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Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:50 pm
by ndck76
Thanks for link, sharing and for the scripts. Ya, that's one way of finding out the addresses and manual editing it. That's why I didn't made any editors though. Weird though, they lump them all together like that. Especially that ammo value that doesn't makes any sense. :? Could they made the codes this way because it was meant to be on the server's side before or since they just made this available for single player and the codes aren't polish yet.? Only they know.

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:01 am
by acecel
They probably use a "generic array" to host all the game's properties like player's health, mana, player's experience and skill points and so on.
Each item in theses arrays is updated by the exact same method - no matter what the item is -and this is in this code you inject your 2 cheats (inf hp and inf level) for example.

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:58 am
by Memiomy
thought it's unable to change anythign since it's always online???

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:53 am
by ndck76
Memiomy wrote:
Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:58 am
thought it's unable to change anythign since it's always online???
In this new early access version you can now play as a singleplayer.

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:22 pm
by acecel
Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:10 am
this guy have another table "spanish site" [Link]

The guy responded to me and fixed the download link, you can DL it on this link :D

Here is the table "translated" in english, i am not 100% sure of the cheats exact effect, i think the 2 first are the same as we already have but the way he find and dispatch pointers/values is cool, now we can edit all values (hp, mp, xp, sp, ...) easily, at least if the table work, i was not able to test it yet :mrgreen:
The one hit kill is a nice bonus too :D

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
          <Description>"Update Pointers"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ ****************************
  Proceso: Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe
  Fecha: 2020-10-07
  Author: XOREAXMrGamer 
  Canal Youtube:
**************************** }


aobscanmodule(estadisticasdejugar,Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 10 00 48 8B 5C 24 08 C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 40) // should be unique


cmp rdx,54//Se muestra al ser el oro?
jne @f
mov [base_oro],rax
mov [rax],(float)20000//segun el juego el maximo es 20k :)
cmp rdx,57//Se muestra al ser la xp?
jne @f
mov [base_xp],rax
mov [rax],(float)999999//Nivel maximo al matar 1 enemigo :)
cmp rdx,60//Se muestra al ser los puntos de habilidad?
jne @f
mov [base_xp],rax
mov [rax],(float)99//Puntos ilimitados de habilidad :)

  movss xmm0,[rax]
  mov rbx,[rsp+08]
  jmp return
  nop 8
  dq 0
  nop 8
  dq 0
  nop 8
  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db F3 0F 10 00 48 8B 5C 24 08


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E5C

"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E3E: 75 03                    -  jne Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+892E43
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E40: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E43: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E46: 48 8D 41 08              -  lea rax,[rcx+08]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E4A: 48 0F 44 C3              -  cmove rax,rbx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E4E: 48 85 C0                 -  test rax,rax
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E51: 75 09                    -  jne Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+892E5C
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E53: 0F 57 C0                 -  xorps xmm0,xmm0
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E56: 48 8B 5C 24 08           -  mov rbx,[rsp+08]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E5B: C3                       -  ret 
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E5C: F3 0F 10 00              -  movss xmm0,[rax]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E60: 48 8B 5C 24 08           -  mov rbx,[rsp+08]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E65: C3                       -  ret 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E66: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E67: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E68: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E69: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E6A: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E6B: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E6C: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E6D: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+892E6E: CC                       -  int 3 
          <Description>"Gold Max"</Description>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"XP Max"</Description>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"Gold Current"</Description>
          <Description>"XP Current"</Description>
          <Description>"Infinite HP/MP"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ ****************************
  Proceso: Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe
  Fecha: 2020-10-07
  Author: XOREAXMrGamer 
  Canal Youtube:
**************************** }


aobscanmodule(vidamana,Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 10 BB 50 01 00 00) // should be unique


cmp [rbx+18],00004D72//Player y mascota = 1
jne @f
cmp [rbx+1c],(int)1//Vida = 1
jne @f
mov [base_vida],rbx
movss [rbx+00000150],xmm8

cmp [rbx+1c],(int)2//Mana = 2
jne @f
mov [base_mana],rbx
movss [rbx+00000150],xmm8

  movss xmm7,[rbx+00000150]
  jmp return
  nop 8
  dq 0
  nop 8
  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db F3 0F 10 BB 50 01 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115B3

"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+51158C: 44 0F 29 54 24 30           -  movaps [rsp+30],xmm10
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+511592: E8 09 3C 00 00              -  call Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+5151A0
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+511597: 44 0F 28 D8                 -  movaps xmm11,xmm0
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+51159B: 45 0F 2F D9                 -  comiss xmm11,xmm9
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+51159F: 76 0E                       -  jna Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+5115AF
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115A1: 48 8B CB                    -  mov rcx,rbx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115A4: E8 E7 3C 00 00              -  call Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+515290
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115A9: 44 0F 28 D0                 -  movaps xmm10,xmm0
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115AD: EB 04                       -  jmp Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+5115B3
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115AF: 45 0F 28 D0                 -  movaps xmm10,xmm8
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115B3: F3 0F 10 BB 50 01 00 00     -  movss xmm7,[rbx+00000150]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115BB: 0F 2F FE                    -  comiss xmm7,xmm6
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115BE: 73 05                       -  jae Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+5115C5
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115C0: 0F 28 FE                    -  movaps xmm7,xmm6
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115C3: EB 05                       -  jmp Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+5115CA
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115C5: F3 41 0F 5D F8              -  minss xmm7,xmm8
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115CA: 48 8B 03                    -  mov rax,[rbx]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115CD: 48 8B CB                    -  mov rcx,rbx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115D0: FF 90 C0 03 00 00           -  call qword ptr [rax+000003C0]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115D6: F3 0F 5C 83 54 01 00 00     -  subss xmm0,[rbx+00000154]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+5115DE: 44 0F 28 44 24 50           -  movaps xmm8,[rsp+50]
          <Description>"HP Current"</Description>
          <Description>"MP Current"</Description>
          <Description>"HP Max"</Description>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"HP Max"</Description>
          <VariableType>8 Bytes</VariableType>
          <Description>"One Hit Kill"</Description>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ ****************************
  Proceso: Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe
  Fecha: 2020-10-07
  Author: XOREAXMrGamer 
  Canal Youtube:
**************************** }


aobscanmodule(matarrapido,Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 B3 50 01 00 00 E8 BA) // should be unique



  movss [rbx+00000150],xmm6
  cmp rbx,[base_vida]
  je @f
  xorps xmm0,xmm0//Colocamos a 0 el registro FPU xmmo
  movss [rbx+00000150],xmm0//Cuando golpeamos le damos el valor 0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db F3 0F 11 B3 50 01 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA89

"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA57: F3 0F 59 0D 7D CA 2C 02  -  mulss xmm1,[Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+27F94DC]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA5F: F3 0F 2C C1              -  cvttss2si eax,xmm1
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA63: 88 83 A8 01 00 00        -  mov [rbx+000001A8],al
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA69: 48 8B 03                 -  mov rax,[rbx]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA6C: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA6F: FF 90 C0 03 00 00        -  call qword ptr [rax+000003C0]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA75: 0F 2E B3 50 01 00 00     -  ucomiss xmm6,[rbx+00000150]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA7C: F3 0F 11 83 54 01 00 00  -  movss [rbx+00000154],xmm0
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA84: 74 10                    -  je Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+52CA96
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA86: 48 8B CB                 -  mov rcx,rbx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA89: F3 0F 11 B3 50 01 00 00  -  movss [rbx+00000150],xmm6
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA91: E8 BA 5C FF FF           -  call Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe+522750
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA96: 0F 28 74 24 30           -  movaps xmm6,[rsp+30]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CA9B: 0F 28 7C 24 20           -  movaps xmm7,[rsp+20]
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA0: 48 83 C4 40              -  add rsp,40
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA4: 5B                       -  pop rbx
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA5: C3                       -  ret 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA6: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA7: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA8: CC                       -  int 3 
"Frontiers-Win64-Shipping.exe"+52CAA9: CC                       -  int 3 

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:23 am
by ndck76
I have already tested the table above earlier. So far working for me is Infinite Health, One Hit Kill & ammo. Leveling Up for me is only up till Level 27 with 36 skill points out of 70. I wasn't able to go above this anymore. Also, Gold & mana doesn't work as well. It only shows the max gold and level. I wasn't able to change the Gold, mana & level value. It still remain at it is. So basically, the only thing working for me is Infinite Health, OHK & ammo (for archer). OHK is a good addition but an overkill for me. Just buy a Level 60 weapons and armors at the shop and use those relics skills that are fully level up using infinite mana and pulverizing anything in it's path :lol:

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:38 am
by Memiomy
on single play only? or works on multiplayer mode also?

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:06 am
by bloodsucker
ndck76 wrote:
Thu Oct 08, 2020 11:51 pm
bloodsucker wrote:
Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:07 pm
hello Friend
that was quick, I just got the game on the 7th. somehow all cheat except inf health are making enemies untouchable (I mean my hit pass thought enemies ) and turn my character into an invulnerable item (that what show when i get hit).
Try turning this cheat on when enemies are not around before moving to the next section. Or better, activate this cheat at Trevail Point and teleport from there.
well that exactly what I have done and the result is enemies is untouchable

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:22 am
by ndck76
bloodsucker wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:06 am
well that exactly what I have done and the result is enemies is untouchable
Have you tried exiting the game first and turning the cheat off. So when you load your game. You will be at the Trevail point. Turn on the cheat and teleport and move from there. So far I have done this, I have not yet encounter any untouchable enemies.

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:50 am
by bloodsucker
ndck76 wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 3:22 am
bloodsucker wrote:
Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:06 am
well that exactly what I have done and the result is enemies is untouchable
Have you tried exiting the game first and turning the cheat off. So when you load your game. You will be at the Trevail point. Turn on the cheat and teleport and move from there. So far I have done this, I have not yet encounter any untouchable enemies.
Thank my friend, It is a bit tricky to make it work > attach table only after load the save and character are in Trevail point than active the option. If active any sooner the table makes enemies also untouchable.

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:17 am
by ndck76
bloodsucker wrote:
Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:50 am
Thank my friend, It is a bit tricky to make it work > attach table only after load the save and character are in Trevail point than active the option. If active any sooner the table makes enemies also untouchable.
I see. Whichever method works for you as long it works. :)

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:56 pm
by TG1K986
I just made copy past and deleted some lines, so for me it works well now (GodMode and 1hit kill) You can try and tell if it's works for you.

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:26 pm
by boneszz
TG1K986 wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:56 pm
I just made copy past and deleted some lines, so for me it works well now (GodMode and 1hit kill) You can try and tell if it's works for you.
please update as there was a major patch released today. Thanks in advance

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:59 am
by yasengma
update plz. thanks in advance

Re: Torchlight III (Early Access)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:41 am
by ndck76
yasengma wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:59 am
update plz. thanks in advance
Table updated