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Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:36 pm
by Alebastrowitch
Psybelle wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:50 pm
Still a little confused. Has there been a table made? BUMP

The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 8:52 am
by lOrD gHoSt
+1! thanks! :D

The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 4:50 am
by qweqwe123
There anyway set points to 0? Because otherwise you'll stuck in the end of chapter.

The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 7:18 pm
by Sas420
[QUOTE="qweqwe123, post: 46180, member: 10858"]There anyway set points to 0? Because otherwise you'll stuck in the end of chapter.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I fucked that one up too... can't find the value now since I can't change it. Could anyone please make a table with -999 so I won't have any problems with it in the future, I mean negative numbers should work too I guess...

Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:25 pm
by otocu
<Address>01C3AA5C4450</Address> I think this adress effect **Effort** points.

Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:33 pm
by Rebelicious
Nothing for this?

Finding Skill Points was trivial thanks to the suggestions in the thread, but I've been categorically unable to pin down Effort Points and consumables.

Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:14 pm
by Rebelicious
Alright, so I figured some things out. I'm not sure why it works this way, but it does. When you scan for values, you need to search for the right numbers. For Effort, for example:

All are 4 byte.

48 = 0
49 = 1
50 = 2
51 = 3
52 = 4
53 = 5
54 = 6
55 = 7
56 = 8
57 = 9
12337 = 10
12593 = 11
12849 = 12
13105 = 13
13361 = 14
13617 = 15

Now, I'm not finished with the game yet, so I've only reached 15 Effort, but beyond 10, each step is in increments of 256, so for 16 Effort, it should be 13873, because 13617+256=13873.

Once I had figured that out, I started trying to search for potions/elixirs, and it turns out that it follows the same schema. So 48 for 0, 49 for 1, 50 for 2, 51 for 3, 52 for 4, and 53 for 5, which is the highest number of potions you can have anyway.

With this known, it should be trivial to find the addresses, which changes every time you restart the game, but not when switching save games, and being in the menu always counts as having 0 (48) in all numbers.

So you can create a save where you make sure you always have 3 or 4 of all potions/elixirs, and then what you do is that you search for the correct number in your main game (let's say you have 1 Devil's Thorn left, so you search for 49), then you leave for the main menu, search for 48 (which is zero), and then you load up another save where you know you always have 3 Devil's Thorn, search for 51 (which is three), switch back to the main menu, search for 48 again, load up your main game, search for 49, and by then you really should have managed to find the address you're looking for, so you can set your 49 to 53, for a full inventory of Devil's Thorns.

Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 7:15 pm
by xtrap225
just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this thread and to comment on the whole 'skill points' issue.

you can max out your skill points as long as you have the address already and don't close the game, and when you are faced with needing to apply point on your next level. just set the number to the number of points you have type double (as others have mentioned), then change the menu (controller LB<->RB ; or keyboard e<=>q) then go back, and it will be 0, and you can continue.

i haven't tested it yet but. i wonder if 'unrandomizer' would work so that we could create a .CT file htat would work even if you closed the game and reopened it?

Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:33 pm
by Kekalorr
Please share the table with the unrandomizer ... I accidentally closed the game when I got to the point I figured the workaround out for the stuck issue ...

Re: The Council (Episode 1)

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:28 pm
by N3rveMods
Here is my cheat engine table
