The cheat is a bit unstable, just need to try multiple times assuming you installed it correctly.
If you can share the error message we may be able to help.
Even if it works, i can't enter a caracter
Hmm, I think I have that error before, but it went away after trying multiple times (You can write a batch script to run the injector until it succeeds).
When you say you can't enter a character, does it mean you can't enter commands or you can't select a character from the character selection page?
If it's the former, you will need your command window to look like this to enter commands (rerun the injector if it doesn't look like this)
If it's the latter, I have no idea how to help, sorry
I meant that i CAN select a caracter but if i dare to click enter it bring me to the game but when the game tell me what i got it freeze after 2 sec
edit : i have no clue why, but it's not related to the cheat apparently as even after the game is launched without it it does the same (posting so other one don't ask why)
Thanks for the tip on the bones. Do you have any ideas about 16+ ribbons?
Ribbons are at "Ribbon": bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")
From 0-27 are shelf ribbons.
From 28-94 are ribbons on meals.
Do chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")[1] = 15 to add a 15 lvl ribbon to your ribbon shelf.
Do chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")[29] = 15 to add a 15 lvl ribbon to Fried egg meal.
I dont know how many ribbon lvl are, so just change that "15" to other number to get a different lvl.
Can we increase refinery level is there any code for it?
Refinery stuff is in bEngine.getGameAttribute("Refinery") . The outputs on the right for each salt is in array 2. Arrays 3-8 are redox to nullo salts in order. So if you wanted to change the level for redox (red) salts, you would look at bEngine.getGameAttribute("Refinery")[3][1] . Hope this helps
Thanks for the tip on the bones. Do you have any ideas about 16+ ribbons?
Ribbons are at "Ribbon": bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")
From 0-27 are shelf ribbons.
From 28-94 are ribbons on meals.
Do chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")[1] = 15 to add a 15 lvl ribbon to your ribbon shelf.
Do chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")[29] = 15 to add a 15 lvl ribbon to Fried egg meal.
I dont know how many ribbon lvl are, so just change that "15" to other number to get a different lvl.
Max is 20 on Ribbons, If you go any higher than that your game will break
So I looked through the threads and people keep saying to search for this or that to edit items or give yourself items and edits talent points.
But where do I do these things? I looked through cheat engine and can't find those entries?
if your have InjectF5 its as easy as typing "Drop" and putting the item afterwards which in term it will drop o the floor a you can pick it up, but if you use the other version then you'll need to ask someone else
Hello, i got a Question.
I added somehow to much Bones so my Bones are not visable anymore and my Chars have now "NAN" Dmg
Can someone help me how to fix it?
So I looked through the threads and people keep saying to search for this or that to edit items or give yourself items and edits talent points.
But where do I do these things? I looked through cheat engine and can't find those entries?
if your have InjectF5 its as easy as typing "Drop" and putting the item afterwards which in term it will drop o the floor a you can pick it up, but if you use the other version then you'll need to ask someone else
Okay, so InjectF5 to do drop and then it drops an item. A few questions, is InjectF5 detectable or do I just run it and that's it?
Do the other things like editing talent points etc also work similarly? I type in a command and then add the talent? Like for example bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")? Is that also InjectF5?
Hello, i got a Question.
I added somehow to much Bones so my Bones are not visable anymore and my Chars have now "NAN" Dmg
Can someone help me how to fix it?
Bones data are stored in OptionsListAccount as follows:
So I looked through the threads and people keep saying to search for this or that to edit items or give yourself items and edits talent points.
But where do I do these things? I looked through cheat engine and can't find those entries?
if your have InjectF5 its as easy as typing "Drop" and putting the item afterwards which in term it will drop o the floor a you can pick it up, but if you use the other version then you'll need to ask someone else
Okay, so InjectF5 to do drop and then it drops an item. A few questions, is InjectF5 detectable or do I just run it and that's it?
Do the other things like editing talent points etc also work similarly? I type in a command and then add the talent? Like for example bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")? Is that also InjectF5?
I'm not sure whether Lava can detect InjectF5, but I think so far it's only people who've done something impossible (like having Lava's gear) got banned.
I think you can add talent points by using drop TalentPoint# (# is the talent tab). As for changing other things like Ribbon, you'll need to use chng or chrome console after using chromedebug to insert commands explained in noodlexpen's guide above.
if your have InjectF5 its as easy as typing "Drop" and putting the item afterwards which in term it will drop o the floor a you can pick it up, but if you use the other version then you'll need to ask someone else
Okay, so InjectF5 to do drop and then it drops an item. A few questions, is InjectF5 detectable or do I just run it and that's it?
Do the other things like editing talent points etc also work similarly? I type in a command and then add the talent? Like for example bEngine.getGameAttribute("Ribbon")? Is that also InjectF5?
I'm not sure whether Lava can detect InjectF5, but I think so far it's only people who've done something impossible (like having Lava's gear) got banned.
I think you can add talent points by using drop TalentPoint# (# is the talent tab). As for changing other things like Ribbon, you'll need to use chng or chrome console after using chromedebug to insert commands explained in noodlexpen's guide above.
I see, does for example: drop TalentPoint# 15 drop 15 items for talent points or give you 15 talent points directly? Would the tabs be in order then?
Beginner 1, Warrior 2, Barbarian 3, Blood berzerker 4, Death bringer 5, star talents 6?