[Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by risorial »

Code so that the Mixer's Eleth stays (mostly) full. I say mostly, because it sets the current eleth to the mixer's current max amount, but if the max eleth increased, mixer's eleth value will be the prior max value before change. Example: if you have 150/156, and food activated which increased the max eleth capacity to 159, the mixer will update to 156 / 159 (156 was the prior max value, 159 was the +3 from level up).

Let me know if this code already exists on thread, I checked but didn't see any at glance. Also, feel free to take this code for anyone's table! As always, tested enough but save often!

Some title fun facts for the CE masters: when you find the SP gained of one title, you can find the next title's by adding +8 to the address.

If you prefer to download, you can download latest in this post

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Mixer's Eleth stays (mostly) full"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : Tales of Graces f Remastered.exe
  Date   : 2025-01-18
  Author : risorial

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(mixer,GameNative.dll,66 41 01 90 F8 AB 00 00) // should be unique



  mov dx,[r8+0000ABFA] //add [r8+0000ABF8],dx
  mov [r8+0000ABF8],dx
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db 66 41 01 90 F8 AB 00 00



GameNative.dll+F5090: 4C 8B 05 A1 3B 52 00     - mov r8,[GameNative.dll+618C38]
GameNative.dll+F5097: 66 85 D2                 - test dx,dx
GameNative.dll+F509A: 79 19                    - jns GameNative.dll+F50B5
GameNative.dll+F509C: 45 0F BF 88 F8 AB 00 00  - movsx r9d,word ptr [r8+0000ABF8]
GameNative.dll+F50A4: 0F BF CA                 - movsx ecx,dx
GameNative.dll+F50A7: F7 D9                    - neg ecx
GameNative.dll+F50A9: 44 3B C9                 - cmp r9d,ecx
GameNative.dll+F50AC: 7D 07                    - jnl GameNative.dll+F50B5
GameNative.dll+F50AE: 41 0F B7 D1              - movzx edx,r9w
GameNative.dll+F50B2: 66 F7 DA                 - neg dx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameNative.dll+F50B5: 66 41 01 90 F8 AB 00 00  - add [r8+0000ABF8],dx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameNative.dll+F50BD: 41 0F B7 80 F8 AB 00 00  - movzx eax,word ptr [r8+0000ABF8]
GameNative.dll+F50C5: 41 0F B7 88 FA AB 00 00  - movzx ecx,word ptr [r8+0000ABFA]
GameNative.dll+F50CD: 66 3B C1                 - cmp ax,cx
GameNative.dll+F50D0: 7E 0B                    - jle GameNative.dll+F50DD
GameNative.dll+F50D2: 66 41 89 88 F8 AB 00 00  - mov [r8+0000ABF8],cx
GameNative.dll+F50DA: 0F B7 C1                 - movzx eax,cx
GameNative.dll+F50DD: 66 85 C0                 - test ax,ax
GameNative.dll+F50E0: 79 0A                    - jns GameNative.dll+F50EC
GameNative.dll+F50E2: 33 C0                    - xor eax,eax
GameNative.dll+F50E4: 66 41 89 80 F8 AB 00 00  - mov [r8+0000ABF8],ax

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by st79928 »

Is there a table to unlock all titles?

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by ploppf »

st79928 wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:09 am
Is there a table to unlock all titles?
we also need a script that give infinite hit points and if it isn't too complicate , even a script that nullyfy collision , in this way we will have the same kind of invincibility that we can have in tales of vesperia

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by israelssilva1989 »

A complete save would be helpfull

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by ploppf »

come ot think about it , it can be very helpful to even have a script to be immune by the negative status effects

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by Sora3100 »

bk2710 wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 5:04 am
Sora3100 wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:53 pm
I have added the following to my table:
Difficulty values (able to increase multiple things, like enemy HP, EXP given, SP given etc)
Herb stats
Field run speed multiplier
Arte usage multiplier

I am now going to take a break, have fun
The table can be found here.
Think it is possible in remastered to have a blank stagger resistance set to 0 unlike ps3? Honestly would be the best thing to make bosses more fun lol, or hitting all weaknesses with 1cc A arte or something.
If by blank stagger resistance you mean the enemy stat that makes them recover faster, it's already there technically, under enemy properties editor in notes.

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by Raijinken »

Thank you anyone working on Graces f! Sorry for the long list of requests, getting Chemo infusion as the game's coming out, so I wrote this all in advance, so some may have already been fulfilled.

Instant Arte Mastery (9999)
1-Hit Max Combo per Enemy (999, for Enemy Book)
Enemy kill Multiplier (999, also for Enemy Book)
SP Multiplier
Title Unlocker
Always get Tech Bonus//Select Tech Bonus
Always Dropp Item/Shard
Always Steal
Instant Artes Charge
Instant/Guaranteed Item Creation in Mixer
Instant Inn Request Flag (most are on a timer)
Instant Tempering
Instant Gem Polishing (also on a timer)
Equippment Editor (Quality, Stats, etc)
Player Data Editor (for the Grade Shop, though these might be Static Addresses)

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by ploppf »

not only that , did anyone noticed that on the left during the fights there is an indicator of power that can be filled ? when that happen it appear another indicator (just now in my case it was level 2) , but i don't know the details of it , still i know that we need those two power indicators to be filled automatically and to stay always filled

i got a part of the meaning of the indicators: the blue indicator is for the A-artes , the red indicator is for the B-artes

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by Sora3100 »

Raijinken wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:48 pm
Thank you anyone working on Graces f! Sorry for the long list of requests, getting Chemo infusion as the game's coming out, so I wrote this all in advance, so some may have already been fulfilled.

Instant Arte Mastery (9999)
SP Multiplier
Equippment Editor (Quality, Stats, etc)
Player Data Editor (for the Grade Shop, though these might be Static Addresses)
These are already all on my table one way or another
Arte mastery just set the multiplier to 9999
SP multiplier you can use difficulty values
ploppf wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:28 pm
not only that , did anyone noticed that on the left during the fights there is an indicator of power that can be filled ? when that happen it appear another indicator (just now in my case it was level 2) , but i don't know the details of it , still i know that we need those two power indicators to be filled automatically and to stay always filled

i got a part of the meaning of the indicators: the blue indicator is for the A-artes , the red indicator is for the B-artes
That is the meter for eleth burst, blue indicates party and red indicates enemy

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by HimoShifu »

If you want to give yourself all the Eleth books here you go, just copy it into any existing table you are using. Just do the drop down and select the option. They won't show up in Collector's book though. You'd need to get them normally for that to happen

I guess I was wrong, it adds it to key items, but does not allow them in mixer. Removed table. :(

Ok, ported this over from ps3 table I used to use to PC. This will give you the option to 100% your collectors book, Monster Book, Discovery Points, and Stamp Books.
100% Books.CT
(11.9 KiB) Downloaded 193 times
Last edited by HimoShifu on Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by risorial »

This game is putting my very limited skills to the test XD

Can't find the Battle SP at the moment but in the meantime, if you don't mind going the slower route, copy and paste the code below to your CE table so that your equipped character titles level up once after every battle.

Updated my prior post to include the latest additions to my table. Remember, use at your own risk and save often!

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Characters' Title levels up once per battle"</Description>
      <LastState Activated="1"/>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
      <AssemblerScript>{ Game   : Tales of Graces f Remastered.exe
  Date   : 2025-01-18
  Author : risorial

  This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(titlelvl,GameNative.dll,44 89 34 0F 3B C5) // should be unique



  mov [rdi+rcx],r14d
  mov ebp,eax // new code, eax at this point = title's current max value?
  cmp eax,ebp
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 44 89 34 0F 3B C5



GameNative.dll+FA8B2: 48 8D 0C ED B0 00 00 00           - lea rcx,[rbp*8+000000B0]
GameNative.dll+FA8BA: 8B 2C 0F                          - mov ebp,[rdi+rcx]
GameNative.dll+FA8BD: 41 03 EE                          - add ebp,r14d
GameNative.dll+FA8C0: 48 89 4C 24 78                    - mov [rsp+78],rcx
GameNative.dll+FA8C5: 41 F7 85 44 AC 00 00 00 00 01 00  - test [r13+0000AC44],00010000
GameNative.dll+FA8D0: 74 09                             - je GameNative.dll+FA8DB
GameNative.dll+FA8D2: 40 F6 C6 02                       - test sil,02
GameNative.dll+FA8D6: 74 03                             - je GameNative.dll+FA8DB
GameNative.dll+FA8D8: 41 03 EE                          - add ebp,r14d
GameNative.dll+FA8DB: 45 33 F6                          - xor r14d,r14d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameNative.dll+FA8DE: 44 89 34 0F                       - mov [rdi+rcx],r14d
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameNative.dll+FA8E2: 3B C5                             - cmp eax,ebp
GameNative.dll+FA8E4: 0F 8F B0 01 00 00                 - jg GameNative.dll+FAA9A
GameNative.dll+FA8EA: 48 0F BF 7C 24 68                 - movsx rdi,word ptr [rsp+68]
GameNative.dll+FA8F0: 48 8D 34 DD 00 00 00 00           - lea rsi,[rbx*8+00000000]
GameNative.dll+FA8F8: 32 DB                             - xor bl,bl
GameNative.dll+FA8FA: 41 B8 94 00 00 00                 - mov r8d,00000094
GameNative.dll+FA900: 49 8B 47 08                       - mov rax,[r15+08]
GameNative.dll+FA904: 48 0F BE 94 06 B7 00 00 00        - movsx rdx,byte ptr [rsi+rax+000000B7]
GameNative.dll+FA90D: 80 FA 05                          - cmp dl,05
GameNative.dll+FA910: 0F 8D 4B 01 00 00                 - jnl GameNative.dll+FAA61

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by ploppf »

That is the meter for eleth burst, blue indicates party and red indicates enemy

got it , you think you could make an hack for instant eleth burst for the player and zero eleth burst for the enemies , along with the infinite duration for the other time limited power that trigger after the eleth burst ? so far no hacker touched that part of the game

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by ploppf »

thanks to all the hackers for improving our experience with this game

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by dxmg »

Couple things - almost everything requested so far can be done in one way or another with Sora's most recent edit. You gotta come at it sideways a bit, but between Difficulty based multi's, title attributes, and enemy editing, you can do pretty much everything.

Like, set an enemy to drop 20k exp/sp, then set your exp/sp multi per difficulty to like 55. Then edit the drops from the enemy to whatever you want it to drop with 98% (yes 98, dont do 99%) rate, then fight one. Itll be a couple hundred thousand XP/SP, and whatever drops will always happen.

Then, erryone should look at the special items tab and see whats up in there. I had a TON of DLC costumes, item packs, skits, mixer books, etc already in there. This is without pre-ordering BTW.

So with that, you can toss in the Book of Glory for example, power it with one of the Eleth quantity mods, and have perma-Glory. Along with title bonuses of HP +9999, stats +XXX%, and so on.

I personally think its more fun to mess with it this way actually. :D

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Re: [Request]Tales of Graces f Remastered

Post by ploppf »

dxmg wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:28 pm
Couple things - almost everything requested so far can be done in one way or another with Sora's most recent edit. You gotta come at it sideways a bit, but between Difficulty based multi's, title attributes, and enemy editing, you can do pretty much everything.

Like, set an enemy to drop 20k exp/sp, then set your exp/sp multi per difficulty to like 55. Then edit the drops from the enemy to whatever you want it to drop with 98% (yes 98, dont do 99%) rate, then fight one. Itll be a couple hundred thousand XP/SP, and whatever drops will always happen.

Then, erryone should look at the special items tab and see whats up in there. I had a TON of DLC costumes, item packs, skits, mixer books, etc already in there. This is without pre-ordering BTW.

So with that, you can toss in the Book of Glory for example, power it with one of the Eleth quantity mods, and have perma-Glory. Along with title bonuses of HP +9999, stats +XXX%, and so on.

I personally think its more fun to mess with it this way actually. :D
yes , i noticed that you can master each title with a single battle by increasing the miltiplier of the obtained skill points related to the difficuly level , but is there anything so far that can grant instant and infinite eleth burst ? not to mention the hp , so far the only hack for infinite hp come from a trainer made by Sinclair1 via cheat evolution

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