Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

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Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by Drago89 »

I have to wait for someone here wo can convert a cheat table. So i thought i could try some things myself.
But i have some questions about unknown/unseen Values.
In all Fire Emblem/ Tear Ring -, Berwick-, Vestaria Saga games it's the same system of gaining levels. You gather 100xp, get a lvl up and start again till 100xp. You can't see how much xp you allready have but you can guess if you start at lvl 1 and are now level 5 you should have 400xp all in all.
I can very easy search for the xp value you need from 1 to 100 and freeze it so you get every fight one level up. But i want to try if i can change the all in all xp so i can get multiple levels after a fight. Problem here: I can't find the values. I tried with unknown value + increased value with byte 2bytes, 4bytes and float with finding nothing or addresses who do for what i can see nothing at all.
Then i tried with values i guessed for example 638 for my unit who is lvl 7 and has 38 xp from 100 xp to the next level. Fighting, getting little bit xp and new value 672. Zero success.

The other issue is with the xp i get for a fight. For example i fight and get 25 xp. After that i fight and get 12 xp. I do find addresses but they do nothing. I tried to do it with just the xp i get for one of my units and always the same enemy unit. And i tried it with the xp i get with every unit and every enemy because i think there must be a address thats decide the xp i get regardless of who fights with whom.

So maybe someone here knows what i am doing wrong.

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by notpikachu »

Drago89 wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:37 am
bcus it's hard-coded to follow a set of formula that give you only +1 level even if you exceed the exp required. Here's something I pulled out of Vestaria Saga 2 script, which I assume should be true for the previous fire emblem series too as the game designer is the same.
That mean, what you found is correct, but the logic is different compared how other game process exp.

I didn't quite understand your second issue, but each obtained exp is stored inside the character as the script ^ and xor-ed afterward (become zero).

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by Drago89 »

So there is no way, right?

The second issue is the exp the enemy gives you. This value i wanted to change. So instead of getting 25 xp for hitting the enemy i want 1000 so i can get 10 levels at once.
But this would be the same problem with hard-coded, right?

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by notpikachu »

Drago89 wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:58 am
So there is no way, right?

The second issue is the exp the enemy gives you. This value i wanted to change. So instead of getting 25 xp for hitting the enemy i want 1000 so i can get 10 levels at once.
But this would be the same problem with hard-coded, right?
Definitely, as it passed through the function to process exp, hence the same scenario. It's actually pretty easy to find the level then the attributes around it, which the same what you're trying to achieve.

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by Drago89 »

Well i can find the Lvl but if i use the memory viewer i see numbers all over the place that could or could not be the attributes. I'm not an expert ^^

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by notpikachu »

Drago89 wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:27 pm
Well i can find the Lvl but if i use the memory viewer i see numbers all over the place that could or could not be the attributes. I'm not an expert ^^
If you're looking for Vestaria 2 offset for level to stats, look on Vestaria 1 previous table. It should be almost similar with a few exception like limit and item. It's a good chance to learn ^_^ .

Edit1: Sorry, should be Vestaria 2 Jap version by CannonFodder, same game with a little different in offset.

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by Drago89 »

notpikachu wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:46 pm
If you're looking for Vestaria 2 offset for level to stats, look on Vestaria 1 previous table. It should be almost similar with a few exception like limit and item. It's a good chance to learn ^_^ .

Edit1: Sorry, should be Vestaria 2 Jap version by CannonFodder, same game with a little different in offset.
I think something like this is above me. I found out in the table for jap VS2 from the address from lvl to address the stat "res" is 20 or "move" is 16. Between the stats it's 4. So that would mean if i find for eng VS2 the value for "lvl" (what i did) the address for "move" would be my lvl address - 16 in HEX, right? I added the address manually but it's a impossible number like 306 or something. If i go up or down + 4 Hex for the next stats same issue.

Next i tried searching for the stats directly. I found for example "STR" but changing did nothing. So maybe even if my first attempt had worked i wouldn't be able to change the values. But this is strange because i can change hp, xp or lvl.

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by notpikachu »

Drago89 wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:42 pm
Look can be deceiving, as the stats shown on the screen, isn't the same with what in the memory viewer.
I have a personal table for gog eng v1.13.6 , credit to CannonFodder for offset reference from Jap ver, I only find a different hook for the base and imitate the features. You can use it as a reference as what I said above, or share it, I don't mind.
Vestaria Saga 2 v1.13.6.ct
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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by Drago89 »

Well thank you. Works for Steam Version too. Would love to know how you did it for the future but i don't have a clue what you even mean by "i only find a different hook for the base" ^^
But it sounds like it's not really complicated. I think i will watch a few more tutorials on youtube about quantum physic cheat engine and someday i will get it :D

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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by thanhbi81 »

I replayed this game with cheat for fun. Add some code to table for item collection and change class:
1. Class code: change value to get some interessant class like
11 and 84 almighty sage, 93 queen, 104 gusion, 60 67 170 dragon master, 118 sentinel, 147 153 154 fice-ice-toxwyrm, 174 duchess
267 and 300 dracolord, 297 ironduke, 303 afarit, 254 arch duke, 183 adonsphair
2. Type code: change 0player 1enemy 2guest to able to trade some great item like olganim,deatless totem...
3. Lock code in Item 1: change 1 lock to 0 unlock to able to unlock some item are locked to character( yellow, cant trade)

Like in Chapter 6 you need take the necromancer staff to revive Hilda after chapter 8 or some boss items.
If you kill Haldyn in chapter 8 you can get Sloan(3rd sword master) in chapter 11 then can revive Haldyn, but lose Ravina chapter 20
coz event turn 5 never happen!
And if you kill Drake in chapter 20, you get Cezar for only chapter 21 then can revive Drake too but do so let you lose some great items
like Crested Sanctblade and Blade of Abyss coz event with the skeleton never happen!
Vestaria Saga 2 v1.13.7.ct
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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by thanhbi81 »

Chapter 18, the Broodwitches have Volite Necklace, which is teleport item!

And for anyone who like to change class, here is the list:
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Re: Unknown Values in Fire Emblem like Games

Post by zelazko »

I found funny way to resurrect your dead actors or even bring ones who left by using the cheat engine. You need to take control of the enemy who is a necromancer class and has resurrection staff. No playable unit can use resurrection staff and the staff itself cannot be traded.

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