Cheat Engine 7.0 required!
- finished the CheatManager constructor
- added a script to disable 'god' reset on various events (described here)
How to:
1) Run the 2 steps below (from 'First Release' section). You will need the Console created to be able to make use of it. You can also use Frans' Universal Unlocker, no problem in doing that.
2) Run Cheat Engine, target 'starwarsjedifallenorder.exe' process and load the table up.
3) Activate the [ Enable ] script first, then activate the other two ones as you please:
- StaticCreate CheatManager
will create the CheatManager UObject tied to your SwPlayerCharacter; you can now use 'god', 'toggledebugcamera' or 'teleport' (and perhaps many others) commands
- Prevent 'god' disable
the script will hook the location in the engine where the bCanBeDamaged bool is reset by the various events I've listed in the post here; you will need the CheatManager UObject created so you can run the 'god' command; using this script without the one above is useless!
- Clear Console
the script just clears up the Console output, just in case you find it overcrowded with bloated stuff
Supporting video with commentary (I recommend watching it, as you may learn a thing or two; yeah, it's 40min long, so don't whine):
Note that using stock 'god' with the prevent script above will disable the parrying ability. It still works to right-click, though there won't be any contact with the AI.
[ 15 Nov 2019 - First Release ]
Game Name: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Game Vendor: Steam
Game Version: 4.21-CL-0 (use gamever command in the console)
Game Process: starwarsjedifallenorder.exe
Game File Version: (which is the UE4 engine version)
Hi folks,
Finally gotten to post something about this game. Been at it for a bit, mainly in the sense of trying to devise a method that would allow me to port all the mapping I've done in x64dbg (function names, variables, etc. - UE4-related) across updates. Still at it, not happy with the methods I thought of or code required to build this shit up, but I'm getting there.
Attached is the dumper and console enabler (you might already have this shit via Otis_Inf's Universal Console Unlocker). Same drill:
1) Run the game and get to main menu.
2) Run 'IGCSInjector.exe'. You can close it when asked.
3) Takes 3-4 seconds for the DLL to find the stuff and StaticCreate the Console UObject and dump Names/Objects to disk in the Win64 folder (e.g.: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Binaries\Win64)
Also an incipient table. Doesn't come with much but some helpers and some attempts of mine to restore fly/ghost/walk functionality. The script does work, though the CharacterComponent used for the Hero player is not linked to the default UE4 behavior (CharacterMovementTick function doesn't run by default, thus the collision and Z-movement won't happen). Make the most use of it, what can I say..
Other Info:
The version of the engine used to build this game is 4.21, what's also been used in The Outer Worlds:
Code: Select all
000000014D7B4378 | 09D8 | OR EAX,EBX |
000000014D7B437A | 48:8B5C24 20 | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+20] |
000000014D7B437F | 48:8935 6A39FBF5 | MOV QWORD PTR DS:[143767CF0],RSI |
000000014D7B4386 | 8935 7039FBF5 | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[143767CFC],ESI |
000000014D7B438C | C705 4A39FBF5 04001500 | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[143767CE0],150004 |
000000014D7B4396 | 66:8935 4739FBF5 | MOV WORD PTR DS:[143767CE4],SI |
000000014D7B439D | 8905 4539FBF5 | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[143767CE8],EAX |
000000014D7B43A3 | 893D 4F39FBF5 | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[143767CF8],EDI |
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1