Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

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Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

Table updated to the game update from 28.04.2020
GenerationZero_F (2020.04).CT
(630.23 KiB) Downloaded 1332 times
- added feature to enable free cam during usage of bicycle.
For those use "Normal/Bicycle Cam Switch" under the "Values" of "Free Camera".


Table from Chiados:
Max Level Rivals
Max Level Region
Infinite Sprint
Movement Speed Multiplier
- Time
Script for changing time and rewinding it.

- Calm_Mechs
All mechs doesn't react for player. But they are could rotate at your direction when you shoot them.

- noHUD
Hiding HUD but you can normally interact with main menu, inventory and so on.

-- "Foliage" group

- No_Foliage
Disable all foliage, most of the rocks, logs...

- Better_Foliage
Makes all foliage and buildings slightly better on distance (LODs). Crated for make screenshots looks better.

- noGrass_Pressure
Disable pressure on grass from player, mechs and other assets. Useful if you wish screenshot without suppressed grass.

- Exposure_Manual
Allows you to adjust exposure.

-- "Weather Effects" group

- Freeze_Weather_Effects
Allows you to freeze fog and wind stage and adjust it. So you can turn on/off 3 types of fog. Also switch rain to snow "Snow_Switch" but better to use "Rain_Snow_Change" script for it.

- Weather_Change_Speed
Adjust how fast weather changing. Useful if you get some weather state that you doesn't want to change, in such case you can change "Weather_Speed" to "0". Or if you wish to "rewind" weather and find something interesting, just past in "Weather_Speed" something like 5 or 10.

- No_Volumetric_Clouds
Disable "big" ("volumetric") clouds.

- noHigh_Clouds
Disable smaller but higher clouds.

- Clouds_and_Rain_Amount
If you want natural rain, past in "Rain_Clouds_Amount" something like from 3 to 10. If you want faster change, past somethine like 50. If you wish "natural" and clean weather, past 0 value.

- Rain_Wet_SnowCover
Here you can change Rain/Snow falling amount (Rain_Amount); Amount of wetness and snow cover.

- Rain_Snow_Change
Rain or Snow falling switcher.

- Snowflakes_Scale_mult
Multiplier for every particular snowflake, so you can make snowflakes very small or very big.

- Wind_Mult
You can adjust speed of wind or disable wind at all.

- Stars
Adjust star brightness (even in day time).

- Sun_Moon_Color
Adjust color of sun, sun halo and moon. But only "texture color", not color of light from it.

- Blue_Tone
Adjust blue color tone on bright surfaces, so you can make "natural" blue snow or already "color corrected" image.

- "Free Camera" group
Allows you to fly around. You can also "jump" to your waypoint on the map and adjust FOV. For jumping to waypoint just place new waypoint at any place on the map and press "Shift + R". You can adjust FOV without free cam, just use "Custom_FOV (num7,4 + Ctrl)" script. Also here you can find "Player_Mechs_Freeze" script, but mostly it's used for disabling "original" player from falling down underwater when free camera flied to far away.

- Graphic Settings
Allows you to change such graphic settings as FOG RGB color and it's intensity, bloom/DoF intensity, clouds color and so on. Also here with "InOutFog_Lights" you can adjust lights intensity and it's "foggy" amount.

- Static Graphic Settings
"Graphic Settings" changing during time of day. But here you can adjust some of graphic settings that will work at any day time. Enable "Fill_Static_Values" script for see values.

-- "Animations_Speed" group
note that this group of scripts was made for using with the free camera and for having creative freedom with screenshots.

- Mechs_Animations
Adjust speed of animations for mechs and player (also affect reloading speed).

- Mechs_Movements
Adjust mechs speed of "sliding".

- Birds_Insects
Adjust speed for birds in sky and insects in grass.

- Rain_Clouds_Animation
Adjust speed of animations for foliage, weather, clouds...

- Special_Effects
Adjust speed of animations for such kind of effects as bullets impacts, fire, explosions... Note that camera could "shaking" when you move close for freezed explosion or near big mechs and currently i'm can't figure out how to deal with it.

- Bullet_Time
Adjust speed of bullets.

//I should say that i thought about those animations speed before in "theHunter: Call of the Wild" game, but doesn't have any idea how can i "catch" this and if it's even possible. Then i found [Link] from [Link] and that was like proof that this should be possible. And after i can figured it out... Freeze the game with "pause process" feature of CE. Wait some time. Unfreeze it and you will see that animations goes faster for short period of time. With some amount of luck you can get those values with the increased/decreased search method.//

-- "Foliage Repalce" group
Here you can switch foliage (trees, bushes, logs, some of grasses) between each other, adjust it's color and visibility. It could be tricky at first times though, but with that you can change some kind of spruce trees to deciduous trees, rocks and so on. Not all foliage affected by this script. For see what you could change use "Grass Off (hide unaffected)". This script hide all assets that doesn't affected by this group of scripts. Also adjusting color for spruce trees affect not only their "leaves" but also their "trunks", but it works fine with deciduous trees (sorry, my English is very bad when i try to talk about the botany/foliage and so on). "Rotation" values and scripts were made for being able to disable rotation for foliage when it placed on hill or just slightly rotated in game for some reason and if you want to disable it.
Previous tables
Table updated to the game update from 30.03.2020
GenerationZero_F (2020.03).CT
(638.36 KiB) Downloaded 201 times

Table updated to the game update from 28.01.2020
GenerationZero_F (2020.01).CT
(673.52 KiB) Downloaded 157 times

Update from 26.11.2019 (Alpine Unrest Update)
GenerationZero_F (2019.11 Alpine Unrest).CT
(669.51 KiB) Downloaded 166 times

Update from 29.10 (Game Rivals Update) -------------------------------------------------------------

Update from 08.02
- no_HUD now should be disabled if you wish to access inventory, menu, map... (i'm just lazy to make it properly, sorry);
- added "No_Vignette" and "No_Grain" scripts to HUD group;
- in the "Tone_Curve" you can find two scripts. One is responsible for gentle blue overall color (simulated light from the sky) and another one that used for color presets in Photo Mode;
- Free Camera now could jump right to the cursor position on the map (no need to past marker on the map) and by default it use bit another hotkey "Shift + T";
- changed the names for addresses in "Graphic Settings" group for the names that actually should be (thanks to The Crone);
- added Spotlights group with a bunch of scripts for the spotlights. Here you can change color of lights also for mechs, but seems like there is some bug in game that sometimes cause mechs loading up with default "white" lights, which is not fully affected by those scripts;
- added in "Animations_Speed" group "no_cam_shake" and "no_blow_tint" scripts. "no_cam_shake" using for disabling camera shaking when you freeze animations of Tanks or Harvester. "no_blow_tint" using for disabling overexposure when you enable "Special_Effects" script in the moment of explosions. NOTE that would be better to enable them right in the beginning and don't touch them later for avoiding game crasing.

In some of groups you could find "- - - Copy/Paste" group of scripts...
Do not even try to open or edit red addresses, because it's huge AOB and CE will just stop to response:) Those scripts was made for quick save and load values into array of addresses. So lets say you get something interesting in "Graphic Settings" group and you want to store results for being able to load it up in future.
- At first you should copy/paste yellow "Template" script;
- Then you should enable "Copy_Graphic_Dynamic_Values" script. This script will copy value from "Dynamic_Graphic_All", which is AOB or in other words all the values from "[graphic1]+000" address to "[graphic1]+428" but "simplified" for the one "line";
- After you enabled "Copy_Graphic_Dynamic_Values", you can disable it right after it and open copy/pasted before "Template" script;
- Here you should put cursor between 'those symbols' and press Ctrl+V;
- That's it. Now you stored your settings and if you want load them later, just enable that "Template" script. As for example i put here "Dark Evening" just for showing how it should looks like and so you can see how it works.
GenerationZero Graphics, FreeCam, AnimSpeed, FoliageRep (game ver from 07.03).zip
steam ver from 07.03 (July HotFix)
(60.86 KiB) Downloaded 142 times

Update from 04.25
- "noHUD" script now worked as it should (you can access inventory, map, main menu...);
- added "Glowing_Textures" to "InOutFog_Lights" script, so it's possible to adjust power of glowed textures;
- added "List of Foliage" in "Foliage Replace" group where you can see which values you can use for replacing foliage from one to another;
- changed address types for replacing foliage from 4 bytes to 2 bytes, since it's seems more as it should be and for prevent crash if you past "bad" (too high) value.

GenerationZero Graphics, FreeCam, AnimSpeed, FoliageRep (game ver from 04.25).zip
steam ver from 04.25 (April HotFix)
(40.59 KiB) Downloaded 141 times

Update from 04.20
- Added "Buildings LODs" scripts in "Foliage" group, which slightly increase building quality on distance;
- Added "Birds_Insects" and "Bullet_Time" scripts in "Animations_Speed" group, which allows you to change speed of birds, insects and bullets;
- Added "Foliage Replace" group which allows you to replace trees with each other and adjust it's color. Read the description part below in this post for explanation of this and other scripts.
- noHUD script currently disabling HUD whatever you do, even when you open inventory and map. Will try to find how to avoid it later.

GenerationZero Graphics, FreeCam, AnimSpeed, FoliageRep (game ver from 04.17).zip
steam ver from 04.17 (April Update)
(53.25 KiB) Downloaded 152 times

Update from 04.08

- Added FOV speed up (use Ctrl + Num4,7 or just Num4,7 for normal speed);
- Added 2 more scripts to "Better_Foliage" which is activating automatically with it. [Link], which is more noticeable during [Link];
GenerationZero Graphics, Free Cam, AnimSpeed (game ver 03.27) (2).zip
steam ver from 03.27
(26.3 KiB) Downloaded 141 times

Update from 04.05

- Added FOV change (in "Free Camera" group);
- Added "Animations_Speed" group where is possible to adjust speeds of mechs animations, their movements, weather effects and some sort of special effects (dirt after bullet impacts, explosions...). Mechs Animations and Movements scripts also affect player, but it's supposed to use with the free camera and not in ordinal gameplay. Still, while it have some flaws it's required some of the adjustments, but so far looks ready for usage;
- Added "Weather_Change_Speed" script. I don't know if it's me or game engine, but at high speeds clouds could stutter;
- Added "Alt/Tab" check for free camera and FOV;
- Added "Foliage" group where is possible to disable foliage at all or slightly improve it;
- Fixed/finished "Blue Tone" and "Moon Color" scripts;
- Moved "Player_Mechs_Freeze" script to "Free Camera" group.

If you have crashes during usage of CE, try to check in CE "Edit - Settings - Debugger Options - Use windows debugger". VEH debugger before cause for me a lot of crashes.

GenerationZero Graphics, Free Cam, AnimSpeed (game ver 03.27).zip
steam ver from 03.27
(223.59 KiB) Downloaded 140 times

Update from 04.02

- added Free Camera (Use TFGHUJ for movements and BN for speed mults);
- added "Player_Mechs_Freeze" script for freezing player/mechs and for "wiping out" mechs;
- changed "noHUD" script so now mouse does not appear (should be possible to play normally without any HUD on screen, let me know if you find any issue with it);
- fixed dot in center of the screen when "noHUD" active and no items in quick slots
Preview of default and view without HUD, lens dirt and DoF: [Link]
GenerationZero Graphics, Free Cam (game ver 03.27).zip
steam ver from 03.27
(198.29 KiB) Downloaded 140 times

Table for Steam game version from March 27

Cheat table mostly for those who like to make screenshots. Here you can adjust in-game brightness, contrast, fog amount and it's color, DoF, street lights, exposure, lens dirt, wind, stars brightness and so on. Also time control and calm mechs ("invisible" player model).
Pretty in WIP state, but so far looks ready to share.
GenerationZero Graphics (game ver 03.27).zip
steam ver from 03.27
(164.74 KiB) Downloaded 141 times
Credits and links
[Link] and his [Link]. Was used to see if it's possible to adjust animations speeds (speed of foliage, environments animations...) in theHunter:COTW and the results was transmitted to this game;

Krys Kamieniecki and her [Link] tool to watch/export/import game files. Was used at least for taking proper names of values in "Graphic Settings" and "Buildings LODs".
For hotkeys press "Table Extras" in bottom right corner of the Cheat Engine.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by pigeon on Tue May 12, 2020 6:13 pm, edited 33 times in total.

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by sodalover »

This is great, I wasn't really expecting a table such as this for this game. Since this is mostly for people who like to make screenshots, I'm curious if you would be willing to work on something to help with loot quality. I'd be more than happy to send a few dollars to your paypal if so. If not, thank you anyways for this table ^^

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

Actually, task like this should be good for taking a rest from those graphics cheats, which is still required a lot of job. I will see if i can do anything useful with the items quality in the inventory (or if you mean exactly random loot, than i guess it's to hard for me to figuring out), but i can't promise anything since i never worked before in this way. No need to paypal me in any case. Also try to ask the same question here, if you are looking exactly for the loot quality :)

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

I tried to find how to switch weapons or anything which is stored in "hands", but can't find any user-friendly solution for switching items. At least, if you have patience or if someone else will be interesting to finish this, here is what i've found:

Instruction that read all amounts of items in player inventory:
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E4FC: 48 83 F8 40 - cmp rax,40
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E500: 73 0D - jae GenerationZero_F.exe+57E50F
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E502: BA 40 00 00 00 - mov edx,00000040
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E507: 48 8B CF - mov rcx,rdi
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E50A: E8 A1 CE D0 FF - call GenerationZero_F.exe+28B3B0
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E50F: 4C 8B BD 20 03 00 00 - mov r15,[rbp+00000320]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E516: 48 8B AD 18 03 00 00 - mov rbp,[rbp+00000318]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E51D: 49 3B EF - cmp rbp,r15
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E520: 74 71 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57E593
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E522: 48 8D 5D 44 - lea rbx,[rbp+44]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E526: 8B 4B 04 - mov ecx,[rbx+04]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E529: 85 C9 - test ecx,ecx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E52B: 74 59 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57E586
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E52D: 80 7B 09 FF - cmp byte ptr [rbx+09],-01
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E531: 74 27 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57E55A
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E533: 80 7B 0A FF - cmp byte ptr [rbx+0A],-01
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E537: 74 21 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57E55A
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E539: 49 8B 56 08 - mov rdx,[r14+08]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E53D: 88 4C 24 50 - mov [rsp+50],cl
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E541: 49 39 56 10 - cmp [r14+10],rdx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E545: 74 0E - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57E555
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57E547: 8B 03 - mov eax,[rbx]
Instruction that read all item/weapon/ammo/... in player inventory (they are encrypted):
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AAE: 84 C0 - test al,al
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AB0: 74 43 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+597AF5
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AB2: E8 49 3B 1E 00 - call GenerationZero_F.exe+77B600
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AB7: 33 DB - xor ebx,ebx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AB9: 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597ABC: E8 8F F2 1D 00 - call GenerationZero_F.exe+776D50
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AC1: 48 8B 90 20 03 00 00 - mov rdx,[rax+00000320]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AC8: 48 8B 88 18 03 00 00 - mov rcx,[rax+00000318]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597ACF: 48 3B CA - cmp rcx,rdx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AD2: 74 15 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+597AE9
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AD4: 39 71 44 - cmp [rcx+44],esi
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AD7: 75 03 - jne GenerationZero_F.exe+597ADC
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AD9: 03 59 48 - add ebx,[rcx+48]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597ADC: 48 83 C1 50 - add rcx,50
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AE0: 48 3B CA - cmp rcx,rdx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AE3: 75 EF - jne GenerationZero_F.exe+597AD4
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AE5: 85 DB - test ebx,ebx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AE7: 75 0C - jne GenerationZero_F.exe+597AF5
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AE9: 48 8B 8F B8 07 00 00 - mov rcx,[rdi+000007B8]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AF0: E8 0B C3 F4 FF - call GenerationZero_F.exe+4E3E00
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AF5: F3 0F 11 74 24 70 - movss [rsp+70],xmm6
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+597AFB: 48 8D 5F 10 - lea rbx,[rdi+10]
Instruction that "load" all available item from the game, even outfits, quests keys and so on. But still in encrypted format (open inventory for filling addresses):
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F773: 48 8B C1 - mov rax,rcx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F776: 4C 8B 4E 08 - mov r9,[rsi+08]
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F77A: 45 33 DB - xor r11d,r11d
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F77D: 4D 2B CA - sub r9,r10
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F780: 49 F7 E9 - imul r9
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F783: 48 C1 FA 05 - sar rdx,05
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F787: 48 8B C2 - mov rax,rdx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F78A: 48 C1 E8 3F - shr rax,3F
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F78E: 48 03 D0 - add rdx,rax
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F791: 74 14 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57F7A7
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F793: 41 39 3A - cmp [r10],edi
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F796: 74 35 - je GenerationZero_F.exe+57F7CD
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F798: 49 FF C3 - inc r11
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F79B: 49 81 C2 C0 00 00 00 - add r10,000000C0
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7A2: 4C 3B DA - cmp r11,rdx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7A5: 72 EC - jb GenerationZero_F.exe+57F793
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7A7: 48 FF C3 - inc rbx
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7AA: 48 83 C6 18 - add rsi,18
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7AE: 48 83 FB 10 - cmp rbx,10
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7B2: 72 BC - jb GenerationZero_F.exe+57F770
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7B4: 33 C0 - xor eax,eax
"GenerationZero_F.exe"+57F7B6: 48 8B 5C 24 10 - mov rbx,[rsp+10]
Encrypted 4bytes values of some of the weapons:
Hunting Rifle Meusser
1* 2052912546
2* 60111070
3* 2700874240
4* 2214328775
5* 345450212

Hunting Rifle Algstudsare
1* 1512823500
2* 3797852091
3* 1384764071
4* 789944801
5* 2926162563

Rifle Automatgevar 5
1* 1858075135
2* 4038009463
3* 1063891050
4* 1628079621
5* 3458907921

Rifle Automatgevar 4
1* 2475865089
2* 1938816247
3* 1564277953
4* 1078124586
5* 821390159

AI-76 Assault Rifle
1* 3528235377
2* 4170566388
3* 3252499511
4* 2593629241
5* 2623516647

Pansarvarnsgevar 90 .50
1* 2727348298
2* 1113029778
3* 1708071827
4* 1940676808
5* 1287668466

HP5 9mm
1* 3329358393
2* 1919634899
3* 894785287
4* 764274991
5* 3995651919

M/46 "Krpist" SMG 9mm
1* 1438049323
2* 2562218223
3* 471434641
4* 3343263738
5* 1938906168

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by sodalover »

Oh man, that's awesome. Sadly my knowledge isn't good enough to do much with what you've found but that alone is quite nice. Mainly I was curious about adjusting what tier loot you get from opening random crates. Dilapidated stuff is in such abundance. I've got some really nice yellow/legendary tier attachments and weapons quite far into the world map but they seem few and far between. Typically in games like this I find great sanctification finding great items but the loot system itself seems quite broken so even in highly guarded areas, finding white, green or blue items feels very unsatisfying. Just wanted a way to boost that a bit.
pigeon wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:43 pm
Also try to ask the same question here, if you are looking exactly for the loot quality :)
I saw someone ask that very same question in the thread but seeing what you got so far with just the graphics table, I was curious to see what you could grab from it in that regard.

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

I thought that yeah, there is could be possible to adjust just one value for the particular item and with this we can change it's tier, but seems like for example Meusser 1* and Meusser 2* is actually different rifles, by game logic. Or maybe there is possible to decrypt somehow item values and there is will be something... but i never can understand encrypted values.

I was curios about player inventory more than loot crates because it's easier to see how inventory system works in terms of logic and loot crates, actually, by game logic is just another inventory. So there is should be possible to replace loot in game world, but with what i found that will be very manual work since i wasn't able to find any contacts between same weapons but different tiers. That means, imagine script where you need to do step-by-step compares with 100+ values, 100+ jumps which depends from what user wants and so on :shock:

Right now, with what i found, you can replace weapons in your own inventory in manual manner. For example you have Automatgevar 4 tier 1 and you want to replace it with AI-76 tier 5. You should search for 4bytes value "2475865089". There is will be a few, change one by one for "2623516647" but for seeing effect you need to pick something in inventory by mouse. As i said, i wasn't able to find how to automate it without any real asspain for the users :/

But maybe someone else could figuring it out? Just in case if someone experienced or with love for challenges will be looking for this question and AOB's above will be pretty outdated or values will be changing for some reason... Weapons (as well as any other item) ID's stored in memory before it's amount. So it's easier to search for absolute amount of some ammunition (lets say, .9mm bullets) in inventory. So if you have 20 in your weapon magazine and 250 "in weapon slot", you need to search for 4bytes "270" value. Shoot one bullet and search for "269" and so on. And changing value in CE does not affect game instantly. For that there is enough just to pick something by mouse. After that, there is instructions that read and write... But be advised, inventory addresses/values could be updated/filled only when you pick something or open inventory (at least that's how i saw it works).

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by diabloamezon »

pigeon wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2019 4:42 pm
Right now, with what i found, you can replace weapons in your own inventory in manual manner. For example you have Automatgevar 4 tier 1 and you want to replace it with AI-76 tier 5. You should search for 4bytes value "2475865089". There is will be a few, change one by one for "2623516647" but for seeing effect you need to pick something in inventory by mouse. As i said, i wasn't able to find how to automate it without any real asspain for the users :/
Maybe make a inventory pointer like when you select the item in the inventory and it's show item id of the selected item in CE, that way you can edit the selected item easy since we have a item 4byte id.

Anyway, I'm a noob at CE and not know how to make a pointer myself :D

Thanks for your table anyway!

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by sodalover »

Even something manual like that would be pretty nice. I know my way around when it comes to things like that. I'm just unable to write extensive scripts to do more advanced things. I mainly work with mono when I make tables or a game like Terraria for example that displays text and such in the structures portion. Still though, I appreciate the work you've done already. I've had quite a bit of fun with the weather and time options. Calm mech is a big favorite.

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pino44io »

Awesome table, thanks! Is it possible to add a FOV changer? It may be very useful for screenshots

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

Well, i'm even doesn't know what is mono:) Thanks! Yep, those calm metal ponies deserve some hugs xD

Added. Yeah, with this it's possible even to achieve some sort of "Dolly Zoom" effect for the videos (but required to adjust camera/FOV speeds) :ph34r:

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pino44io »

When I press NUM 4 or NUM 7 for FOV it begin "flickering". The same with Time control. When I press CTRL + NUM8, for example. If you can fix it ,we `ll have a totally working photo mode for the game! Thank you.

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

By "flickering" you mean like some amount of time it's working smooth but regularly there is "tiny jumps"? And "Free Camera" should "flicker" too?

I have something similar to flickering only when i was using Fpsmonitor tool to cap my FPS at 30. When i moved to [Link] for cap FPS here, flickers gone.

But if you doesn't use anything like this, than i doesn't really have an idea what can cause this and i can't reproduce such behavior on my side. Try to check this:
- Inside the "flickering" scripts try to change "sleep(5)" value to "2" or "10". If its working better than with "5", than leave it with the new value and only change value at "local changeFOV = 0.0002" at your desired value;
- Try to decrease graphics settings in game. If it's help, than CE doesn't have "free power" for scripts. I'm not sure that it could be even like that (probably pretty stupid suggestion for check) but just in case. Also check, since devs confirmed bug when Gen0 could constantly load up CPU for 100%, if this happen to you;
- Try to install [Link] for being sure that there is nothing in CE settings.

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pino44io »

Here what I meant for "flickering"

Manually I can change the FoV. So the problem is when I press hotkeys, 4 or 7.

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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pigeon »

But free camera works without of any issues, right? I mean, it could really help if free camera working without such issues.
And you did not tried to update Cheat Engine (you can do not delete current version of CE, they can live together)? Because same thing [Link] to me in any case.

But anyway, check every script in attachment below and let me know which of them will work for you (the last one used "T" and "G" as hotkeys instead of Num4,7). Seems like i can see where from issue appearing in your case.
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Re: Generation Zero [Engine: APEX Engine]

Post by pino44io »

Damn..I understood my mistake. I checked both values: Custom Fov and fov. Sorry for wasting your time :roll:
Can I ask you about the final request?
Can you add hotkeys for speeding up the FOV? For example, SHIFT + NUM4.

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