Hello! I got frustrated that there didn't seem to be any real way to get cheat engine to work consistently with Slice & Dice, so I decided to delve into the jar files and use the 2 semesters of Java programming I took 10 years ago to try to fudge together a way to cheat in the game.
First, the easy solution for people who just want some cheats. This works as of Slice & Dice V.3.0.18. Some options will likely still work after updates, depending on what gets changed.
-----> the password for all .zip files is "slice" without quotations <--------
1) Find a file named dice.jar (in the same place as the game executable) and extract it to a folder (you can just use 7zip to right-click, extract to dice). You might want to make a copy of dice.jar and place it somewhere safe in case something goes wrong.
2) Download "diemod.zip" that I've attached below. Extract and place the contents of that file into the dice folder you just made and confirm replacing files as needed.
3) Go into your dice folder, select everything inside that folder, then zip it into an archive (right-click "add to dice.zip" for 7-zip users). Don't just click the dice folder itself to make a zip file, you have to actually go into the folder and select everything in the folder.
4) Rename "dice.zip" to "dice.jar"
5) Take the dice.jar you just made and move it to where the original dice.jar was (where the game executable is) and replace it.
6) Launce "Slice & Dice.exe." Assuming everything went well, the game should launch and you can start playing.
The files in dicemod.zip do the following.
Difficulty.class: Changes Brutal and Hell difficulties to require blessings at the start instead of curses.
HeroTypeBlob (blue, grey, orange, red, yellow): Changes all spells on heroes to be free. Also adds a spell to Orange, Yellow, and Grey heroes that didn't already have a spell or ability (orange heroes get a 1 damage+poison+weaken, yellow heroes get a 2 damage+cleave, grey heroes get 1 shield to all). Valkyrie and Stoic are the only ones that didn't get anything, 'cause their arrays are a little different and I didn't want to mess with them.
SpellLib.class: Changes the "Burst" spell to be free and adds a heal+cleanse to the shield option.
Snapshot.class: Changes rerolls to 90 and maximum mana to 90 (just the maximum, so you don't lose mana between turns)
PhaseGeneratorDifficulty.class: Makes the "myriad offers" option add 5x options instead of 2x options.
If there's a change you don't want, just delete the associated file before you drag it from diemod to the dice folder.
I've also added a less "cheaty" version called "manaburst.zip" that only includes the 90 rerolls and changes the Burst spell into a free spell that gives you 50 mana whenever you use it. The instructions for using that are the same as the diemod folder, just extract from manaburst instead.
NEW OPTIONS ----you can add these to your game in the exact same way as the diemod folder.
By request, I've added an even lighter version that only gives 2 extra die rolls (4 total) and the Burst spell only gives 3 mana (it's still free). You can use this with the main diemod by extracting diemod first, then overwriting it with this.
This folder makes it so that Wish Mode is always on in all modes (this can be used standalone, or alongside diemod or one of the manabursts). Essentially, you can give yourself blessings, curses, items, level ups, or even generate new stuff using the code built into the game. To generate an effect (like a blessing or curse) start a game, then before you start a fight, click on the letters in the top middle of the screen that shows what mode you're playing. There will be a button that says "wish." Click it and a text bar will pop up. Type the modifier you want to add, then hit enter, and it will show you all of the options for that modifier (for instance, typing "perceptive" (increase item reward options) will give you an option of perceptive(1) up to perceptive (10)). You can also click on a character portrait to type in a specific level up for a hero ("Gladiator" makes...well, a Gladiator, for instance). You can also click on the word "inventory" to give yourself items. You can do this anytime that you're not actively fighting.
Refer to the in-game Ledger for a list of things to generate. Blessings/Curses are under "Modifiers" and items/heroes are under Items and Heroes. You can also check out "Textmod" under ledger to get started generating your own things (For instance, you can use "add." followed by the lines of code for a custom generated hero while wishing for a modifier to add that custom hero to your party).
See the actual Wish mode in game if you need more instructions (also remember that it's possible to crash the game by generating your own custom stuff if you don't code it in correctly).
For the do it yourselfers, it's actually pretty easy to start delving into the game code. Download "Recaf" (a program that will let you assemble and edit jars), open it, then drag dice.jar from your game folder into the program. From there, find a class or definition you want to change, make your edits, then hit "CTRL+S" to save the edits you made in the class. If it's successful, the border of the screen will flash green. If not, it either won't do anything, or the assembler will throw some errors. Typically, errors will get thrown if you don't have the right reference imported (if you try to add a spell to a herotype that doesn't have spells already, you need to make sure SpellLib is imported, for example), or you're trying to directly edit a value that needs to be edited in the assembler (if that's the case, just right click the value and find it in the assembler instead and edit it and save it there).
Once you've made your edits, take note of the file locations of the classes you've edited (you should see it in the file tree in Recaf, or as the top line in the specific class you have open), then go to "File -> Export Program" and export the program as a .zip (you can name it whatever). Extract the .zip you just made to somewhere convenient. Now, go to where the game executable is (where you originally found dice.jar) and extract dice.jar to the dice folder. Find your edited classes from the folder you made from Recaf, copy them, the paste them over the same files in the dice folder. If you're lazy and made a lot of edits, you can probably just copy the entire "gameplay" folder from where you made your edits into the dice folder's "gameplay" folder and it should copy everything, though I've only done it piecemeal as I've edited and tested things.
Once you've copied the files from your modded folder into the dice folder, go back to the dice folder, select everything in it (don't just select the dice folder, open the folder and select everything in it), then zip it (I just add it all to dice.zip). Rename the .zip folder you just made to "dice.jar" then move it to where the game executable is and replace the dice.jar file that's already there.
You should then be able to run the Slice & Dice.exe and your edits will show up in game, assuming everything went correctly.
Word of warning, for some reason, just exporting from Recaf directly into a .jar file then trying to run that jar seems to crash the game, hence the somewhat convoluted steps of finding the classes you edited and moving them into the file folder that we got from the original dice. jar
For some nifty places to edit stuff, the HeroTypeBlob files of each color allow you to change the die faces and values for every hero. You can add effects, keywords, spells, abilities, a ton of stuff (check out the Keyword definition for a list of effects). MonsterBlobs are in the same Blob folders as the heroes, if you want to do some self-balancing. SpellLib has the definition for the Burst spell, if you want to change what that does. The Difficulty class lets you adjust the required amount of curses (negative numbers) or blessings (positive numbers) you're required to have in each difficulty.
There's probably a ton of stuff I didn't think to mess with as well, like changing generated hero balancing from the generated folder, or changing the definitions for base item quality as well as the base number of item and level up option that you're given. It's pretty easy to poke around in once you get used to it.
Thanks for reading! I spent more time than I'd like to admit messing around with files trying to get any sort of cheat to work. I hope this helps people trying to get through the game.
Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
- Attachments
- WishAlwaysOn.zip
- (3.96 KiB) Downloaded 259 times
- manaburstlite.zip
- (27.54 KiB) Downloaded 164 times
- manaburst.zip
- (27.51 KiB) Downloaded 170 times
- diemod.zip
- (58.77 KiB) Downloaded 271 times
Last edited by SambaMike on Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
Can you make a even lighter version of consists:
1 - : +2 extra rerolls
2 - : better burst spell (free) but gives 3 mana instead
Another version of consists:
3 - : 2 hero level ups and items when finishing stage instead of only be able to pick one
(If its not possible than) = +2 to available picks (someting like when finishing first stage = level 2 gray hero, level 2 yellow hero, level 3 orange hero etc. One overpowered option)
Its up to ou to pick it up or not
Thank you.
1 - : +2 extra rerolls
2 - : better burst spell (free) but gives 3 mana instead
Another version of consists:
3 - : 2 hero level ups and items when finishing stage instead of only be able to pick one
(If its not possible than) = +2 to available picks (someting like when finishing first stage = level 2 gray hero, level 2 yellow hero, level 3 orange hero etc. One overpowered option)
Its up to ou to pick it up or not
Thank you.
Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
I've uploaded this as "manaburstlite.zip"
For your other request, I couldn't specifically find where you can modify the base number of level up choices or items, or where to make it so you can select multiple level ups at the same time.
I did stumble on a way to enable Wishing in every game mode, though, and with that you can simulate what you want to do. When you start a game, just click on the letters at the top of the screen that show what mode you're in, then click on "wish" and when it asks you to "wish for modifier" you can type in "Versatile" to add a blessing that increase your level up options, or "Perceptive" to add a blessing that increases your item options. "Double XP" and "Double Loot" let you level up every stage and get items every stage, respectively. You don't have to type in the whole word ("Perc" will show you all options that start with those letters, for instance).
There's probably a way to use the Textmod that they've supplied in game to smash all of those together into one blessing that you can just copy and paste at the start of a game, but I haven't delved much into that outside of just adding randomly generated heroes to a game I've already started.
It's a little clunky, but it should let you do everything you want to do and, if you come up with more things that you want, it's pretty easy to incorporate those as well.
Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
Messed around with this a bit. If you copy the following into the "wish for modifier" bar:
2-20.phi.0&2-20.phi.1&Double XP&Double Loot&Perceptive^2&Versatile^2
It will give you 2 level ups and 2 item picks every stage, with each one having 4 total options to choose from.
If you just use:
Double XP&Double Loot&Perceptive^2&Versatile^2
You'll get one level up and one item per stage and you'll have 2 more options to choose from.
2-20.phi.0&2-20.phi.1&Double XP&Double Loot&Perceptive^2&Versatile^2
It will give you 2 level ups and 2 item picks every stage, with each one having 4 total options to choose from.
If you just use:
Double XP&Double Loot&Perceptive^2&Versatile^2
You'll get one level up and one item per stage and you'll have 2 more options to choose from.
Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
wow great thank you.
though i cant find wishing button

though i cant find wishing button

Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
You probably figured it out already, but you can't wish once a battle has actually started (once you're rolling dice). You can wish anytime you're not fighting (between rounds when you're leveling your heroes or rearranging your loot/inventory). You found the right place, though, just the wrong timing.
In modes where you select blessings/curses at the beginning of the game, you can press the button at the top while the menu for blessing/curse selections is still up in order to activate modifiers from turn 1. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until you complete the first fight.
In modes where you select blessings/curses at the beginning of the game, you can press the button at the top while the menu for blessing/curse selections is still up in order to activate modifiers from turn 1. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until you complete the first fight.
Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
aah okay i fpund it.
Thank you.
* Its a bit different from the "Wish Game Mode" where "W" is visible.
*-Double XP&Double Loot&Perceptive^2&Versatile^2
is fine enough*-
* also we can wish anything. Ledger is great helper.
Can we remove modifiers this way?
is fine enough
Thank you.
* Its a bit different from the "Wish Game Mode" where "W" is visible.
*-Double XP&Double Loot&Perceptive^2&Versatile^2
is fine enough*-
* also we can wish anything. Ledger is great helper.
Can we remove modifiers this way?
is fine enough
Re: Slice & Dice jar editing (with example cheats)
Hey there @SambaMike Can you make a "Wish Always Unlocked" for latest version of 3.1.20 Thank you.
Game won't start at current state.
Game won't start at current state.
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