- trying to "create" a kind of creativity mode
- being able to control the placement/type/rotation of buildings and houses.
I will start by saying, that I am a newbie and never worked with Mono while using CE.
My knowledge is limited to changing health/money/some easy to find values.
I know how pointers work and am able to do AOB scans / code injections for very basic stuff.
I have looked into this game over the last few days and did not get very far with my basic knowledge.
So I am looking for help / guidance with my goal to manually change the parameters of a mono-method call.
What I have found so far, that seems useful:
Mono class: Motorways.Processes:BuildingSpawningProcess
method name: SpawnBuilding
Parameters: System.Void (Motorways.BuildingPlacer/Placement placement, Motorways.Models.CityPlanModel/ScheduledBuilding building, Engine.Server.ISimulation simulation)
Setting a breakpoint for that method will indeed stop the game at the right moment.
I can also confirm that this is only called once for each new building spawn. (does not spawn the houses tho)
But my knowledge is to limited to understand what else I can do from here.
I have tried to understand the instructions but can not make sense of them, because I don't know what to look for.
I want to be able to control when the building is spawned, where it is spawned and what color (group?) it has.
I am also still looking for a method that will spawn the houses.
Looking for someone with more experience to point me towards the right direction.
Would appreciate a detailed explanation, as I want to learn and understand what I am doing, while I am at it.
Thank you.