[REQ]The Universim BETA

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA v43

Post by fantomas »

Guanfei wrote:
Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:58 pm
Ah well, guess that settles it. Thanks for your help tho, even if the result wasn't what we all expected ^^
I'm pretty surprised as well. :( I think leave these options enabled for such a game would be a good idea.

-- Edit 08/24/2020 --

Note from the latest update release:
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed: Sometimes when you would receive an error in the game, it might affect your Nugget panel and show different debug panels which were not working properly and they would further break the game.

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA v43

Post by fantomas »

Code: Select all

Minor fixes to support the game update v0.0.43.33052
Debug Menu no longer working!!!
Added some extra scripts

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA v43

Post by ramonchk »

fantomas wrote:
Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:08 am
@ramonchk, @Guanfei

The key combination is still working perfectly, they just changed the code. In the previous version(s), I used to 'ret' the whole 'Game.UI:DebugPowers:ShouldOpenDebugMenu' function to toggle the debug menu with the same key combination.

Code: Select all


  push ebp
In the v43, that function's code changed, so you have to break and trace that instruction, like showed up on these screenshots.
Right click + Break and trace instructions
Now in the game, press the key combination and it will break the game and trace the instruction. Once it's done (it will take ~5 sec), you should have something like this:
This is what it should look like once nop'd
Now go back in the game and press the key combination
Enjoy! ;)
broooo! U r amazing! This past week, I have studied much on these things like the trace and other features present on CE, your answer is going to help me a lot! thanks a lot!

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA v43

Post by fantomas »

ramonchk wrote:
Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:47 pm
broooo! U r amazing! This past week, I have studied much on these things like the trace and other features present on CE, your answer is going to help me a lot! thanks a lot!
:) Thank you but unfortunately you'll be disappointed. Since that day, I haven't been able, for some unknown reason(s), to reproduce this ... like the others, the key combination wouldn't work. I also reported in my previous post that these options no longer work, the devs removed the most of them from the game. But there are a few left, I've added them as 'Extra' in my latest table.

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA v43

Post by aleedinver »

fantomas wrote:
Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:38 am
ramonchk wrote:
Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:47 pm
broooo! U r amazing! This past week, I have studied much on these things like the trace and other features present on CE, your answer is going to help me a lot! thanks a lot!
:) Thank you but unfortunately you'll be disappointed. Since that day, I haven't been able, for some unknown reason(s), to reproduce this ... like the others, the key combination wouldn't work. I also reported in my previous post that these options no longer work, the devs removed the most of them from the game. But there are a few left, I've added them as 'Extra' in my latest table.
Thanks... in fact I was using the last table I found and for what I needed it was enough...

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by Pongozila »

Contibuting with a few Nugget goods:

*Everyone Believes
*No infections
*No Injuries
*Education to all

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Nuggets specials"</Description>
      <Options moHideChildren="1"/>
      <LastState Value="" Activated="1" RealAddress="00000000"/>
          <Description>"Everyone Believes"</Description>
          <LastState Activated="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : The Universim.exe
  Date   : 2020-09-07
  Author : pongo

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscan(believe,0F B6 80 98 03 00 00 85 C0 74) // should be unique
alloc(newmem,$1000,Game.Faith:FaithController:UpdateBelieversCount+8a )


mov BYTE [rax+00000398],1

  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+00000398]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 0F B6 80 98 03 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Game.Faith:FaithController:UpdateBelieversCount+8a 

1C0B57D19E1: 48 8B C8                       -  mov rcx,rax
1C0B57D19E4: 83 38 00                       -  cmp dword ptr [rax],00
1C0B57D19E7: 48 8D AD 00 00 00 00           -  lea rbp,[rbp+00000000]
1C0B57D19EE: 49 BB 20 54 63 AF C0 01 00 00  -  mov r11,000001C0AF635420
1C0B57D19F8: 41 FF D3                       -  call r11
1C0B57D19FB: EB 27                          -  jmp 1C0B57D1A24
1C0B57D19FD: 66 66 90                       -  nop 3
1C0B57D1A00: 48 8B 45 D8                    -  mov rax,[rbp-28]
1C0B57D1A04: 48 8B C8                       -  mov rcx,rax
1C0B57D1A07: 83 39 00                       -  cmp dword ptr [rcx],00
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
1C0B57D1A0A: 0F B6 80 98 03 00 00           -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+00000398]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
1C0B57D1A11: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
1C0B57D1A13: 74 0F                          -  je 1C0B57D1A24
1C0B57D1A15: 48 63 86 80 00 00 00           -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rsi+00000080]
1C0B57D1A1C: FF C0                          -  inc eax
1C0B57D1A1E: 89 86 80 00 00 00              -  mov [rsi+00000080],eax
1C0B57D1A24: 48 8B CD                       -  mov rcx,rbp
1C0B57D1A27: 48 83 C1 C8                    -  add rcx,-38
1C0B57D1A2B: 49 BA 90 E6 4E 98 C2 01 00 00  -  mov r10,000001C2984EE690
1C0B57D1A35: 90                             -  nop 
1C0B57D1A36: 49 BB 50 55 63 AF C0 01 00 00  -  mov r11,000001C0AF635550
          <Description>"No infections"</Description>
          <LastState Activated="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : The Universim.exe
  Date   : 2020-09-07
  Author : pongo

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscan(infect,0F B6 86 CD 00 00 00 85 C0 0F) // should be unique
alloc(newmem,$1000,Game.Actors.Pawns:PawnActor:get_IsBleeding+b )


mov BYTE [rsi+000000CD],0

  movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+000000CD]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 0F B6 86 CD 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Game.Actors.Pawns:PawnActor:get_IsBleeding+b 

1C094C7D172: E6 E6                          -  out -1A,al
1C094C7D174: 87 C1                          -  xchg ecx,eax
1C094C7D176: 01 00                          -  add [rax],eax
1C094C7D178: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
1C094C7D17A: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
1C094C7D17C: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
1C094C7D17E: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
1C094C7D180: 48 83 EC 18                    -  sub rsp,18
1C094C7D184: 48 89 34 24                    -  mov [rsp],rsi
1C094C7D188: 48 8B F1                       -  mov rsi,rcx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
1C094C7D18B: 0F B6 86 CD 00 00 00           -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rsi+000000CD]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
1C094C7D192: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
1C094C7D194: 0F 84 5B 00 00 00              -  je 1C094C7D1F5
1C094C7D19A: 48 8B 46 38                    -  mov rax,[rsi+38]
1C094C7D19E: 48 8B C8                       -  mov rcx,rax
1C094C7D1A1: 83 39 00                       -  cmp dword ptr [rcx],00
1C094C7D1A4: F3 0F 10 40 30                 -  movss xmm0,[rax+30]
1C094C7D1A9: F3 0F 5A C0                    -  cvtss2sd xmm0,xmm0
1C094C7D1AD: F2 0F 5A E8                    -  cvtsd2ss xmm5,xmm0
1C094C7D1B1: F3 0F 11 6C 24 08              -  movss [rsp+08],xmm5
1C094C7D1B7: F3 0F 10 44 24 08              -  movss xmm0,[rsp+08]
          <Description>"No injures"</Description>
          <LastState Activated="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : The Universim.exe
  Date   : 2020-09-07
  Author : pongo

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscan(injure,0F B6 80 CC 00 00 00 85 C0 0F 84 DA) // should be unique
alloc(newmem,$1000,Game.Displays.Pawns:CitizenDisplay:UpdateStatusIcons+9d8 )


mov BYTE [rax+000000CC],0

  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+000000CC]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 0F B6 80 CC 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Game.Displays.Pawns:CitizenDisplay:UpdateStatusIcons+9d8 

1C0ADE35A67: 48 8B C8                          -  mov rcx,rax
1C0ADE35A6A: BA 74 00 00 00                    -  mov edx,00000074
1C0ADE35A6F: 83 38 00                          -  cmp dword ptr [rax],00
1C0ADE35A72: 48 8D 6D 00                       -  lea rbp,[rbp+00]
1C0ADE35A76: 49 BB B9 77 9C 9C C0 01 00 00     -  mov r11,000001C09C9C77B9
1C0ADE35A80: 41 FF D3                          -  call r11
1C0ADE35A83: 48 C7 86 20 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  -  mov qword ptr [rsi+00000120],00000000
1C0ADE35A8E: 48 8B 46 20                       -  mov rax,[rsi+20]
1C0ADE35A92: 48 8B C8                          -  mov rcx,rax
1C0ADE35A95: 83 39 00                          -  cmp dword ptr [rcx],00
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
1C0ADE35A98: 0F B6 80 CC 00 00 00              -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+000000CC]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
1C0ADE35A9F: 85 C0                             -  test eax,eax
1C0ADE35AA1: 0F 84 DA 00 00 00                 -  je 1C0ADE35B81
1C0ADE35AA7: 48 8B 8E 00 01 00 00              -  mov rcx,[rsi+00000100]
1C0ADE35AAE: 33 D2                             -  xor edx,edx
1C0ADE35AB0: 48 8D 64 24 00                    -  lea rsp,[rsp+00]
1C0ADE35AB5: 90                                -  nop 
1C0ADE35AB6: 49 BB D0 CB F1 83 C0 01 00 00     -  mov r11,000001C083F1CBD0
1C0ADE35AC0: 41 FF D3                          -  call r11
1C0ADE35AC3: 85 C0                             -  test eax,eax
1C0ADE35AC5: 0F 84 B6 00 00 00                 -  je 1C0ADE35B81
          <Description>"Education to All"</Description>
          <LastState Activated="1"/>
          <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
          <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : The Universim.exe
  Date   : 2020-09-07
  Author : pongo

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscan(educa,48 63 80 7C 03 00 00 48) // should be unique
alloc(newmem,$1000,Game.AI:NuggetHasEducationLevelScorer:Score+86 )


mov BYTE [rax+0000037C],1

  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rax+0000037C]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 48 63 80 7C 03 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Game.AI:NuggetHasEducationLevelScorer:Score+86 

1C094C7AED0: 48 8B 00                       -  mov rax,[rax]
1C094C7AED3: 48 8B 40 10                    -  mov rax,[rax+10]
1C094C7AED7: 48 8B 40 28                    -  mov rax,[rax+28]
1C094C7AEDB: 48 B9 C8 66 D9 AE C0 01 00 00  -  mov rcx,000001C0AED966C8
1C094C7AEE5: 48 3B C1                       -  cmp rax,rcx
1C094C7AEE8: 74 03                          -  je 1C094C7AEED
1C094C7AEEA: 45 33 ED                       -  xor r13d,r13d
1C094C7AEED: 49 8B C5                       -  mov rax,r13
1C094C7AEF0: 48 8B C8                       -  mov rcx,rax
1C094C7AEF3: 83 39 00                       -  cmp dword ptr [rcx],00
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
1C094C7AEF6: 48 63 80 7C 03 00 00           -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rax+0000037C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
1C094C7AEFD: 48 63 4F 1C                    -  movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rdi+1C]
1C094C7AF01: 3B C1                          -  cmp eax,ecx
1C094C7AF03: 40 0F 94 C0                    -  sete al
1C094C7AF07: 48 0F B6 C0                    -  movzx rax,al
1C094C7AF0B: 4C 0F B6 F8                    -  movzx r15,al
1C094C7AF0F: 0F B6 47 18                    -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rdi+18]
1C094C7AF13: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
1C094C7AF15: 74 21                          -  je 1C094C7AF38
1C094C7AF17: 45 85 FF                       -  test r15d,r15d
1C094C7AF1A: 75 12                          -  jne 1C094C7AF2E

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by Pongozila »

Updating this... this is a mix of new code and updates... plenty of features! Sorry I'm lazy now, end of the year and all... not 100% but mostly working fine, hope you guys enjoy! Great new year for us all... we need it! :D
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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by pipin96 »

Pongozila wrote:
Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:40 pm
Updating this... this is a mix of new code and updates... plenty of features! Sorry I'm lazy now, end of the year and all... not 100% but mostly working fine, hope you guys enjoy! Great new year for us all... we need it! :D
Thanks for the update! :D I cant seem to get the instant perk to work? its changing the times to over 80 hours for each.

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by MaCcoyGamer »

Would like an update for the recent patch.

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA v47

Post by fantomas »

Code: Select all

Minor fixes to support the latest game update v0.0.47.36117 [ Feb 19, 2021 ]
Most of the extra scripts no longer work

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by D1g1Byt3 »

New update just came out

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by dracojoaquin »

please update to 0.49 version please and thanks

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by jorel43 »

game crashes when you click on nugget needs. otherwise thanks.

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by Zarok »

0.1.53 ver is not work correct, update please

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Re: [REQ]The Universim BETA

Post by MasterVegito »


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