Legends of Idleon

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by hxide666 »

bullzeye48 wrote:
Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:49 am
How would one go about resetting stamps? (Getting rid of unreleased ones, etc)
I don't think you can remove stamps, once turned in.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by hxide666 »

malignius987 wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:23 am
Hey guys, nice to meet y'all. I've been trying for the past 2 days to get rid of the Req to unlock Starsigns on maps. Those "afk for 60 hours on 9 characters" ones are too boring to wait for. I've learnt by myself how to use the iBelg's tool, but i'm not a pro yet lol.
So...could anyone help me here? Is there a cheat/command to get rid of the req to unlock the constellations? If yes, how do I do it?

Btw if someone could explain to me what hydron (starsign tab) is, I would very much appreciate it.
you can't get rid of that, just use a 72hr candy.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by kutia2 »

Is there any way to increase lab exp? Also would be nice to keep the spice 'buffer' at 5 always instead of increasing for each fill.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by grave1986 »

monfrix wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:58 am
roooroar wrote:
Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:37 pm

Change the "undefined" to some non_negative numbers, in my file (unchanged) it is 0.
Try 1 if its still undefined after that, since 1 is the value of the green mushrooms. But it should be defined via a good number value.
I've managed to fix it :D
tl;dr i fucked up my save file after messing with breeding + cooking
(not sure which one caused it or was it the combination of the two)

idk if it'd be helpful if i write what i think happened and how i fixed it / my thought process etc etc
anyways if anyone is interested here it is
To keep it short i was messing around with cooking(also menu perks "to the right of the cooking stations") + breeding and i messed something up.
This is part of the game code that prevents me from loading in the game after character selection.

Code: Select all

for (var Gb = 0; 8 > Gb;) {
    this._DN1 = Gb++;
    for (var Sb = 0, Xb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1][this._DN1 | 0], Va = (null == Xb ? 0 : "number" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, k) : "number" == typeof Xb && (Xb | 0) === Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, m) : "boolean" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, n) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Xb ? parseFloat(Xb) : parseFloat(g.string(Xb))) | 0; Sb < Va;) {
        var Lb = Sb++,
            Eb = this._GenINFO[79],
            Wb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
        if (!Pb.contains(Eb, (null != d.PetStats ? Wb.getReserved("PetStats") : Wb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])) {
            var Ub = this._GenINFO[79],
                Vb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
            Ub.push((null != d.PetStats ? Vb.getReserved("PetStats") : Vb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])
I'm able to load in by skipping the if statement (the one inside the code block) but the game crashes if i click on the genetics tab.

Here is the resulting Error after character selection:

When debugging the if statement i know that the ternary operator results in Wb.h.Petstats being traversed
So its
Where: DN1 is the main loop iterator - 1, Lb is Sb - 1 the nested loop ends when Sb < Va
Va for the first main loop is 18
so what being traversed is Wb.h.PetStats[0 -> 7][0 -> 17][1]

Contains and Push methods updates an array(this._GenINFO[79]) with unduplicate numerical values of pet genetic type(fighter, Amplifier etc)

The Error is Raised when trying to access [0][17][1]
but there is only 0 - 16 in that array
(Sb = 18, Va = 18, Lb = 17) PetStats[0] only has 17 elements(0, 16) so PetStats[0][Lb = 17] raises the error

What is going on here ? Problem is with Va so let's see what Va is doing

Va ternary to IF Else statements:

Code: Select all

//1 - Va = 0 if (null == Xb)
//2 - else
if ("number" == typeof Xb) {
    e.__cast(Xb, k)
} else {
    if ("number" == typeof Xb && (Xb | 0) === Xb) {
        e.__cast(Xb, m)
    } else {
        if ("boolean" == typeof Xb) {
            if (e.__cast(Xb, n)) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if ("string" == typeof Xb) {
            } else {
                parseFloat(g.string(Xb))) | 0;
Xb is the var being evaluated in the code
which is b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1]

b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] Returns

Code: Select all

0: 18 <-
1: 18 <-
... other values
which is incorrect when compared to the length of the arrays returned in PetStats
By correcting these values i managed to fix the issue :lol:

Help Needed ->
I have a different Account wide issue i'd like to figure how to fix but i don't want to seem like i'm spamming the thread
So i will try to make my question short ...
Anyone knows how to debug/console log/catch errors when running the steam version of game?
all my debugging was done in the browser version of the game
my steam game crashes (clean install, vanilla Z.js) when certain something happens in game
but when doing the same thing in the browser version of the game it doesn't.

Is there a way to catch errors using the injector thingy? if so i'd really appreciate it if someone tells me how
my js knowellage is very minimal unfortunately

Nvm i figured it out.
i used chrome://inspect -> discover network target -> localhost:32123 (is what the console attaches to)
Hi Monfrix, i think i did the same to my account, however i can't make sense of what You did over there :lol: where can i fix it and how did You get there? Can You please help?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by remsix »

monfrix wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:58 am
roooroar wrote:
Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:37 pm

Change the "undefined" to some non_negative numbers, in my file (unchanged) it is 0.
Try 1 if its still undefined after that, since 1 is the value of the green mushrooms. But it should be defined via a good number value.
I've managed to fix it :D
tl;dr i fucked up my save file after messing with breeding + cooking
(not sure which one caused it or was it the combination of the two)

idk if it'd be helpful if i write what i think happened and how i fixed it / my thought process etc etc
anyways if anyone is interested here it is
To keep it short i was messing around with cooking(also menu perks "to the right of the cooking stations") + breeding and i messed something up.
This is part of the game code that prevents me from loading in the game after character selection.

Code: Select all

for (var Gb = 0; 8 > Gb;) {
    this._DN1 = Gb++;
    for (var Sb = 0, Xb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1][this._DN1 | 0], Va = (null == Xb ? 0 : "number" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, k) : "number" == typeof Xb && (Xb | 0) === Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, m) : "boolean" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, n) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Xb ? parseFloat(Xb) : parseFloat(g.string(Xb))) | 0; Sb < Va;) {
        var Lb = Sb++,
            Eb = this._GenINFO[79],
            Wb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
        if (!Pb.contains(Eb, (null != d.PetStats ? Wb.getReserved("PetStats") : Wb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])) {
            var Ub = this._GenINFO[79],
                Vb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
            Ub.push((null != d.PetStats ? Vb.getReserved("PetStats") : Vb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])
I'm able to load in by skipping the if statement (the one inside the code block) but the game crashes if i click on the genetics tab.

Here is the resulting Error after character selection:

When debugging the if statement i know that the ternary operator results in Wb.h.Petstats being traversed
So its
Where: DN1 is the main loop iterator - 1, Lb is Sb - 1 the nested loop ends when Sb < Va
Va for the first main loop is 18
so what being traversed is Wb.h.PetStats[0 -> 7][0 -> 17][1]

Contains and Push methods updates an array(this._GenINFO[79]) with unduplicate numerical values of pet genetic type(fighter, Amplifier etc)

The Error is Raised when trying to access [0][17][1]
but there is only 0 - 16 in that array
(Sb = 18, Va = 18, Lb = 17) PetStats[0] only has 17 elements(0, 16) so PetStats[0][Lb = 17] raises the error

What is going on here ? Problem is with Va so let's see what Va is doing

Va ternary to IF Else statements:

Code: Select all

//1 - Va = 0 if (null == Xb)
//2 - else
if ("number" == typeof Xb) {
    e.__cast(Xb, k)
} else {
    if ("number" == typeof Xb && (Xb | 0) === Xb) {
        e.__cast(Xb, m)
    } else {
        if ("boolean" == typeof Xb) {
            if (e.__cast(Xb, n)) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if ("string" == typeof Xb) {
            } else {
                parseFloat(g.string(Xb))) | 0;
Xb is the var being evaluated in the code
which is b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1]

b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] Returns

Code: Select all

0: 18 <-
1: 18 <-
... other values
which is incorrect when compared to the length of the arrays returned in PetStats
By correcting these values i managed to fix the issue :lol:

Help Needed ->
I have a different Account wide issue i'd like to figure how to fix but i don't want to seem like i'm spamming the thread
So i will try to make my question short ...
Anyone knows how to debug/console log/catch errors when running the steam version of game?
all my debugging was done in the browser version of the game
my steam game crashes (clean install, vanilla Z.js) when certain something happens in game
but when doing the same thing in the browser version of the game it doesn't.

Is there a way to catch errors using the injector thingy? if so i'd really appreciate it if someone tells me how
my js knowellage is very minimal unfortunately

Nvm i figured it out.
i used chrome://inspect -> discover network target -> localhost:32123 (is what the console attaches to)
I thik i got the same problem as yours. I edited th z.js file in cooking and breeding. After cliking on genetic my game freez and now i stuck at the black screen after selecting character to play. I try to fix it but i dont know anyting about java script or coding. I try to find "b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] Returns" but noting found in my z.js file, the same for "array" or "length" nothing look like yours. Please can you help me?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by roooroar »

monfrix wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:58 am
Nvm i figured it out.
i used chrome://inspect -> discover network target -> localhost:32123 (is what the console attaches to)
I tried doing what you did with the inspect tool, but only have an empty list at the remote host section. Can you give some more hints?

Don't know if it was because I am supposed to open the game in console only or not.

Or maybe I have to find the game port somehow, wireshark comes to mind, though probably there are easier tools.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by monfrix »

grave1986 wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:10 am
Hi Monfrix, i think i did the same to my account, however i can't make sense of what You did over there :lol: where can i fix it and how did You get there? Can You please help?
remsix wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 11:51 am
I thik i got the same problem as yours. I edited th z.js file in cooking and breeding. After cliking on genetic my game freez and now i stuck at the black screen after selecting character to play. I try to fix it but i dont know anyting about java script or coding. I try to find "b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] Returns" but noting found in my z.js file, the same for "array" or "length" nothing look like yours. Please can you help me?
First of all, You have to know what line of the game code is throwing the error

To know what line is throwing the error you can simply open the browser version of the game and login to your account
press f12 for devtools > console go back to the game and choose a character and press play, now look for the resulting error in the console (similar to the one in my previous comment)
on the top right of the red error box is some text in gray referencing the line number and what file, click it and now you will be on the debugger page "sources", bottom left you will find a { } icon click it so the code can be more readable then we can go from there.

If it's the same if statement inside this code block then its the same issue.

this line ----> ..... Wb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1]

Code: Select all

for (var Gb = 0; 8 > Gb;) {
    this._DN1 = Gb++;
    for (var Sb = 0, Xb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1][this._DN1 | 0], Va = (null == Xb ? 0 : "number" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, k) : "number" == typeof Xb && (Xb | 0) === Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, m) : "boolean" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, n) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Xb ? parseFloat(Xb) : parseFloat(g.string(Xb))) | 0; Sb < Va;) {
        var Lb = Sb++,
            Eb = this._GenINFO[79],
            Wb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
        if (!Pb.contains(Eb, (null != d.PetStats ? Wb.getReserved("PetStats") : Wb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])) {
            var Ub = this._GenINFO[79],
                Vb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
            Ub.push((null != d.PetStats ? Vb.getReserved("PetStats") : Vb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])
Once you can confirm it's the same issue place a breakpoint below any line referencing Wb.h.PetStats
refresh the game while having the devtools window still open and select your character and press play.

The debugger will pop up hover-over/highlight Wb.h.PetStats and check the lengths of its arrays (arrays in arrays)
for example
0, 17 arrays
1, 17 arrays
2, 18 arrays
then go and hover-over/highlight b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] if the numbers don't match edit one by one
for example for mine it returned 0,18 instead of 0,17 so i edited the first one to the correct length 0, 17 and pressed the un pause button (top right button or f8 works too)
if it works and you load in then that's it! just wait for the auto save cycle and you're done.
if it doesn't, go for the next array and edit that to the correct value etc etc eventually it will be fixed and you will be able to load in.
Last edited by monfrix on Tue Mar 29, 2022 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by monfrix »

roooroar wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 11:53 am
monfrix wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:58 am
Nvm i figured it out.
i used chrome://inspect -> discover network target -> localhost:32123 (is what the console attaches to)
I tried doing what you did with the inspect tool, but only have an empty list at the remote host section. Can you give some more hints?

Don't know if it was because I am supposed to open the game in console only or not.

Or maybe I have to find the game port somehow, wireshark comes to mind, though probably there are easier tools.
The port is specified in the injector's main.js which is 32123
all you have to do is go to chrome://inspect press configure next to Discover network targets
and add localhost:32123 to the list and then run the injector and the game will show up on the inspect page press inspect and you have a devtools window for the game.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by monfrix »

hxide666 wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 6:19 am
malignius987 wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:23 am
Hey guys, nice to meet y'all. I've been trying for the past 2 days to get rid of the Req to unlock Starsigns on maps. Those "afk for 60 hours on 9 characters" ones are too boring to wait for. I've learnt by myself how to use the iBelg's tool, but i'm not a pro yet lol.
So...could anyone help me here? Is there a cheat/command to get rid of the req to unlock the constellations? If yes, how do I do it?

Btw if someone could explain to me what hydron (starsign tab) is, I would very much appreciate it.
you can't get rid of that, just use a 72hr candy.
This is incorrect. it's possible but the game's way of checking the progress/req is so absurd took me an hour yesterday to find it.

The progress is presented as a string of random? characters it's length is the progress / req
so if the req (for example) to "afk for 60 hours on 9 characters" its progress when completed will be presented as a string made of 9 characters and its length is what being checked by the game.

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by grave1986 »

monfrix wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 12:18 pm
grave1986 wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:10 am
Hi Monfrix, i think i did the same to my account, however i can't make sense of what You did over there :lol: where can i fix it and how did You get there? Can You please help?
remsix wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 11:51 am
I thik i got the same problem as yours. I edited th z.js file in cooking and breeding. After cliking on genetic my game freez and now i stuck at the black screen after selecting character to play. I try to fix it but i dont know anyting about java script or coding. I try to find "b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] Returns" but noting found in my z.js file, the same for "array" or "length" nothing look like yours. Please can you help me?
First of all, You have to know what line of the game code is throwing the error

To know what line is throwing the error you can simply open the browser version of the game and login to your account
press f12 for devtools > console go back to the game and choose a character and press play, now look for the resulting error in the console (similar to the one in my previous comment)
on the top right of the red error box is some text in gray referencing the line number and what file, click it and now you will be on the debugger page "sources", bottom left you will find a { } icon click it so the code can be more readable then we can go from there.

If it's the same if statement inside this code block then its the same issue.

this line ----> ..... Wb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1]

Code: Select all

for (var Gb = 0; 8 > Gb;) {
    this._DN1 = Gb++;
    for (var Sb = 0, Xb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1][this._DN1 | 0], Va = (null == Xb ? 0 : "number" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, k) : "number" == typeof Xb && (Xb | 0) === Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, m) : "boolean" == typeof Xb ? e.__cast(Xb, n) ? 1 : 0 : "string" == typeof Xb ? parseFloat(Xb) : parseFloat(g.string(Xb))) | 0; Sb < Va;) {
        var Lb = Sb++,
            Eb = this._GenINFO[79],
            Wb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
        if (!Pb.contains(Eb, (null != d.PetStats ? Wb.getReserved("PetStats") : Wb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])) {
            var Ub = this._GenINFO[79],
                Vb = b.engine.getGameAttribute("CustomLists");
            Ub.push((null != d.PetStats ? Vb.getReserved("PetStats") : Vb.h.PetStats)[this._DN1 | 0][Lb][1])
Once you can confirm it's the same issue place a breakpoint below any line referencing Wb.h.PetStats
refresh the game while having the devtools window still open and select your character and press play.

The debugger will pop up hover-over/highlight Wb.h.PetStats and check the lengths of its arrays (arrays in arrays)
for example
0, 17 arrays
1, 17 arrays
2, 18 arrays
then go and hover-over/highlight b.engine.getGameAttribute("Breeding")[1] if the numbers don't match edit one by one
for example for mine it returned 0,18 instead of 0,17 so i edited the first one to the correct length 0, 17 and pressed the un pause button (top right button or f8 works too)
if it works and you load in then that's it! just wait for the auto save cycle and you're done.
if it doesn't, go for the next array and edit that to the correct value etc etc eventually it will be fixed and you will be able to load in.
Thank You Brother for clarifying that! Took me some time, eventually i had to switch to MS Edge to get it working but finally i fixed it! Thanks!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by BakerBase »

gojumpriver wrote:
Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:06 am
taberenjo wrote:
Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:06 pm
Would anyone know how to modify the rng of cosmic time candy, so it always gives 500 hrs?
null != d.displayName ? xH.setReserved("displayName", "1_HR_Time_Candy") : xH.h.displayName = "1_HR_Time_Candy", null != d.sellPrice ? xH.setReserved("sellPrice", 1) : xH.h.sellPrice = 1, null != d.typeGen ? xH.setReserved("typeGen", "dTimeCandy") : xH.h.typeGen = "dTimeCandy", null != d.ID ? xH.setReserved("ID", 60) : xH.h.ID = 60, null != d.Type ? xH.setReserved("Type", "TIME_CANDY") : xH.h.Type = "TIME_CANDY", null != d.lvReqToCraft ? xH.setReserved("lvReqToCraft", "88") : xH.h.lvReqToCraft = "88", null != d.common ? OH.setReserved("common", xH) : OH.h.common = xH;
var kH = new p;
null != d.desc_line1 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line1", "Hold_down_to_instantly_get_1_Hour_of_AFK_Gains.") : kH.h.desc_line1 = "Hold_down_to_instantly_get_1_Hour_of_AFK_Gains.", null != d.desc_line2 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line2", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line2 = "Filler", null != d.desc_line3 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line3", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line3 = "Filler", null != d.desc_line4 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line4", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line4 = "Filler", null != d.desc_line5 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line5", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line5 = "Filler", null != d.desc_line6 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line6", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line6 = "Filler", null != d.desc_line7 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line7", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line7 = "Filler", null != d.desc_line8 ? kH.setReserved("desc_line8", "Filler") : kH.h.desc_line8 = "Filler", null != d.consumable ? OH.setReserved("consumable", kH) : OH.h.consumable = kH, y.addNewQuest("Timecandy1", OH);

just edit this
xH.setReserved("ID", 60) : xH.h.ID = 60,

60 min = to 1 hour
so just edit both number whatever you like

note:this one is 1 hour candy
What file is this modifying?

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by grave1986 »

Anyone found a way to enable use of Time Candies in space? Or changing KillsLeft2Advance? :)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by monfrix »

grave1986 wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:30 am
Anyone found a way to enable use of Time Candies in space? Or changing KillsLeft2Advance? :)

Might be risky idk i have no reason to speedrun w4 since w4 is incomplete so i haven't tested it

Change CHANGE_THIS to a higher value (anything higher than w4 maps id)

Code: Select all

if ("TIME_CANDY" == (null != d.Type ? Zl.getReserved("Type") : Zl.h.Type)) {
    if ( CHANGE_THIS > b.engine.getGameAttribute("CurrentMap")) {
        //if current map id is less than x
        //do timeCandy stuff

    } else {
        //do nothing ... (sets Hl to false)

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by grave1986 »

Cool You're right, might be risky... Thank You anyway!

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Re: Legends of Idleon

Post by ilovecheatingcd »

grave1986 wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:30 am
Anyone found a way to enable use of Time Candies in space? Or changing KillsLeft2Advance? :)
you can use the unlock portals command to unlock map on w4. doing this though unlocks all the portals on the map though

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