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How to use AobScan to modify several characters in the same hack?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 12:29 am
by Diegiwg
(ATTENTION: The original language of this text is Portuguese. It was translated with G.T, sorry for any inconvenience in the text.)

I'm learning how to create cheats in CE, and by a stroke of luck, I found an AOB that guaranteed me access to "NPC Base Stats" of all npc's in the game (Tale of Immortal).

My question is: how do I make, for example, a script go through the list of addresses I get when I do AobScan (something around 360), to modify the value of life in all of them. Remembering, as I have the base of the NPC, I also have the offset that always leads to the value of life.

Would it be possible? (no matter the speed feasibility of the hack, it's just for studies)

Re: How to use AobScan to modify several characters in the same hack?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:23 am
by Csimbi
I think you misunderstand AOB scan.
Its sole purpose is to scan for and find a specific pattern in the memory.
It does not modify anything.