Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by barak302 »

how can i get a specific ship?
is there a way?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Diaboluc »

Hello guys, i'm pretty new at cheating and i wanted to know how to give more talent point/24h candy etc

If there is any simple tutorial, i'll gladly look it

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Melanthios »

bumistro wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:09 pm
jose123 wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:51 pm
bumistro wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 8:28 pm

gga CauldronInfo
values under [8][4-7]
after finding the values how can i change them? sry im new to this
Using the InjectCheats you can use this format for changing any value, for example:
chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("CauldronInfo")[8][4][2][1]=25
this sets your water droplets cap level to 25 because ("CauldronInfo")[8][4][2][1] is where that value is stored.
gga command with autocomplete function helps to find values you are looking for
Looking under the same, I can't seem to match which value the talent points would be under, I need to reset mine. Is it also under 8? Trying to extrapolate I have readings that don't match up

Edit: I found them under 10, just took me adding and subtracting from them to find it

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by RootGinseng »

Is it worth getting “legit” gems through getting a jackpot in arcade? Or is that server-side so dont mess with it.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by lolgetreck52 »

Where is the guide?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by dsd92 »

I was kind of annoyed with the recent update and the dev's indifference toward the concerns of the community with his focus on only the player count or video views in discord responses, so I wanted to share all the cheats that I have used and still have not gotten shadowbanned.

I used all of the below without any issues in my config file to run at startup:

'w3 globalshrines',
'w4 instameals',
'w4 labpx',
'w4 spiceclaim',
'w5 divinity',
'w5 sailing',
'w5 gaming',
'w3 prayer',
'talent 120',
'talent 168',
'talent 169',
'talent 483',
'wide post',
'w3 refinery',
'w1 companion'

Some notes for the above, w3 globalshrines sometimes fails to work. You will just not see the shrines in your current map and the bonuses won't work. Only fix I found was to close out completely, and start up again. Also sometimes make sure that your prayers do not have the curses since I have seen that fail once in a while as well. You can check in your afk gains info when you mouse over the prayers on the bottom.

Use these at your own risk if you really care about your account since I did make some mistakes along the way, but I was able to fix any values or arrays I damaged so far. Also the formatting is not great since I just kept a notepad of a bunch I commands I used, but I wanted to share these anyway, so hopefully it helps someone with the recent questions.

Also wanted to thank some other posters that discovered some of these commands and info earlier.

Code: Select all

Use the gga command to search for values for your account.  For example, if you type gga OptionsListAccount, you will see a ton of values related to your account.  
It does not change anything by itself, so it is safe.  The autofill is a blessing so you can type "gga sa" and you might see "gga Sailing" pop up to help you see the name for the sailing registers.  So you would go to your sailing board in game, and compare some of the values that you have to what you see in the output of "gga Sailing".  Some of the results for "gga" commands are in arrays.  If you see 0, 1, 2 and multiples values under the 0 and 1 and 2, then these are arrays.  If you set chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[0]=1 you will destroy the array, either crash the sailing section or no longer able to gain bits like what happened to me with sailing that I eventually fixed by resetting the array.  You would need to do something like chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[0][0]=1 to change the first value within the first 0 section to a 1.

Examples of a bunch of commands I used below:

gga OptionsListAccount 26
check if you are shadowbanned. This should be 0.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[71]=1049252
sets dungeon credits total (that is used for the star talent damage) and exp to 1049252.  This is around rank 50.  I went way too high before this, and lowered it with this command.
You can use the drop dungeon credits command as well for this but when I dropped 9999 or 99999 cant remember, it was actually 3 million which was way higher than I wanted.
I used the drop dungeon credits for the flurbos as well.  Try to just drop 100 at first just in case.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[72]=1032159
sets your current dungeon credits to 1032159 (the one you use to purchase dungeon upgrades).  Does not seem to change your exp or the star talent damage amount.

I used "wide post" and "unlock silvpen" to manually keep resetting the post boxes to unlock the tab2 boxes.  The post box amounts will reset to being free after you reset it with the pen once after the "wide post" command.  Using wide post in the config for startup makes sure the costs will always be free.  Only issue is that you don't get the rewards, but you could just easily drop keys or anything else that would be rewarded here anyway.
I used a command to set my boxes to 999 as well but I will look around for it, but it should be in the "gga CurrenciesOwned" section.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[138]=999999
sets number of orb kills to 999999 for the talent calculation, not the achievement one.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[139]=999999
sets number of plunder kills to 999999 for the talent calculation, not the achievement one.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[152]=999999
sets number of wormhole kills to 999999 for the talent calculation, not the achievement one.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[22][2]=4106
sets the breeding exp of the 3rd shiny (frog) to level 9 with only 1 day remaining to get to level 10.  Someone mentioned an issue with infinity stars not working correctly when you set it manually, but I confirmed that logging out, then logging in changed my damage since frog is total damage percent.  "chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[22][2]=4107" will change the third shiny to level 10 if you dont want to use the 1 day before method.  "chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[22][0]=4107" will change the first shiny to level 10.  
Note: I'm not 100% sure the infinity stars work with this method yet since I didnt risk testing those yet, but if you have the shiny already, and set it to lvl 9 with 1 day left to lvl 10, it may naturally unlock correctly when it levels in the fenceyard which I may attempt in the future since I dont care anymore.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[158]=42
set vman highscore to 42 portals cleared for talent calculation.

use "list smith" to find a recipe that you need to drop
then use "drop SmithingRecipe[Tab ID] [recipe ID]"
drop SmithingRecipe2 5
This drops the tab2 recipe with id 5 for royal bayonet.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Rift")[0]=46
sets your current rift to 46

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Rift")[1]=2
sets your current rift progress to 2.
Note for the above.  What I did was use "chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Rift")[0]=45" to set my current rift to 45.  Then go to the rift, and look at what you need to progress.  So it if it says kill 1,000,000 enemies.  You would set  "chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Rift")[1]=1000000" to clear your current rift and walk into the next portal.  This is a way to naturally reset some of the rift variables because walking into the rift may fix any mistakes in the rift array if you made too many changes.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[1][0]=1e9
set gold bars in sailing to 1000m

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[1][1]=1e9
set the 2nd resource in sailing to 1000m

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[1][2]=1e9
set the 3nd resource in sailing to 1000m

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[3][0]=3
sets first artifact to eldrich level in sailing.
you can run "gga Sailing" and look at array id 3 to see a list of the your current artifact levels.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[3][0]=2
sets first artifact to ancient level in sailing.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Sailing")[3][16]=3
sets artifact 17 to eldrich level in sailing.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("CauldronP2W")[1]=[1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1]
command to reset your p2w cauldron section if you messed it up with change commands.  I unlocked every bubble using the alchemy speed command and the 100% bubble chance command.  You will want to max out the bubble boosts first and can increase the research speeds with the commands belows.

cauldron lvlreq
makes the cauldron boosts very cheap so you can max out the bubble boosts easily

cauldron newbubble
makes new bubble chance 100%

cauldron re_speed
makes cauldron research speed much quicker so you can boost or create a new bubble quickly

cauldron liq_rate
makes the liquid vials regenerate much faster

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Gaming")[8]=282584
change your gaming shovel bit multiplier to 282,584

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("Gaming")[0]=8.4e+50
set gaming bits to around 840m Q which is enough to buy every upgrade.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[74]=3021
set normal arcade balls to 3021

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[75]=89548
set gold arcade balls amount to 89548.  I bought every upgrade that I have seen to max.

run "gga AchieveReg" to look for achievements that are not -1.  -1 means they are completed.  The ones that have values in them will match up with the number it shows on the achievement.  For example, if it says kill 500 rats in a group, yours might say 125, so you can easily see which register has the value 125 that matches up with your rat kill achievement.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("AchieveReg")[122]=-1
sets achievement for wazzam to completed.   Setting it this way does correctly unlock the permanent bonuses, but you won't see an ingame popup or steam popup.  You can go through all of the registers that you havent completed and set them to -1.  I did not use the chromedebug method that someone posted before to set them all at once.  I set them manually since I completed many on my own.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("AchieveReg")[156]=-1
sets achievement for world 3 hairyicecomb to completed as another example.

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("AchieveReg")[157]=-1
set achievement for world 3 giant slayer to completed as another example.

drop TalentBook1 3XXXYYY
XXX=the talent order number from the talent list, must be in the form of a 3 digit number so 1 becomes 001
YYY=the max level you want for the talent, in the case for books from the library currently that's 195

drop TalentBook1 3619100 to drop a lvl 100 crystals 4 days skill
drop TalentBook1 362450 to drop a lvl 50 attacks on simmer skill

The 619,624 portions above are the order that they show up on the talent list.  So if 619 is crystal 4 days, then 620 is the next talent to the right, so you can fill in your missing talents by increasing or decreasing this value based on these examples.

dont not go higher than the levels below.
"36251" //lvl 1 Toilet Paper Postage
"361650" //lvl 50 Beginner Best Class
"362050" //lvl 50 Will Of The Eldest
"362450" //lvl 50 Attacks on simmer
"362640" //lvl 40 Exp Converter
"3618100" //lvl 100Quest Chungus
"3619100" //lvl 100 Crystals 4 Dayys
"3623100" //lvl 100 Roll Da Dice
"3635100" //lvl 100 Printer Sampling
"3639100" //lvl 100 Shrine Architect

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[106]=99
set killroy upgrade to 99 seconds

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[107]=99
set killroy talent drops to 99

chng bEngine.getGameAttribute("OptionsListAccount")[108]=99
set killroy bonus skulls to 99.  Do not set this if you do not have it unlocked yet.

wide mtx
sets the gem prices of all items in the shop to 0 gems, but not for the paid packages.  I have used this daily with no issues.  I bought all limited items and all world upgrades.  I have not tried to drop gems directly, but I did drop a gem envelope to unlock it in the slab without any issue.

wide gembuylimit 100
sets the amount of items you can buy to 100 for each individual item.  Be careful buying anything that is supposed to be limited like storage slots or world bonuses that are limited like cauldron upgrades.  I used to this buy 100 random world 4 chips to fix my collection.  I also bought 20 of the limited chain item with mob respawn and 10 of the mob respawn pendants from last time.  I also bought 100 of the sailing chests each day until I started using the artifact commands above.

I also dropped riftwalker wings and nametags without buying the package without any issue.  I also dropped the talent points from killroy (do not drop tab 5 talents) in multiple quantities.  I also dropped many candies and used "wide candy" to use candies to level everyone to 100 in the lab for the lvl 1000 rift bonus. Some drop commands are below.

drop EquipmentCape11
riftwalker wings

drop EquipmentCape12
blooming vine wings

drop Timecandy5
24 hour candy

drop EquipmentNametag1
riftwalker nametag

drop TalentPoint1 10
drops 10 first tab talent points

drop TalentPoint2 10
drops 10 2nd tab talent points

drop TalentPoint3 10
drops 10 3rd tab talent points

drop TalentPoint4 10
drops 10 4th tab talent points

drop TalentPoint6 10
drop 10 star talent points

Last edited by dsd92 on Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:57 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Draden9901 »

Hey, i'm not sure if its me doing something wrong or if its intended... but when i use the companion cheat, if i close the game it doesn't save, so back to original companions next time i load game if i don't use cheats...

is this intended? or am i doing something wrong?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by superpeepeepoopoo »

has anyone discovered a way to remove items from slab yet?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by jkishin »

Draden9901 wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 4:29 am
Hey, i'm not sure if its me doing something wrong or if its intended... but when i use the companion cheat, if i close the game it doesn't save, so back to original companions next time i load game if i don't use cheats...

is this intended? or am i doing something wrong?
That's intended. There's no way currently to save this information on your account basically so only way to activate it is client side.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Josp »

How is it possible to know if I am shadowban please ?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by jkishin »

Josp wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:06 am
How is it possible to know if I am shadowban please ?
Doing gga OptionsListAccount 26 would show you that. If it returns 0 then you're not, if it returns 1 then you are.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Josp »

jkishin wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:11 am
Josp wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 8:06 am
How is it possible to know if I am shadowban please ?
Doing gga OptionsListAccount 26 would show you that. If it returns 0 then you're not, if it returns 1 then you are.
Thanks a lot <3 (I'm not, so this is great haha !)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by Jefreyk »

Don't know if anyone has tried but I did. Bought some green gems and yes it is possibble to change the amount of gems with CE but it changes back after the roll. And also it's possible to click the button to roll again with sufficiant gems (after CE) but then the game freezes and need to restart (waiting on server message). So no succes jet, did someone tried to change the cost of the roll trough CE? Maybe this could be something unless it's also server-sided?

Also can't find anything in Crhomedebug about the compagnions to mess arount with, or do I miss something?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by SirKayto »

Just some questions:

- is the shadowban instant? Will it eventually hit in the future? Or both?
- if you used CE for gems e.g. without this client stuff you are discussing here, are you bound to be shadow banned?
- will I be able to create a (100% legit) new account without being shadowbanned in the future?

Just for reference: I already got one account shadowbanned and started playing on another. It would be a shame if I try to invest time into this game later legitimately and just end up being shadowbanned again and again...

Thanks in advance for the answers! :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by bumistro »

SirKayto wrote:
Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:30 pm
Just some questions:

- is the shadowban instant? Will it eventually hit in the future? Or both?
- if you used CE for gems e.g. without this client stuff you are discussing here, are you bound to be shadow banned?
- will I be able to create a (100% legit) new account without being shadowbanned in the future?

Just for reference: I already got one account shadowbanned and started playing on another. It would be a shame if I try to invest time into this game later legitimately and just end up being shadowbanned again and again...

Thanks in advance for the answers! :)
This may not be the answer you are looking for but hear me out.

Do not look at games as "time investments". They are designed to waste your time and money, specially nowdays when they are build on capitalism to only get your money out of you.
Games should be about having fun and good time, to connect with people on a positive note. This is being neglected in modern era of video games by guys that make the games. You are always wasting time playing video games, but sometimes that is just what we need as long as the time not overextends and turn people into addicts.
Play a game as long as it is fun and do not play when it is not. Or use cheats to get rid of the parts that are not fun and only designed to waste time or create inconveniences to sell solutions for money.

That being said, in Idleon you only get cheat detected if you do or get something that is not achievable by regular play (like Lava exclusive items). The one other way to get banned is if some other player reports you as suspicious cheater (after investigating your idleon efficiency profile or whatever). Lava does not go browsing random accounts to search for cheaters.

Great thing about those cheats is that even if you get banned for whatever reason, you can cheat your way back up to the same point in one day on a new account and continue where you left.

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