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Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:54 pm
by TimFun13
FuckCH wrote:
Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:31 am
shortly after this, CH miraculously discovers a method that is better than everyone else's but sure as hell looks like fearlessrevolution's...

So they went from, it's not possible, it's illegal, it's immoral, and worse yet it's made by SB (oh the humanity); to hey we figured it out. I seems like that mind set alone would have stopped them. But I guess when you charge people money just to be able to report bugs, then getting paid is what really counts.

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:18 pm
by MattC95
ShyTwig16 wrote:
Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:54 pm
So they went from, it's not possible, it's illegal, it's immoral, and worse yet it's made by SB (oh the humanity); to hey we figured it out. I seems like that mind set alone would have stopped them. But I guess when you charge people money just to be able to report bugs, then getting paid is what really counts.


Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:38 pm
by samuelhanson
Incidentally, wemods trainer works for me whereas CH does not.

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:17 pm
by SunBeam
I'll post in a bit what their trainer does. It's not as LEGAL as they make it to be. For some reason, PWizard continues to explain what their trainer DOES NOT when neither my method or theirs involves this kind of crap:

Code: Select all




Which of these have I done?

But yea, if you think lying to people has created a ripple effect and when taught my patching does several things it doesn't, it's best to stick to the SCRIPT. Good acting.

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:23 pm
by Draxhax
I'm relatively inexperienced when it comes to reverse engineering stuff, but ... I can tell when a process is modifying files. CH's trainer is actually modifying the FC_m64.dll file. It writes to it after the program is opened, returning the bytes to their original value. When you activate the trainer, it writes two bytes, EB FE, starting at offset 10550632h.

This file modification directly conflicts with their "REQUIRES NO EAC OR OTHER GAME .DLL FILES TO BE MODIFIED WHICH ARE DOING WHO KNOWS WHAT AND SENDING INFO TO WHO KNOWS WHO" statement, making them outright liars. Plus ... I find it hilarious that they try to consider the stuff they do to be legal considering the vast majority of TOS these days state that modifying game memory is against their TOS. Are they living under a rock?


Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:39 pm
by PiouPiou1980
My game won't open now ):

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:40 pm
by Lebynthos
SunBeam wrote:
Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:17 pm
But yea, if you think lying to people has created a ripple effect and when taught my patching does several things it doesn't, it's best to stick to the SCRIPT. Good acting.
Yeah. Every time I see any 'official' CH post I just /smh and laugh. At them. :mrgreen:

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:50 pm
by Lebynthos
Draxhax wrote:
Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:23 pm
Are they living under a rock?

More like under bridges. (Because: Trolls)

Disclaimer: All apologies to any actual under-bridge-dwelling trolls. CH is much worse. :mrgreen:

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:50 pm
by Draxhax
Again, I'm new. So if someone finds that this causes other things not to work, please feel free to provide a better solution.

I threw together a freeze buff timer so that I can always have the Ultimate Hunter buff on me. I haven't noticed any adverse side-effects, but perhaps someone with more experience will find something. I was playing the game for hours last night and so far it seems to be working.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : FarCry5.exe
  Version: 1.2.0
  Date   : 2018-03-29
  Author : draxhax

  Freeze Buff Timer }

AoBScanModule(RealTimer, FC_m64.dll, 76 18 F3 0F 5C C1 0F 2F C2 F3 0F 11 41 64) // should be unique
AoBScanModule(UITimer, FC_m64.dll, 74 5D 66 0F 1F 44 00 00 F3 0F 10 43 08 8B 43 10 F3 0F 5C C6 F3 0F 11 43 08) // should be unique

db EB
db EB


db 76
db 74

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:01 pm
by Draxhax
Here's code for unlimited missiles/flares in a Helicopter.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : FarCry5.exe
  Version: 1.2.0
  Date   : 2018-03-29
  Author : draxhax

  Unlimited Missiles/Flares }

aobscanmodule(MissileLocation,FC_m64.dll,74 04 FF 4C C6 74) // should be unique

db EB


db 74

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:05 pm
by TechnoJacker
For those posting scripts and cheats for the game, I recommend creating a new topic for Far Cry 5 cheats and leave this topic for the bypass only so the cheats don't get drowned out.

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:17 pm
by NumberXer0
Is there any adverse effect to using the original bypass instead of the new one posted? Both work for me, but the new one causes all of my pre-order DLC to disappear from the game. It's there without the bypass and using the original bypass, but it's just..gone..when using the new one. No big deal, I just swapped it back. Only curious if it actually matters or not.

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:00 pm
by david1996
Alright so the bypass and the trainer works perfectly fine but i think i messed up my game by increasing the resistance points because now the mission wont progress for me , it tells me to capture gas/oil truck but lol they dont spawn because i have got 13000/13000 resistance points already :(

Can anyone help me please ..... i want to decrease the resistance points for lieutenant ( john region )
also @sunbeam can you make a gear editor for this game aswell , just like you did with assassins creed origins .

Thank You

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:42 pm
by qweasdzxc17
budabum wrote:
Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:18 am
For Inf. Pistols/Rifle ammo you may leverage this template which can by easily extended with LMG or .50 cal.
Copy/paste into CE table.
Inf. Ammo (Pistols, Rifle, Grenades, Molotov, etc.)

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Inf. Ammo (Pistols, Rifle, Grenades, Molotov, etc.)"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : FarCry®5
  Date   : 2018-03-30
  Author : budabum

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(INJECT,FC_m64.dll,75 0D 8B 57 4C 39 D3 0F 42 D3 29 57 4C 89 D3)



  reassemble(INJECT)   //jne 7FFAB333A14B
  mov edx,[rdi+4C]
  cmp ebx,edx
  cmovb edx,ebx
  //filtered injection
    cmp r12d, B3F8DE3E //Pistols
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB72B88A //Rifle
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB4CB05F //Grenades
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 83021337 //Molotov
    jz short @f
  sub [rdi+4C],edx
  mov ebx,edx
  jmp return

  jmp far newmem //14 bytes jump
  db 90



  db 75 0D 8B 57 4C 39 D3 0F 42 D3 29 57 4C 89 D3



"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA118: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA120: 48 89 5C 24 08           -  mov [rsp+08],rbx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA125: 57                       -  push rdi
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA126: 48 83 EC 20              -  sub rsp,20
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA12A: 48 8B 41 40              -  mov rax,[rcx+40]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA12E: 48 89 CF                 -  mov rdi,rcx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA131: 48 83 C1 40              -  add rcx,40
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA135: 89 D3                    -  mov ebx,edx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA137: FF 50 18                 -  call qword ptr [rax+18]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA13A: 84 C0                    -  test al,al
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA13C: 75 0D                    -  jne FC_m64.dll+AFDA14B
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA13E: 8B 57 4C                 -  mov edx,[rdi+4C]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA141: 39 D3                    -  cmp ebx,edx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA143: 0F 42 D3                 -  cmovb edx,ebx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA146: 29 57 4C                 -  sub [rdi+4C],edx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA149: 89 D3                    -  mov ebx,edx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA14B: 85 DB                    -  test ebx,ebx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA14D: 74 15                    -  je FC_m64.dll+AFDA164
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA14F: 44 8B 47 4C              -  mov r8d,[rdi+4C]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA153: 48 89 F9                 -  mov rcx,rdi
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA156: 4C 8B 0F                 -  mov r9,[rdi]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA159: 41 8D 14 18              -  lea edx,[r8+rbx]
Thanks for this.
Inf. Ammo (Everything)

Code: Select all

{ Game   : FarCry®5
  Date   : 2018-03-30
  Author : budabum

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(InfAmmoBet,FC_m64.dll,75 0D 8B 57 4C 39 D3 0F 42 D3 29 57 4C 89 D3)



  reassemble(InfAmmoBet)   //jne 7FFAB333A14B
  mov edx,[rdi+4C]
  cmp ebx,edx
  cmovb edx,ebx
  //filtered injection
    cmp r12d, B3F8DE3E //Pistols
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB72B88A //Rifle
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB4CB05F //Grenades
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 83021337 //Molotov
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, EC1A4BAB //Explosive Arrow
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, EC18BEA6 //Flame Arrow
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F9885B //Arrow
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F944C4 //Shotgun Shell
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 1B93266E //Shotgun Flame Shell
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB707C3F //Shotgun Slug
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB75CA49 //Sniper .50 Cal
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB75EF64 //Sniper .50 Cal Piercing
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB6FDC2C //Pistol Piercing
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F8942E //Remote Explosive
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F9C0EB //Proximity Explosive
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 8302EC24 //Throwing Knife
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 83037F62 //Bait
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 9AE00408 //Dynamite
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 5BD2B432 //Pipe Bomb
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3FA4191 //Grenade Launcherr
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F97273 //SMG Ammo
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB701FDD //SMG Piercing
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB72E621 //Rifle Piercing
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F959AC //LMG Ammo
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB745A94 //LMG Piercing
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, 7A75CFE2 //Rocket Cluster Ammo
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, DB78B52A //Rocket Flame Cluster Ammo
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3F9A6CB //Rocket Launcher Ammo
    jz short @f
    cmp r12d, B3FA1F5A //Flame Thrower Ammo
    jz short @f
  sub [rdi+4C],edx
  mov ebx,edx
  jmp return

  jmp far infammomem //14 bytes jump
  db 90



  db 75 0D 8B 57 4C 39 D3 0F 42 D3 29 57 4C 89 D3



"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA118: 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00  -  nop [rax+rax+00000000]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA120: 48 89 5C 24 08           -  mov [rsp+08],rbx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA125: 57                       -  push rdi
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA126: 48 83 EC 20              -  sub rsp,20
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA12A: 48 8B 41 40              -  mov rax,[rcx+40]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA12E: 48 89 CF                 -  mov rdi,rcx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA131: 48 83 C1 40              -  add rcx,40
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA135: 89 D3                    -  mov ebx,edx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA137: FF 50 18                 -  call qword ptr [rax+18]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA13A: 84 C0                    -  test al,al
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA13C: 75 0D                    -  jne FC_m64.dll+AFDA14B
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA13E: 8B 57 4C                 -  mov edx,[rdi+4C]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA141: 39 D3                    -  cmp ebx,edx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA143: 0F 42 D3                 -  cmovb edx,ebx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA146: 29 57 4C                 -  sub [rdi+4C],edx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA149: 89 D3                    -  mov ebx,edx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA14B: 85 DB                    -  test ebx,ebx
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA14D: 74 15                    -  je FC_m64.dll+AFDA164
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA14F: 44 8B 47 4C              -  mov r8d,[rdi+4C]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA153: 48 89 F9                 -  mov rcx,rdi
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA156: 4C 8B 0F                 -  mov r9,[rdi]
"FC_m64.dll"+AFDA159: 41 8D 14 18              -  lea edx,[r8+rbx]
This is inefficient, but should work.

EDIT: Okay. seems like it doesn't... i'll leave this here in case anyone wants to take a crack at it.
EDIT2: Why is it crashing though? Too many compares?

Re: Far Cry 5 [Engine:Dunia Engine 2]

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:09 pm
by mflvs
there is already an infinite ammo script that works for all weapons :) incase you werent aware.
i also have added most of the scripts to this topic to keep it cleaner and easier to find