You need to allow the lua code to execute when you load the table. It is a setting in CE.
I think however that these tables are out of date since they have updated the game a few times recently. I currently have limited amount of time to go back and hack/play these games again. Sorry.
Thanks to 4922 and 6712, I've compiled a formatted bunch of descriptions for the inventory editor code. Simply download DrummerIX's table on the first page, go to the 'item id' sub-section of the inventory editor code and right-click on `set/change dropdown menu selections`.
Simply paste the raw text in there, ticking the 'only show description' and 'make the record display values like dropdown list' options, and you'll be able to see (and select) items by in-game name, vs their ID values.
Updated so ingredients/food/accessories/shoes/armour/consumeable health items had the right values. I'd accidentally removed a digit when re-ordering 'em earlier...
Here is the latest version of my Trails in the Sky the 3rd table. I fixed it for the latest version of the game. Recently, I decided to offer my cheat table work for free again since I don't have much time to hack very many games. Enjoy!
Thanks for the table, but it crashes the game as soon as you attach it to the game's process (DX9). If this game has some sort of anti-cheat that I'm supposed to do a workaround for on my end, I must have missed that part.