MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by XDAvenger93 »

I feel some things need context, and some need a bit of a rebuttal so ... with all due respect, here goes, a different perspective.
Csimbi wrote:
Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:53 am
You can already have as much weapons as you want, provided you have 1 to begin with.
I did not even consider the mechs because they all suck - you can't arm either one properly.
Even almighty Atlas and Carb King suck - they became walking metal heaps with no real punch whatsoever.
And it's not just these two - most mechs that used to be forces to be reckoned with are now useless (other than punchbags).

Have you noticed how dumbed down this game is compared to MW4 when it comes to mechs and customizations?
- You can't have variants (they label them as hero mechs and you can't make them)
Changing mech's internal layout is something done in factories and massive manufacturing facilities, not in the bay of a leopard. It barely has the capabilities to repair and refit mechs, but to change their internal structure, ammo feeds and complex actuators and gyros needed to create new variants you need something a lot bigger than a simple dropship. This is perfectly in line with the BT universe and the timeline the game takes place in, and thank god for it, it actualy makes getting a new variant in salvage an experience as opposed to just having each mech be a bland non-descript shape you bolt your favorite laser vomit on. And no, the KC and Atlas aren't weak, I've got both running, even stock they shred through entire lances, add some lost-tech to them (or dual gauss on the KC) and they become absolute beasts. What they don't do, and THANK GOD, is that you can no longer cheese 1-shot alpha strike load-outs onto them like you could with Clan Tech, which is exactly what killed BT back in the day, turning it from a mech simulation game into an arcade "who can shoot first" game.
- there are no omni slots
Once more, thank the heavens. Mechs are actually unique now and their variants mean something. Choosing what weapons go where means something as opposed to omni-mechs that had no character, they were just shapes you bolted 12 ML on and started vomiting 1 shot alphas. There is actually a difference now between bringing an Atlas and bringing a KC in terms of their combat ability.
- there are no mixed slots (like "energy or ballistic", "missile or ballistic")
Eh, I'd be tolerant to those, even though from a design perspective it doesn't make sens to have both the space for a potential ammo-feed and an energy feed to the same spot, now if the ammo feed could take either ballistic or missile ammo, that's fine.
- you can't place multiple smaller items into a large slot (e.g. one small/medium laser fills up a large laser slot; same with ballistic or missile weapons).
Again, this I could see working even in the confines of the timeline and keeping in mind the original spirit of BT. To a degree. The fact is the structure and armor of the mech is designed to allow ONE gun to poke out and fire at once, not several. To allow that goes into chaning the internal and armor layout of a mech, something that creates new variants, something you should absolutely be incapable of doing as a simple merc company with 1 dropship. And just to illustrate the logic behind BT inspired by real world logic here: You could take out the main gun of a M1 Abrams, you'd have a very hard time fitting in several machine-guns to fire out through the small hole left behind once the gun was removed. The only place where it actually makes sense for it to be possible is with missile tubes, since larger launchers are basically smaller ones with extra tubes bolted on.
- most mechs are not jump capable.
God I despised HBS's game for that ... yes, NOT ALL MECHs ARE JUMP CAPABLE, nor should they be. The mechanical stresses of launching a 100 ton steel behemoth into the air, having it land, all while maintaining balance and not collapsing due to uneven terrain are nightmarish. The defining trait of mechs like the Highlander or the Victor was that they, their actuators, gyros and internal structure, everything was designed from the ground up to allow Jet Fueled flight. It made them unique, it was a defining trait of those mechs, it made them special and a different kind of threat compared to other assault mechs, giving birth to the infamous Highlander Burial. To quote a rather famous children's movie, applying here as well as on the omni-pod issue: Once everyone's super, NO ONE IS. If all mechs can sport JJs, JJs become meaningless and entire mechs loose what made them unique.
- I did find a gauss on a mech, and it goes into the AC20 slot as it should - but mechs with AC20 slots suck. Slow, no jump capability and the lack of any other decent weapon slots.
With all that, you can't really customize mechs because you will always have to go for the largest damage instead of the largest range.
And the highest speed vs armour - or else your missions will take forever.
In the end, all you do is chase weapon upgrades which give you a little benefit over the previous version.
That said, there is nothing to look forward in mechs other than armour (in exchange for speed and jump capability - which you won't trade in, so you are stuck with lesser mech that sport more decent weaponry).
You are making a lot of assumptions here about how people play here, but to sum it up: yes, nothing is free, everything has a trade-off. That's how you make choices mean SOMETHING. When you have to consider exactly what you value more, and what you are willing to sacrifice to get it. That's what made Battletech special before the fucking cancer of Clan-Tech was unleashed upon it. You had very limited slots, a very limited weight allowance, and you had specific types of weapons going into specific places. It made customizing your mech actualy make you think, as opposed to what it became later: slap MLs until you fill every omni-slot and fill the rest with DHSs.

And again: making a lot of assumptions of how people play. I'll take an Atlas over a tiny jump capable medium any day of the week to use as my frontline brawler drawing enemy fire while I sit in my Nightstar or Mauler and pick away at priority targets. And I'll value a firing bracket capable mech over a single range specialist any day of the week, because constant damage and the ability to always engage targets is more valuable to the mobile style of lance combat I use than just sitting still at ideal range and alpha-striking constantly. To that end, Assault's and Heavy mechs for the main lance are far more valuable because they offer more varied weapon hardpoints, the extra toughness is a bonus.
So, I just picked up a hero mech with 8x AC2 slots with jump capability for myself, 2 Orions and an Archer for the lancemates, then I hop from hill to hill and snipe mechs (legs and cockpits) while my mates take care of the rubble (turrets, tanks, choppers, whatnot).
I have a Rifleman in stash, too, but it's slow and can't jump, so its uses are very limited.

You know, someone said earlier it's repetitive.
I am at reputation 9. I have to say until this point it was okay, but now it's just a bore.
Go here, hit this, hit that, defend this, defend that.
All for what? A bunch of reputation points because otherwise that bitch won't talk to you.
I'm the commander here, why can't I fire her ass and get someone more capable who can get me results?
Even her voice annoys me.
Eh, not much to say on this topic, to each their own but ...
I'd like to fire the ass of the mechanic, too - he can't customize the mechs I want to? What the heck is he still doing on my ship then?
Explained it above. Even if custom player made variants were a thing, and they were in TT actually, there was a tech level of expertise needed to get them and material base required to make it happen. IIRC the rules, a great house with a famous center of technology and advanced factories could get a new variant of an existing mech ready for testing in a few months, a smaller house with decent industry and some tech centers to call upon would take a year or more, a massive merc company with their own holdings and reputation to call favors with (think Wolf's Dragoons) could also get a new variant in a year or more likely several to get new mech variants in the field, a no-name merc company with one Leopard and not even a single planet to their name just flat-out can't unless they get gifted a variant someone else made for testing. Your mechanic has neither the resources nor the technical know-how to create new mech variants, nor the industrial capacity, and people who have all of these are the noble houses and some rare and powerful merc outfits.
That voice of that Deux Ex guy does not belong to this game, either.
Are there any trials or is there an arena matches even? Those should get me far more reputation points than some stupid mission noone else knows about than the conflicting parties.
Not going to touch on the voice.

Solaris 7 reputation is not the same as mercenary company reputation, as for how contracts "nobody should know about" affect your reputation: LORE TIME! At this point in the timeline, Wolf's Dragoons have founded the Mercenary Review Board (MRB) and basically everyone uses it because it actually has rules and provides a method of gauging not just an outfits effectiveness, but also their reliability and how well they abide by the terms of contracts, while letting the mercenaries have weight in the negotiations to ensure they get proper pay out of the work they put forth. Almost every contracts you take in the game (outside some campaign missions) are done THROUGH the MRB, and the MRB keeps basically a CV of every mercenary outfit, that shows your contract history, the terms negotiated and how well you did the job that was asked. That's why contracts, no matter in what backwater they take place, provide reputation. Because they are done through the MRB, and the MRB rating of a company has more worth than any pilot's personal Solaris 7 record.
The graphics looks like garbage - there must be a filter or something that maxes it so noisy (film grain?) and it can't be disabled. PPC hit effect looks particularly stupid with this grain filter. Disabling FidelityFX Sharpening seems to improve the situation. Now I just have to find a way to disable motion blur and depth of field (the usual INI file tricks do not work).
I've heard people complain about graphics so much but ... I'll just say it: subjective. To me they do the job, and they are detailed enough to provide immersion. I'll take this and stellar gameplay over hyper-realistic graphics plastered over dreadful garbage, the race for graphics is something born out of console pissing wars mentality, and it's eating away far too many resources in modern games. Graphics were more than fine a decade ago.
Lancemate commands are a joke and they are plain stupid on their own.
Lancemates do no use jumpjets as they should - they go around places instead of just jumping over them.
I wouldn't call them stupid, their usage of JJs asside, they're way more competent than lance-mates I've had in MWO that's for a sure, they can at least hold a formation and prioritize targets, and they don't overheat like crazy every 5 seconds. That said, yes, the limited set of commands you can issue is a legit concern. Really wish you had a proper command wheel or some AI profiles you could tweak pre-mission.
Cannot change name or callsigns of lancemates. I want to call them whatever I want.
Speaking on lancemates, I'd like to be able to select a skill they focus on (and hence, prefer those weapons or systems).
Yeah, I'm fine with those.
What good are black markets with no access to them?
Why can't I salvage what I want? (what is this salvage value nonsense, why can't I pick any 4, 10, 20 I want?)
Salvage is shit anyway, it's only for selling it (expect maybe in the first few missions where you have nothing).
You always have access to them. Systems with Black Markets in conflict zones have an actual selection of stuff to buy as opposed to almost completely destroyed mechs if you're lucky and just ammo you find in every other system. Yeah, the black market could use a spruce-up in the quality of items offered, then again, the game does an excellent job keeping technology as rare as it SHOULD be in universe. No more HBS's nonsense of finding several bloody SLDF Royal Guard Atlas mechs in a Black Market store when in reality ALL of them left with Kerensky during Operation Exodus and there shouldn't be ANY left in the IS.

As for the salvage system: hilarious, I've just gotten back from the nth discussion thread about HBS's system being complete crap, that in no universe are a Small Laser, a Gauss Rifle and parts of an Atlas worth the same in terms of salvage like their game portrays it, and no employer would EVER work with these stupid terms. The Salvage share system makes far more sense than what HBS did, it gives proper weight to important tech and to mechs, while making negotiations and salvage itself mean a lot more in terms of decision value and it makes far more coherent sense with the universe. That said: I'm ambivalent on the quality of salvage. Yes, sometimes it could be better, but at the same time, I only really started running into the "sell everything I salvage" problem only in the late-game, where I had decent mechs, decent weapons and sufficient reserves stashed in case of equipment loss to sit comfortable. I imagine if you play the game without ever loosing, with invulnerable mechs so no equipment ever gets damaged or destroyed, then yeah, salvage looses it's value immediately. But that isn't actually the fault of the salvage system is it? Be it cheats or pure skill, if you never loose equipment then of course the salvage system looses value fast because it's meant to provide replacement parts to supplement battlefield damage, and the occasional new toy.
Mission rewards are also shit. You'd expect these almighty houses something truly worthy of recognition to give. No decent mechs so far, one lousy pilot that is just marginally better than the ones I already have and only one LBX10AC and that's all. I don't expect them to give away good stuff all the time, but the tally so far is very underwhelming.
Why oh why would the great houses give you the shiny secret toys they just started deploying when you could easily, as a mercenary, turn your back and go sell them for profit to their rivals? Or just loose them in another battle and have them get salvaged by their rivals? Even if you're on good terms with a house, you're still a mercenary, and not even a big renowned one, you're the average 1 dropshit merc outfit. Giving you lost-tech is in itself BIG at this point in the timeline.
Rare mechs are not rare in any way, they're just in good condition -> misleading.
I wish there was a way to know what the rare weapons on the market in a remote system are - past lvl 13, I don't really need those "rare" weapons anymore, I have stacks of far better ones.
Finding an undamaged mech in and of itself IS a rarity considering most mechs for sale are battlefield salvage. Nothing misleading there from the perspective of a BT nerd. And I can see why knowing what weapons are for sale would be nice, sure communication in universe is expensive and hard (proper live HPG transmissions are something only the Great Houses can afford thanks to Comstar), you could reasonably get an inventory manifest for a few C-bills. As for the not needing them past level 13: for starters, welcome to the end-game, it's about the point salvage started to be less valuable for me as well given that by this point you should have amassed everything you need, this is a natural part of the gameplay curve. But even so, I still occasionally find some cool stuff.
Radar is disfunctional -> there's only line of sight, nothing else. Allies and lancemates do not feed any info on the baddies that are in their line of sight - you are on your own. What sort of teamwork is this?
Provably false. I played missile boats for a while, staying behind terrain and launching volleys. You do absolutely get radar information fed from your lance mates to your battlegrid and to your HUD when you turn towards the enemy pings to fire. The confusion comes from the game simply stating "radar" and expecting you to know that in Battletech, due to technology loss, radar on mechs is directional only at this point in the timeline. But your lance-mates absolutely DO feed info to your system about enemy positions.
No Beagle Probe, no anti-missile defense -> all goodies ripped off from the mechs. Correction: I just got an AMS as a reward for 'Chasing Ghosts" - but it's a weapon and not a subsystem, meaning it requires a specific "AMS slot" on your mech (like the hero Catapult that trades in its missile systems for AMS, lol) and you have to take ammo with you as well. MW4 had laser-based AMS and required none of this nonsense.
Timeline makes EWS systems lost-tech. Outside the Capellan Raven RVN-1X and Raven RVN-3L (salvaged by other houses in extremely small numbers), NOBODY has any EWS or Active Probes running at this point, and once again: mounting these systems takes specialized internal structure design: IE mech variants. You can't just slap them in on ANY mech (screw you HBS). Same deal with AMS systems demanding specialized internal layouts and mech variants designed to carry it. And Laser based AMS does not exist yet in the timeline, it first enters production in 3079 with the Clans, becomes widespread in 3145 in it's Clan form, with the IS variant following a similar timeline of deployment. MW4 takes place POST clan invasion, so of course it has post clan invasion tech available. As for commenting on the Jester, I'd point out the Catapult K2 is a venerable and respected Catapult design that, like the Jester, mounts an all energy load-out to turn the mech into a direct fire sniper. You can absolutely turn the Jester into a K2+AMS by mounting dual PPCs and dual AMS on it and it's a damn fine variant.

This is why omni-tech ruined BT ... variants and mechs meant SOMETHING. Before everyone could mount anything anywhere with no concern and it just magically worked because potato. These kinds of limitations made the game fun and unique.
The little red pips do not disappear immediately from mechs when they are down -> pips stay there until mech collapsed -> waste of time and ammo.
Enemies teleport in (only mechs are dropped, choppers and tanks just appear) -> breaks the game and nullifies any tactical advantage you think you have.
Auto-targeting is largely useless -> if I have no target set, it should either pick up nearest threat or the one in the reticle the moment I am fire at it (not after having it nearly killed).
In my experience the pips only stay in TAG-ed/NARC-ed targets, but even so mech damage is so well modeled it's easy to figure out when something gets cored and the pilot ejects.

Enemy teleportation is a HUGE problem, and though the recent patch made some steps towards fixing it, it still needs a lot of work alongside map design. I'm absolutely with you on this one.

Auto-targeting, I have no clue what you're on about. It always picked up what I was shooting at immediately for me, unless I had specifically locked something previously, lost the lock due to terrain, in which case the game remembers and keeps the lock, instantly re-applying it when you can regain contact with the target via LOS or lance-mate targeting data.
You can't salvage any mech, no matter how careful you snipe the legs and cockpit, the one you want won't be on the list.
On the salvage screen, details of a mech you selected are not shown -> gambling.
The way things work with the hitboxes, it's very easy to THINK you head-shot the mech, but in reality you cored it. Headshots only count IF you hit the cockpit windows as far as I can tell, with the notable exception of the Atlas that has the upper part of the skull-mask counting as a cockpit hit. Hit anything else and it's a CT shot leading to coring. Beyond that, the game has bit of RNG going on. Every mech when incapacitated rolls a dice based on how damaged it is. Unless it was a clean headshot on an intact mech (I've never had one not show), every missing part and every damaged segment of the mech makes the roll more likely to result in the mech being basically FUBAR, only useful as scrap metal. Cored mechs almost always result in this result due to reactor explosion, and with how head-shots work, it's very easy to core a mech while trying to take off the head. Legged mechs generaly do show up, but 2, maybe more destroyed segments can put them beyond the margins of the RNG system into FUBAR territory.
Why do I have to watch the 'exit hangar' sequence every time? Seen it, I am no longer interested in wasting time on that. Just drop me in like enemies are dropped. Seems I ain't the commander after all...
Having to watch the jump ship sequence is also getting boring. There should be a way to skip that. Or better yet, disable it as a whole. For now, I just use two CE hotkeys to speed it up to 8x when at the start and back to 1x when planetside.
I'll take the hangar exist sequence for immersion and because the "Reactor online, sensors online, weapons online" bit is just the quintessence of mech warrior and Battletech to me, but I can see why people want to skip it. There's missions where you start already deployed. And after enduring the slog-fest of HBS's BT, the traveling animations here are divine by comparisons, though yes, I'm with you on having the choice to turn them off.
The starmap shows market availability only within a very limited region. IMHO, it should show it all within the range of one travel (provided you have visited the region before).
Communication in BT is very limited due to Comstar's monopoly on the HPG network, with priority HPG traffic being sold at a premium. Regional HPG traffic is what you're getting on the ship, but I'd be fine with getting more IF you payed the premiums for it and were on Comstar's good boy list (something unlikely given the way the campaign ends).
The limitations in the graphics engine (and the game?) hides objects in the distance - robbing you from the benefits you may have from using long-range weapons. (think >1km; an ER PPC has a range of ~1.5km).
Never had the issue. Radar may not pick up distant targets, but you can eyeball stuff from outside radar range easy, especially mechs. Also the ranges on weapons are misleading, that's max range, not ideal engagement range. Anything beyond ideal range introduces loss of accuracy and damage. Yes, you can fire an ERPPC at 1.5km, but you probably shouldn't. The actual range is shown on the equipment list on the side, the ideal engagement range.
Music - well, the lack thereof. There seems to be just one track and it is very far behind the MW2 quality.
Nothing really seems to have an "oomph". I have a sub-woofer and I'd expect it to shake the ground with my own footsteps, from mechs nearby, cannon fire, chassis hits, etc. But. Nothing.
The soundtrack is fantastic, with music that channels old school RTS soundtracks in it from the glory days of 90s Red Alert and C&C. The sound balance is off though, with the music easily drowned out by weapon effects, speaking of which: dunno how it deal with sub-woofers, but on headphones the oomph is right there, from echoing heavy footfalls when walking to the roar of cannons (especially burst ones) and the thunder of PPCs in combat. The Anihilator also has a kick-ass reload sound when all 4 ACs on it reload, reminds of a Pak 40.
You can't destroy and knock down buildings. Only small warehouse and objects. I*'d very much enjoy burying enemy units under buildings from afar so my lancemates could get up close and pick them out one by one.
Some of these objects have a very specific collapse animation, which often times looks really awkward considering physics.
There is no way to do contracts for free. It should be possible and result in more reputation gain (and bring a higher alignment shift as well).
There is no way to save and recall custom mech paints. You just have to go the painful process every time. Sure, you can copy-paste colour codes but those don't stick unless you hit Enter.
There is no way to save and recall mech builds, either, you have to go and equip each and every mech, every time.
There should be a way to share mech builds and mech paints with friends - via some sort of export/import function.
Mislabeled and disfunctional controls. For example, the controls you set are not in use in the hangar even thought the computer says "enter", I have to hit 'e'. In the mech, to activate stuff, it's the same deal, just the other way around. v1.0.185 makes this somewhat better: E can now be remapped to Enter but the WSAD keys are still hardcoded in the hangar, it seems.
With ya on all of those.
Why can't I shoot down enemy dropships? (They seem to be invulnerable.)
Generally speaking: leopards are above what a mech can sport in terms of guns to damage it. Indeed, if it wasn't for still in use de facto Ares convention regulations, Leopards could strafe entire lances out of existence with ease. But yes, Leopard dropships are something extremely hard for a mech to take down, they were a boss battle for a reason in previous MW games. And anything above a Leopard is something you need more than 1 lance to even begin having a hope of damaging it.
On the market, there should be an 'All' button to set the number to trade to the max. available (whole stack).
No night missions? Light amplification? Correction: lvl13 now and I got my first night mission. Light amplification seems to have been replaced with night vision however.
No missions in urban areas?
With ya on those too, and urban missions would be a blast, but even HBS's game only added them in later.
Fahad, the hotshot mechanic says the NightStrike is fast mech when in fact, it's top speed is only ~49km/h. Some information he dug up, lol. I wish it were jump capable - at least, based on the 'J' in its designation, I thought it would be. Would have made an excellent sniper mech. Cold storage it is.
There is far more to a mech's speed than top engine speed. Torso twist angles, torso twist speed, arm twist angles and speed, acceleration, deceleration and turn speed. The Nightstar is far above what other assaults offer in terms of all of those, it's arms spin farther and faster, so does it's torso, it makes target acquisition a breeze compared to a lumbering behemoth like the KC. And it sports better arm convergence to boot, both Gauss shots will land in the same spot, as opposed to side-by-side with the KC. it is an excellent sniper mech in a heavy/assault lance, but if you value JJs and high speeds above everything else, then you'll probably not use it. And generally speaking: J was never a designation for "jump jets" in terms of mech ID codes. A case can be made for Kurita variants using K and Federated Suns variants using a T, but that's about it. Outside of that it's simple number+letter iterative, with the rule of "it sounds cool" being the de facto one used.
It does feel like an action game for sure, but it is a washed down version of what a mechwarrior game should be, with new restrictions that do not seem to serve any purpose other than prolonging the game.
So, I am beginning to agree with people who are upset with this game.
One can only hope that there will either be official modding support or hardcore fans will make it moddable and then, it could be given all the serious fixes it needs.
The fact all those restrictions you complain about are EXACTLY the simulation heavy aspects that made the original Battletech experience such a joy to play on the TT, serving not to artificially prolong the game, but to give uniqueness and character to each and every mech and variant in a way omni-mechs never had it and post-Clan power-creep destroyed utterly alongside the balance and tactical nature of the game, devolving everything into the equivalent of a CS awp map where one shot alpha-strikes were the only strategy is immaterial I suppose. To some at least. I love me some MW4, but the fact it had the atrocities that were clan tech and omni-pods made IT the washed down version of what a MW game should be. This is MW. This is what BT was in it's glory days. Hard choices, hard limitation that define gameplay and force adaptation and strategy. Variants that were more than a meaningless code you slapped behind the name of your mech. Mechs that had character and uniqueness as opposed to the flying circus of HBS's game or the non-descript mush of laser vomit and power-creep clan tech ushered in it's wake.

I do hope mods come. Not to add in atrocious garbage that belongs in the dustbin of history like omni-mechs and clan-tech, but to fix the legitimate problems the game actually has and expand the merc company management aspect with the ability to deploy more lances, get more dropships, more RPG elements for pilots and of course, sprinkle in timeline appropriate techs and variants. There will be modding support, though they are apparently waiting for the vaunted EGS equivalent of steam workshop to launch next year ... yeah as if. Mods will probably come when the workshop is out on steam or probably on the nexus when they finally release the tools when their lords and pimps at EGS release the inevitable broken and non-functional attempt at a workshop function for their garbage store-front.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by demorest »

OMG, MEchwarFunboy detected....

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by Ashar »

what has that giant wall of text got to with with anything on this site, its neither helpful or related to tables and/or cheats.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by Csimbi »

XDAvenger93 wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 1:31 pm
I feel some things need context, and some need a bit of a rebuttal so ... with all due respect, here goes, a different perspective.
You make some great points there. Different, but great.
I know BattleTech from MW2, MW3 MW4 - and now, MW5.
I don't read much books or history about it so I won't pretend I know the BattleTech universe and what MW5 based on that should be.
I just know what mech simulation in MW2, MW3 and MW4 felt like.
Sure, they might not even be historically correct - like HBS's TC - but I could build the mechs I wanted, the perfect one for every mission.
For example, I have a distinct recollection of a specific mission in MW2, where you were all alone with a small tonnage limit and you had get through the defenders, blow a generator in base (in a cave) and make it out to the minimum safe distance in time. I kept failing and failing when I finally took the lightest mech, took off all armour and equipment, I put the biggest engine in it and just one laser. Man, that mech was going with >400 speeds so I just ran in, blow the generator and ran out, noone ever having change at shooting at me. Sure, it was not realistic at all, but it was tons of fun - we've been laughing with friends how simple and fun the solution was - and I still remember it. But I don't even remember what these MW5 missions were anymore (and it was only a few days!). All I remember is the intro and the end, everything in between is a blur: I just built one decent mech and I kept upgrading its weapons, go in shoot this, shoot that, done. Or defend.
So, I wrote that list becauses I think it would make it a far better mech experience. Not a real, authentic BattleTech experience, but definitely fun.
We allagree that the base game needs to be fixed.
And I hope while the devs are are doing that, they will accommodate some of these things - so modders could easily add omni or whatever slots they wanted, including active probes and multiple smaller weapons into a single, bit slot.
I don't mind if these come a year later as DLCs. We've been waiting, what, 20 years for the next mech game. What's another 1 or 2?
BTW, I did fly around the timeline of the clan wars. Nothing happens, as expected. All missions sit there, waiting for you, frozen for eternity. That said, I am not sure what's the point of keeping track of a timeline in the game at all.
Ashar wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:15 pm
what has that giant wall of text got to with with anything on this site, its neither helpful or related to tables and/or cheats.
He's responding to the list off issues I captured earlier here.
It's a highly anticipated title and everyone has a different expectation.
Some want great action (which I think this game delivers well).
Some want old-school mech sim (which I think it's not).
Some want an even more authentic BattleTech universe (which it seems is not there, either).
Yes, it is not the best place to have this discussion, but I didn't feel like signing up a different forums to voice my concerns. I kinda hope that some people feel the same and they'll make these suggestions to the devs.
That's all.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by baubaum »

What do people have against the voice actor from Deus EX ? He's an actor! it's normal to hear him in different games. You don't complain when Arnold plays in different movies do you? Grow up already!
Last edited by baubaum on Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by gideon25 »

MANY of the gameplay concerns by Csimbi can be fixed by MODS. I checked out an unpacker and script and unpacked the .pak file just to look around. Yes,all the uasset files are encrypted and can't be unpacked until the developer releases the toolkit which it says it will soon (Maybe in a few months). There are folders for each mech and each has specific loadout files. Also, there are ini folders in the .pak file that have fine control over all kinds of graphics settings. It could be quite interesting if a decent MOD community were created. Then, add some more patches from the developer and perhaps a few DLCs to add more mechs and clan stuff. Could turn out to be quite amazing..gonna take some time assuming the developer does the right thing though.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by Van Dam Man »

Csimbi wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 11:18 am
Darkedone02 wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 6:00 am
we REALLY need a rep multiplier. I'm now at the point where I am rank 8, and getting to rank 9 is going to cost 5K rep, and their only certain high dif missions that gives 900-ish rep.
8 to 9 and 9 to 10 was the hardest grind I think. After that, it was not that bad.
Do the yellow quests with the highest available level (i.e. do not even bother with level 7 yellows when you are level 9).
The yellow quests are unique for the most part, so they are not as boring as the repetitive ones.
Van Dam Man wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:58 am
What we really need is a faction rep pointer or multiplier. Kurita hates me.
I'm not sure how much randomness there is in the game, but near the end I got quite a few high value quests from them to bring it up to slightly positive.
I am not sure why do you care though. You are a freelancer merc. If they don't like the things you do to them, they should hire you and pay more than their competitors.
I'm kind of a Kurita fanboy :oops:

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by Csimbi »

baubaum wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:28 pm
What fo people have against the voice actor from Deus EX ? He's an actor! it's normal to hear him in different games. You don't complain when Arnold plays in different movies do you? Grow up already!
I don't have anything against his voice. It's a good one, I like it.
But I don't think his voice fits this game (well, his role in this game).
He would be kick-ass as a pilot probably.
gideon25 wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2019 6:28 pm
It could be quite interesting if a decent MOD community were created.
There's already one on Nexus. ModDB is the de-facto home of MW4 mods, there is still activity there.
I'm thinking modders are already working on things, but they need time to do their magic.
The modding tools, would most certainly accelerate things.
But would you really want that while patches and DLCs are still arriving?
It would be quite a management nightmare from a modder's perspective to keep everything updated all the time for different patch and DLC combinations.
Yes, I am eager to see some mods already, but not at the cost of quality or the modders burning out.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by Dropskiler »

Mod tools are supposedly coming before new year...and moding community is currently working on save editor.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by gideon25 »

Here is a convenience option:

No Limit Travel (Travel Anywhere). You can travel from one side of the galaxy to another in one jump. Csimbi can add it to his table if he wants. Or you can just open the ct file and copy and paste the script into it.
No limit Travel (travel anywhere in one jump). Made on v1.0.185
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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by Darkedone02 »

One thing I wish for alot is just an item editor, I wish to take some tier 1's and turn them to tier 4's if possible.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by gideon25 »

Darkedone02 wrote:
Fri Dec 20, 2019 6:59 am
One thing I wish for alot is just an item editor, I wish to take some tier 1's and turn them to tier 4's if possible.
Edit: Deleting the hex edit info. Use the save editor at Nexus Mods: ... escription
Last edited by gideon25 on Sun Dec 29, 2019 9:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by inakicoaz »

Is there some sort of god mode for my allies? (at least for my lance)
Or any plan for it?

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by baubaum »

fearlessrevolution's trainer has a god mode.

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Re: MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

Post by jerikocross31 »

could i get a pic or somesuch for the item level i did what said but they not show up in game at all

nvm it was looking at my bak up save instead one i modified

lookin at the skill editor mine is kinda set up wierd so i guess i will just have to wing it unless sum1 better at this points me right direction

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