[Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Last edited by ploppf on Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
thanks , i am trying this hack just now and it seem to work perfectly , now i try to save after using this hack , another similar hack that is useful is one for unlock all the artes
thanks , i am trying this hack just now and it seem to work perfectly , now i try to save after using this hack , another similar hack that is useful is one for unlock all the artes
- BlackMonster
- Expert Cheater
- Posts: 236
- Joined: Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:41 pm
- Reputation: 40
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Any reason why u stopped playing the game??NidasBot wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:52 amHey! Here's my contribution. I don't own the game, so I won't be working on it anymore. The pointers should help out with expanding on the table more. Hopefully, some of you can make use of the table. Enjoy!
Table DownloadsCurrent Features
- SP Mod - Instantly master the current title or multiply SP gained.
- Item Modifier - Items collected from ground/chest get multiplied. May also function as infinite items (but not fully tested)
- Damage Modifier - God Mode | OHK | Damage Multiplier | Damage Reduction
- Infinite CC - CC does not deplete
- Loot Modifier - Multiply the amount of loot obtain from battles or set the amount to max (15 for most things)
- Gald Multiplier - Multiply gald gained
- Experience Modifier - Instantly Level up after each battle or multiply exp gained
- Give All Consumables & Dishes - Gives you 15 of all consumables and dishes
- Give All Materials - Gives you 15 of all materials
- Give All Gems & Charms - Gives you 15 of all gems and charms
- Gald
- Party Member (1)
- Character Data Pointer - May be useful for table makers.
- EXP - Total Exp
- NEXT EXP - Experience needed to level up
- HP
- Party Member (2)
- Party Member (3)
- Party Member (4)
- Party Member (5)
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
so far there are two scripts that are missing: one for infinite hp and another one for unlock all the artes , but it is possible that all the artes are unlocked thru unlocking all the titles , and there already is a script to unlock all the titles , i am finishing the game so i will see if that's the case
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
I "borrowed"

Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
You can do this yourself easily, search for 30583 in 2 bytes with memory scan options GameNative.dll
Then select all addresses (ctrl a), right click and change selected addresses to 999 (max hit)
Actually might need a script, because I see that both end up being 30583 until you kill a mob
I just set them all to 999, not sure what having 9999 kills does

Last edited by Impala on Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
@Sora3100 perfect , two problems solved then . but so far no infinite hp script was created , maybe it is because this script is way above in the scheclude ?
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Is it possible to add the feature that allow us to change the weapon's skin/model?
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Thanks for this! Here's a script for multiplying the speed at which the eleth mixer produces things, e.g. set to 2 so that it takes 30 seconds, or set to 10 so that it takes 6 seconds. Remember, production also is probability, so it doesn't mean that something is produced every time! Copy and paste to your table, and remember to save often!Kuugen wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 5:02 amI checked the mixer function and the time it takes to do one production check is stored as a float address which was GameNative.dll+7DF390 for me. It counts up from 0.5 to 60 and then resets, if you freeze it at 60 you basically have instant production every frame of walking
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"Eleth Mixer item production speed"</Description>
<LastState Activated="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : Tales of Graces f Remastered.exe
Date : 2025-01-19
Author : risorial
This script does blah blah blah
aobscanmodule(mixerwalk,GameNative.dll,F3 41 0F 11 83 80 B8 00 00 0F) // should be unique
alloc(mixerwalkmult,4) // Allocate space for the user-defined multiplier
subss xmm0,[r11+0000B880]
mulss xmm0,[mixerwalkmult]
addss xmm0,[r11+0000B880]
movss [r11+0000B880],xmm0
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 4
dd (float)10.0 // Default multiplier, can be set dynamically before enabling the script.
db F3 41 0F 11 83 80 B8 00 00
GameNative.dll+D04FD: 4C 8B 1D 34 87 54 00 - mov r11,[GameNative.dll+618C38]
GameNative.dll+D0504: 41 83 22 F7 - and dword ptr [r10],-09
GameNative.dll+D0508: 39 3B - cmp [rbx],edi
GameNative.dll+D050A: 0F 85 90 01 00 00 - jne GameNative.dll+D06A0
GameNative.dll+D0510: 40 38 3D B5 1F 72 00 - cmp [GameNative.dll+7F24CC],dil
GameNative.dll+D0517: 0F 84 40 01 00 00 - je GameNative.dll+D065D
GameNative.dll+D051D: F3 0F 10 0D 27 70 4E 00 - movss xmm1,[GameNative.dll+5B754C]
GameNative.dll+D0525: 0F 28 C6 - movaps xmm0,xmm6
GameNative.dll+D0528: F3 41 0F 58 83 80 B8 00 00 - addss xmm0,[r11+0000B880]
GameNative.dll+D0531: 0F 2F C1 - comiss xmm0,xmm1
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameNative.dll+D0534: F3 41 0F 11 83 80 B8 00 00 - movss [r11+0000B880],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
GameNative.dll+D053D: 0F 82 1A 01 00 00 - jb GameNative.dll+D065D
GameNative.dll+D0543: F3 0F 10 15 8D 89 4E 00 - movss xmm2,[GameNative.dll+5B8ED8]
GameNative.dll+D054B: 0F 1F 44 00 00 - nop dword ptr [rax+rax+00]
GameNative.dll+D0550: F3 0F 58 C2 - addss xmm0,xmm2
GameNative.dll+D0554: 0F 2F C1 - comiss xmm0,xmm1
GameNative.dll+D0557: 73 F7 - jae GameNative.dll+D0550
GameNative.dll+D0559: 4C 8D 44 24 21 - lea r8,[rsp+21]
GameNative.dll+D055E: F3 41 0F 11 83 80 B8 00 00 - movss [r11+0000B880],xmm0
GameNative.dll+D0567: 48 8D 54 24 20 - lea rdx,[rsp+20]
GameNative.dll+D056C: E8 8F 52 02 00 - call GameNative.dll+F5800
<Description>"Eleth Mixer walking multiplier"</Description>
<LastState Value="10" RealAddress="7FFB8FB81000"/>
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
I've been racking my brain about this for a few hours and I figured I'd make an account and ask. I cannot access this table for whatever reason...sometimes. Like, once in a blue moon, it'll open and I can use the selections (Mostly going for the Arte Uses Modifier because I grinded it all out on the PS3 version and I am NOT doing that again.) but then I'll get a weird errorSora3100 wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:09 pmI still have not finished the table yet, very barebones at the moment
At least I have ported the item editor stuff already
Edit 1:
Added difficulty values (able to increase multiple things, like enemy HP, EXP given, SP given etc)
Added herb stats
Added field run speed multiplier
Added arte usage multiplier
<<Error while scanning for AOB's: basePTR Error: Not all results found>>
I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong or IF I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Honestly, the only real thing I want is the arte usage multiplier to cut down my grinding time.
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Do you mean it sometimes works after restarting the game, or after you have closed the table (and didn't disable the enable script) and the game still running?SKB99 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:18 pmI've been racking my brain about this for a few hours and I figured I'd make an account and ask. I cannot access this table for whatever reason...sometimes. Like, once in a blue moon, it'll open and I can use the selections (Mostly going for the Arte Uses Modifier because I grinded it all out on the PS3 version and I am NOT doing that again.) but then I'll get a weird errorSora3100 wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:09 pmI still have not finished the table yet, very barebones at the moment
At least I have ported the item editor stuff already
Edit 1:
Added difficulty values (able to increase multiple things, like enemy HP, EXP given, SP given etc)
Added herb stats
Added field run speed multiplier
Added arte usage multiplier
<<Error while scanning for AOB's: basePTR Error: Not all results found>>
I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong or IF I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Honestly, the only real thing I want is the arte usage multiplier to cut down my grinding time.
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
i am starting to test the hack for instant eleth charge for the player and zero eleth for the enemies , for now everything is working fine , just in case i waited untill i maxed each single title
Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered
Honestly, it's random for me. I've closed CE and reopened it. Closed the game and CE and reopened it. Sometimes I get success and sometimes I get that error. Maybe I have a smooth brain but is there like an order of operations for something like this. I've used CE before (Mostly on Tales of Vesperia so I could cut down on grinding and accessing Grade Shop stuff during my first playthrough since I own it...3 times over on various consoles)Sora3100 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:29 pmDo you mean it sometimes works after restarting the game, or after you have closed the table (and didn't disable the enable script) and the game still running?SKB99 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:18 pmI've been racking my brain about this for a few hours and I figured I'd make an account and ask. I cannot access this table for whatever reason...sometimes. Like, once in a blue moon, it'll open and I can use the selections (Mostly going for the Arte Uses Modifier because I grinded it all out on the PS3 version and I am NOT doing that again.) but then I'll get a weird errorSora3100 wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:09 pmI still have not finished the table yet, very barebones at the moment
At least I have ported the item editor stuff already
Edit 1:
Added difficulty values (able to increase multiple things, like enemy HP, EXP given, SP given etc)
Added herb stats
Added field run speed multiplier
Added arte usage multiplier
<<Error while scanning for AOB's: basePTR Error: Not all results found>>
I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong or IF I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Honestly, the only real thing I want is the arte usage multiplier to cut down my grinding time.