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Game Time Played Hacks

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 3:40 pm
by IronDrago56
Hey There

Total Noob Question. But is there a way to spoof the amount of time you've played in a game? Because on sites like TA where they track your achievements, It tracks how much time you've played it. Is there a way to spoof the amount of time you've played the game for?

Re: Game Time Played Hacks

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 3:54 pm
by LeFiXER
I must say that you should be more specific about what you want to achieve. If it's a single-player offline game and the game holds a value for how long you've played for then yes it's most certainly possible. If it's an online game, there is likely to be some sort of redundancy check to verfiy the values therefore unlikely to achieve what you want.