few questions that I have in regards to your reversing methods?

I read your description on how you managed to create this bypass. Is it possible that you can provide a little more detail on how to begin reversing it? From what I understand with reading, you had an original bypass that patched a few FC_m64.dll bytes. I read the decomposition of the CH trainer as well. I am little confused on certain parts:

1) You mention use of EB FE to create infinite loop. Why do this at all? I am a little confused as to why you need to suspend a thread (that's what it's doing right?) when it seems all the end result is patching one line of assembly.

2) I tried finding these parts of the assembly on my own, by launching Far Cry 5 with x64dbg attached, but there's so much to get through and it seems pretty fruitless to step through every instruction until I get where I want. What methodology did you use to find the parts where EAC is initialized? I tried looking for external calls with the provided feature in x64dbg to no avail. I figured it would do an external call to an eac module somewhere and I could then inspect each instance it does that, but I found nothing.

I am new to reverse engineering methodologies and am having trouble finding things like this for another project I am doing. Understanding your process in how you arrived to the instructions you needed to alter would help me greatly.

Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 12:35 pm
by SunBeam
1) Try to launch the game .exe from a debugger; see what happens. Then try to think where that EB FE bit is important (here's a tip: attaching?).

2) I traced the code manually from game's (DLL) WInMain till the spot after which it crashed. Then figured out why it crashed. As for EAC you could set a breakpoint on LoadLibraryA/W to find out where its DLL is being loaded. Then start tracing from that point onward.

Start with UPX and other light protectors and understand the ASM visually before attempting to "learn" reversing that would only suit your one-time thing or one-time target. I've heard this a lot flaunted around to spot a person who REALLY wants to learn over an impressionist :)

