Assassin's Creed Odyssey v1.3.0/v1.5.1 +21 (table Update18.3)

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey v1.3.0/v1.5.1 +21 (table Update18.3)

Post by Cielos »

made a table for Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
- based on Uplay version, should work on Steam version as well.
- many codes are reusable, in fact the player pointer fetch is just straight from the Origins game...
- also a hint for using the Speedhack for this game. if you enable it after the game is boot up, it would most likely freeze the game. you can, instead, enable the speedhack BEFORE the little splash screen and the actual game window pop-up. then you can use the hot-keys to change the speed. remember to let the speedhack stay enable for the whole game session.
- this table won't work on the Uplay+ version, as I didn't subscribe to the service.

- updated enable script. rewrote the return codes from code cave.
- updated enable script. store one more register for the just updated code cave.
- updated movement mod key. now it no longer affect your horse's moving speed when you are NOT riding, AND it won't affect the moving speed of other horses anymore.
- updated the table for game patch 1.3.0. specifically:
- updated enable script. registers changes rendered the aobscan "healthCalOnHitAOB" useless; aobscan updated, and the whole code cave is rewritten as well.

- added alt combat abilities set key. read description for details!
- updated poseidon. fixed a potential crash that could happen when ship is being hit.

- updated enable script. a slight change at one of the injection point, its aobscan and the script is updated accordingly.

- updated the table for patch 1.1.4. specifically inf. adrenaline.

- the table works for me on the latest game patch as of 2019.02.22. yet to test all the scripts thoroughly though. report~
- added ignore inv capacity.

- updated ignore drachmae/resources. it covers Engrave Learn in Hephaistos's Workshop now. remember to read the script description below first.
- updated the table for the game patch 1.1.2, specifically:
- updated healing snake. a reg is changed results in the byte size changed for the injection point, both the aobscan and content needed to be re-written.
- updated movement mod key. only the aobscan was defected.

- changed ignore ship health to poseidon. lazy to update the player ship filter of the ignore ship health script for the latest game patch, so I made this poseidon script instead to manipulate the ship god flag check when the player ship is being attacked.

- updated movement mod key. a crash that could happened during horse riding was introduced on the last update. it's fixed now.
- updated movement mod key. the mod keys would work when you're using follow road on the horse now.
- moved both movement mod key and ignore horse speed limit under movement mod, as they share one of the aobscans now.
- added ignore horse speed limit.
- added ignore health penalty
- added healing snake.
- have a bad edit on last update. for the 10 people downloaded already, re-download!
- updated one-hit-kill mod key. damage bar visual for bow skills would be updated as well now.
- updated enable. it works on game patch v1.06 now. specifically, rewrote the havePetFlagChkForPetHealthRegenAOB hook as the entity behaviour check is changed from dword check to byte check, the reserved reg is change from rbp to rdi, and the logical jmp in the end is changed to a short jmp.
- updated one-hit-kill mod key. removed the player check for the bow-aiming visual check as it's for player only already. also, added the option to have the one-hit-kill without pressing the mod key. read the script description for details.
- updated enable. fixed a possible crash. it's handling the logical jmp for the havePetFlagChkForPetHealthRegenAOB hook manually now, instead of using reassemble().
- updated undead (actually the enable script). changed the pet fetching process, should be more stable now.
- updated one-hit-kill mod key. the damage bar visual of bow aiming would be updated as well when the mod key is pressed.
- added link to Z28Scott's damage multipliers table (see top of the post).
- added Ikaros teleport. not tested thoroughly. report~
- if I'm lucky, this would be the last update for a while. gonna spend more time on actually playing the game for now. Uplay tells my my Main Progression is 32%, go figure...
- updated movement mod key. it covers horse riding now.
- added one-hit-kill mod key.
- updated undead. it covers your pet (tamed animal) now.
- updated the table for game v1.03. specifically:
- updated undead. updated the stack check and changed a register to accustom the game patch.
- updated ignore ship health. some registers changes and switching of lines render the aobscans useless, and a byte or 2 difference on the injection code.
- forgot to put an old script away.
- updated enable and instant abilities cooldown. fix a bad edit on eash of these 2 scripts that could crash the game. specifically, removing 2 "returnhere" labels, 2 "jmp to returnhere", which are both not supposed to be there. the table should be stable now.
- updated ignore ship health (actually the enable script, where the player ship fetch located). the player ship fetch should be stable now.
- added the ship god flag to the pointer list, thanks to SunBeam.
- updated ignore drachmae/resources. it covers the bounty pay and arrow crafting now.
- added exp multiplier.
- updated ignore drachmae/resources, it covers the ship upgrade now.
- added ignore ship health and inf. ship stamina .
- regrouped the cheats into 3 categories: [human battle], [ship], and [misc.].
- updated the description of stealth mod, as it works for ship as well.
- changed stealth to stealth mod. "rewrote" the whole script, it allows you to choose between 2 methods now. check descriptions below for details.
- added stealth. using the invisible flag found by SunBeam on the previous game. not thoroughly tested. report~
- updated movement mod key. changed the script default keys, also it allows you to choose the key from a dropdown list now.
- note that enable script is updated for the stealth script. it may not be as stable as previous update. so, again, report~
- updated inf. arrow. increased min. arrows from 1 to 4, a cheap by-pass for the multi-arrows-shoot ability. to have the ability available with 3 or lesser arrows, I have to patch another 9+ places (5 for on draw check, 2 for on multi=arrows aim check, 1 for on multi-arrows shoot check, 1+ for after multi-arrows shoot check), which means at least 9 more aobscans. as a day one patch is expected for the actual release I presume, the cheap by-pass applied seems a better idea.. an alternate approach is just patch the arrows read code with "for on-screen quantity" readS filered, lesser aobscans are needed this way, but when I find the quiver doesn't actually visually show how many arrows left this time, I think I can live with >=4 approach...
- added inf. adrenaline and instant abilities cooldown
- added ignore ability points
- added inf. oxygen
- added inf. arrow and instant bow charge.
- added ignore drachmae/resources.
- updated walk key to movement mod key, added the key for jogging (slower run, no need to sprint always when you move...).
- added time of day mod and walk key
- updated undead. was lazy and thought of just porting the old script... re-wrote the script, using another injection point. it works as it should now.
[human battle]
inf. oxygen
inf. adrenaline
inf. arrow
instant bow charge
instant abilities cooldown
alt combat abilities set key
one-hit-kill mod key
healing snake

inf. ship stamina

stealth mod
ignore health penalty
ignore drachmae/resources
ignore ability points
exp multiplier
ignore inv capacity
time of day mod
(up) movement mod key (table Update18.2)
ignore horse speed limit
Ikaros teleport

[human battle]
- health still drop when being hit but you won't die.
- by script default, it applied to both you and your pet (tamed animal).

inf. oxygen
- as title says

inf. adrenaline
- adrenaline always full.
- after using adrenaline, the bar would appears to be decreased, but you can still use adrenaline skills as if it's full.

inf. arrow
- arrows still drop when you fire your bow but it won't drop below 8 (>=8).

instant bow charge
- as title says.

instant abilities cooldown
- as title says.

alt combat abilities set key
- when activated,hold the specified mod key to access the "inactive" abilities set, release the key to access the "active" abilities set.
- you can change the mod key from the dropdownlist. default: Alt, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.
- you can still use the game's "Switch Combat Abilities" key to toggle the "active" abilities set.

one-hit-kill mod key
- when activated, hold the specified mod key to attack (melee, assassin, shoot, skills... etc.) to land an one-hit-kill on the enemy.
- for bow damage, make sure you're still holding the mod key when the hit landed on them.
- change method to "always" to one-hit-kill without pressing the mod key.
- mod key can be changed by choosing from the drop-down-list.
- mod key default: CapsLock key.

healing snake
- snake bite will heal you to full health.

- when activated, ship won't be damaged at all.

inf. ship stamina
- stamina stays full always.

stealth mod
- when activated, you can choose from 2 stealth method: "in sneak" or "always".
- default method on script activation: "in sneak".
- "in sneak" : no one can sense your presence when you are crouching, "in sneak" if you will. even if you're in battle with them already, they would lost track of you immediately when you enter sneak.
- "always" : as name suggested, you're always in stealth and no one can sense your presence.
- enemy ships can still spot you with this script.
- CE's hot-keys are set for in-game method changes:

Code: Select all

numpad0 + numpad/ to disable
numpad0 + numpad* t0 set "in snaek"
numpad0 + numpad- to set "always"
- if you don't like the voice when you press the hot-keys, you can always disable them yourself by editing the hot-keys of the entry "status".
- the entry "status" shows what method you're using.

ignore health penalty
- when activated, the health penalty applied by some equipments would be ignored.

ignore drachmae/resources
- you can buy/upgrade/engrave in the Blacksmith, do ship upgrade, payout bounty, and craft arrows, regardless of the current drachmae/resources.
- drachmae/resources still decrease until they reach zero when you buy/(ship)upgrade/engrave/pay bounty/craft arrows.
- for Engrave Learn in Hephaistos's Workshop, if you have no drachmae when you learn, you'll have to exit and talk to Hephaistos again to refresh the list.

ignore ability points
- you can learn abilities regardless of your current ability points.
- on-screen ability points still drop until it reaches zero when you learn skills.
- pointers to the ability points can be found after you activated the script, in case you want to edit it manually. access Abilities menu to populate the pointers.

exp multiplier
- exp gained would be multiplied by the specified multiplier, which can be changed by editing the entry "x?".
- quest/explore gained exp shown would still be the original value upon receiving (big +number on the centre of the screen), but the actual gaining value shown (small +number on the top-right hand corner of the screen) would be the multiplied value.
- exp multiplier default: x4, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.

ignore inv capacity
- you won't be encumbered even if you're taking more than you can carry.
- inv capacity would still be shown in red if you exceeded the max capacity.

time of day mod
- hold CapsLock and PageUp to rewind time.
- hold CapsLock and PageDown to advance time.
- time of day would advance normally without pressing any of the above keys.
- the value of current time of day can be changed manually, just a simple 24 hours value.

Ikaros teleport
- when activated, call Ikaros, then hold CapsLock and create a CUSTOM waypoint to teleport Alexios/Kassandra there immediately.
- filter is implemented so that you won't be teleported accidentally by creating waypoint in the Map menu.
- you can't be teleported to the ground properly when Alexios/Kassandra is in water. it may brings you to the nearest shore only.
- a cheap collision by-pass is implemented, blockage between you and the destination won't stop you from teleporting to the destination.
- if you teleport when the aim DOT is ON Ikaros, you may be teleported to where Ikaros are and you'd drop from mid-air. you're advised to teleport when Ikaros is hovering (holding the aim button when flying Ikaros).

movement mod key
- activate movement mod first.
- funny they either set the walk speed too slow or too fast... this time the walk speed is too fast that makes the walking animation looks unnatural for my taste.. (*updated* after game patch v1.03, they fixed the walk speed, now it back to the usual "too slow for me")
- applies to on-foot and horse riding.
- hold X1 Mouse Button and move to walk.
- hold X2 Mouse Button and move to jog, the normal running speed, which is slower than the default sprint-like moving speed.
- you can change the keys by editing the entries "walk key" and "jogging key".
- by script default, the walking speed is 0.3 (faster than the game's own walk key), can be changed via the entry "walk speed"; the jogging is 0.68, can be changed via the entry "jogging speed".

ignore horse speed limit
- activate movement mod first.
- when activated, ignore the horse speed limit in town or near town.

+21, table Update18.3 for game patch v1.3.0/v1.5.1
(464.94 KiB) Downloaded 117701 times
+21, table Update18.2, for game patch v1.3.0
(451.8 KiB) Downloaded 5972 times
+21, table Update18, for game patch v1.2.1
(431.06 KiB) Downloaded 2275 times
+20, table Update17.2, for game patch v1.2.0
(418.05 KiB) Downloaded 1678 times
+20, table Update17.1, for game patch v1.1.4
(402.54 KiB) Downloaded 1448 times
+19, table Update16.1, for game patch v1.1.2
(397.92 KiB) Downloaded 2559 times
+19, table Update15, for game patch v1.1.1
(383.85 KiB) Downloaded 1470 times
+19, table Update14.2, for game patch v1.06
(377.71 KiB) Downloaded 4221 times
+18, table Update13, for game patch v1.06
(322.16 KiB) Downloaded 2366 times
+17, table Update12, for game patch v1.06
(332.17 KiB) Downloaded 4662 times

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by Cielos on Mon Dec 09, 2019 10:06 am, edited 56 times in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +1 (table Update.1)

Post by STN »

wow, that was quick :shock:

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +1 (table Update.1)

Post by BooBoo »

@Cielos Not fair!, Time machine usage is not allowed around here :D

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by Cielos »

yea, got a short holiday and the planned short trip is cancelled. :cry:
so this is the little thing that cheering me up now..

the time machine is free for all to use, just move to the east on the time zone~
and yea it's not fair, my plan was to play the game after SunBeam break the game apart when I'm back home....

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by kappa6g »

Would anyone happen to know the address for orichalcum ore (blue resource thing)

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by BooBoo »

If the game uses the same code from Origins like you said, then the game is going to be pretty easy to work with :)

Nice work by the way ;)

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by Timone »

kappa6g wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:55 pm
Would anyone happen to know the address for orichalcum ore (blue resource thing)
I wish, fiddled around with it but was unable to get an actual value that saves. Hopefully it's not server side.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by kappa6g »

Timone wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:15 pm
kappa6g wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:55 pm
Would anyone happen to know the address for orichalcum ore (blue resource thing)
I wish, fiddled around with it but was unable to get an actual value that saves. Hopefully it's not server side.
Yea i tried as well, its lootable in the game world.

edit: nevermind, tried disconnecting internet in the middle of scans and the entire resource just disappears in the menu, its stored online.
Last edited by kappa6g on Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by headshot0052 »

@Cielos it is possible to make: teleport to waypoint,edit skill points/exp/money and edit items(rarity,quantity,atributes....)?

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by Timone »

kappa6g wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:19 pm
Timone wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:15 pm
kappa6g wrote:
Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:55 pm
Would anyone happen to know the address for orichalcum ore (blue resource thing)
I wish, fiddled around with it but was unable to get an actual value that saves. Hopefully it's not server side.
Yea i tried as well, its lootable in the game world.

edit: nevermind, tried disconnecting internet in the middle of scans and the entire resource just disappears in the menu, its stored online.
Kind of wonder now what if you buy something with orichalcum and reload, i guess you just lose both the currency and the item?

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by SunBeam »

Want my big ass table? :D

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by Zeppe »

Can't wait to have all this shit.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +8 (table Update4.2)

Post by darkmike »

wow, thank you :D So fast

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +8 (table Update4.2)

Post by ItzRiley »

Thank you! Please add an XP Cheat so we can level up a few times per kill or w/e.

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Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey +3 (table Update2)

Post by supernoodles »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:29 am
Want my big ass table? :D
Hello will you be working on getting the store items again like in Origins? saved me a tonne of money with your table :D

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