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[Lua] Transparency of CE via slider

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:30 pm
by LeFiXER
This snippet creates a form and allows the user to set the transparency value in percentage, based on the slider position. It also shows how to create and set components and their options programmatically.

Code: Select all

if tSettings then tSettings.destroy() tSettings = nil end
if not tSettings then
   local ce = getMainForm()
   tSettings = CreateForm()
   tSettings.Caption = 'Transparency settings'
   tSettings.BorderStyle = bsToolwindow
   tSettings.Width = ce.Width
   tSettings.Height = 100
   tSettings.Left = ce.Left + 5
   tSettings.Top = ce.Top + (ce.Height + ((tSettings.Height / 2) - 15))

   local tb = createTrackBar(tSettings)
         tb.Height = 25
         tb.Width = tSettings.Width
         tb.Align = alTop
         tb.ShowSelRange = false
         tb.TickStyle = "tsNone"
         tb.Min = 1
         tb.Max = 255
         tb.Position = 255

   tSettings.Height = tb.Height
   tb.OnChange = function()
                 local ce = getMainForm()
                 --local le = getLuaEngine()
                 local perc = ((tb.Position/255) * 100)
                 tSettings.Caption = ('Currently set to: %.f%% transparency'):format(perc)
                 --le.AlphaBlend = true
                 --le.AlphaBlendValue = tb.Position
                 ce.AlphaBlend = true
                 ce.AlphaBlendValue = tb.Position

   tSettings.OnClose = function()
                       local ce = getMainForm()
                       --local le = getLuaEngine()
                       ce.AlphaBlend = false
                       --le.AlphaBlend = false
                       tSettings = nil
Can be used for the Lua Engine form also, just decomment the appropriate lines.

I hope someone finds this useful :) and as always, if you like it then please show your support by rating this post.