Granblue Fantasy: Relink need helping finding the Session ID in memory

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Granblue Fantasy: Relink need helping finding the Session ID in memory

Post by brunolm »

To create a game where others can join you have to create a session. When you create a session, a code is generated and displayed as `#### #### #### ####` where `#` is hex numbers.

There's an option in-game to show/hide the information, which makes the string swap to `**** **** **** ****` instead.

It's easy to find the string as it's very unique, however, every time I restart the game the address changes. And the value I'm finding is only the display value, if it's hidden, I cannot find the session id.

My end goal is to find the session id in memory without having to talk to the NPC so I can display it to the user and allow them to copy & paste the code without the need to use OCR.

Relevant findings:

Code that swaps between `****` and `####`

Code that calls the swap function

String display memory

Any ideas on how I can find the session code before it's displayed? How is it stored in memory? Concatenated? Different format? Can I find it every time the game restarts?

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Re: Granblue Fantasy: Relink need helping finding the Session ID in memory

Post by brunolm »

I managed to get a pointer


But this only shows the value if I talk to the NPC and unhide the info. I wish I could get the value that's stored somewhere else.

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