Although everything is not
native anymore, the UObjects (UFunctions, etc.) got cooked
Even if UE Explorer can't deserialize properly, I was able to find "Console.Open.InputKey" and "Console.Typing.InputKey" UFunctions. Hot-patching the FName_Index in the bytecode allowed me to use the Console without anymore "say"-ing
Since there wasn't any update in effect and everyone has the same files, here's the way to do it:
^ Scan for that as "Array of byte". You'll find 2 occurrences. Change both to:
In case you're wondering WTF we just did.. well, we swapped the FName_Index in the bytecode for the 2 functions so instead of executing "Engine.Console.ShippingConsoleCommand" UFunction (with id 0x6E83), the Console will run "Engine.Console.ConsoleCommand" UFunction (whose id is 0x465F). The base function just runs Console commands; doesn't do any "say"
EDIT: Installing
BioShock Infinite for a quick revisit. Wanna see if the Console is really in or not