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Farcry 4 Entity List

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 3:51 pm
by Bottomzz

How would i get the entity (enemy) list to loop through and grab their positions? A method not a spoonfeed can help.

They don't share the same values as me I would love any help.

Thank you!

Re: Farcry 4 Entity List

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:46 pm
by TimFun13
If you're wanting the coordinates, then start with the player's and backtrace it to the list lookup/processing code.

Re: Farcry 3 Entity List

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:32 am
by Bottomzz
Hey Tim,

I saw your trainer and its epic.

I want to build a class for the player in c++ for a trainer.

Code: Select all

class  Player {
float health;
vec3 position; 
stuff like that but I am kind of bad at finding the static address to build it. I also want to populate it with an entity list address but finding these addresses for the enemy is tough especially static. I want to do things like freeze them or teleport them all on me etc.

So i know that this is the enemy health location for v1.08

Once the enemy health has been found I can add offset 3418 to get the position but this position is weird because it only updates after the enemy has moved so like sort of a last known position sort of thing.

These images give an idea of what I found:


Re: Farcry 4 Entity List

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:47 am
by Bottomzz
Over it