Game Name: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Game Engine: Monolithsoft Xenoblade Chronicles X [engine name unknown]
Game Version US 1.0.2U
Options Required: Resources (Miranium, Funds, consumable items, materials, collectibles), Health (or constant Invincible status to player character/party members), TP/GP, Skell Fuel, Arts and auto-attack cooldown
Other info: It's a Wii U game that's playable via Cemu emulator. There are already a few tables for this game already floating around the internet, but so far I've only found one that works on the more recent versions of Cemu (I'm specifically using version 2.4 for Cemu) and even then not all functions in the table seem to work, and are missing some of the options I've requested to be used.
The cheat engine table I'm using that seems to still work to an extent came from this link here: [Link] but the person who uploaded it seems to not have been on the website for several years.
If the table could be at least updated, that'd be awesome, but if the options I'd requested were to be added as well, I'd be willing to pay $25 USD.