After much tediousness the past couple of days I've got a version that should work for all future versions... skills menu may have to be tweaked in the future as the offsets were changed since v53. Also this update has changed the way in which characters are ordered sooo the "generate health list" works for humans/hive first and then robots? Unsure.
For v0.98.55 and beyond!
Health for however many # characters you choose (have to edit script's variable near top)
Skills Menu (open the skills menu for your selected char to properly work)
Instant Research
Research doesn't use up your artifacts
Rightclicking item stack increases the stack's quantity, does not decrease.
Single-input machines fill up instantly upon crafting once
Dual-Input machines do the same
edit: fixed character health address generation by changing iChar*8 to (iChar-1)*8
edit2: fixed the rest of the scripts, here's hopefully a non-crashing and forever-updated version (oh but skills offsets will probably update and need to be changed in the script's table... hmmm must automate)
thanks, but we are missing some skills on the skill list. Heavy Weapons, Blunts, Polearms, melee attack & Defence, Martial Arts, turrets, and crossbows
Modders haven't been able to figure out a way to disable bulk, it's in the game engine. There are a few skills like "Science" and another that negatively affect bulk, just jack those up until your char looks less like a gorilla.