Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

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Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by STN »

Made by SunBeam

Hi people.

Closing the circle on Batman: Arkham series, see below the update table containing the old, revised options, alongside the newer ones (enabling console, emulating RCheatManager UObject, etc.). Nedless to say - hoping you've already done so - you will need Cheat Engine 6.6.

** How to use **

-=[ Short version ]=-

1) Run the game till main menu, open up Cheat Engine, target BatmanOrigins.exe game process.

2) Activate [Console] item and the sub-section expands. Activate Fetch UE3 Pointers/Addresses script to fetch the required GNames and GObjects pointers. If script doesn't get enabled, let me know.

3) Activate Enable Console script.

4) Activate Set Hook & Emulate RCheatManager UObject script.

5) In-game, open up the console with Tilde key and type in a command (e.g.: fly). You'll see you can now fly around.

Note: if you want to have a look at all GNames and GObjects, you can dump them via GNames & GObjects Dumper script. Once activated, press Numpad /, then check Batman Arkham City GOTY\Binaries\Win32 folder for two text documents: NamesDump.txt and ObjectsDump.txt. Note that when you transition between main menu and in-game, the pointers to the objects might get reallocated, thus you'll need to press Numpad / again.

-=[ Details ]=-

This is what you should see when you open the table:

A. [Enable] section contains the old - revised, adjusted, fixed - section with available options at the time; more on it you can read in this post (note that I've not yet updated the table in that post).

A few remarks about the section:

* When using Shock Gloves feature of Cheat Handler, you will - at times - notice:

1. Power becomes 0 when you power-glide towards an enemy (using Mouse 1 to lock on an enemy as you glide towards him, then Ctrl key to fill-up the yellow bat-logo that finally turns into an auto-takedown feature). When that happens, you'll have recharge the gloves (either punching your way through enemies OR pressing Numpad 6 twice, then activating the gloves once more). Note that Power never depletes, it just gets set to 0 on that action alone, due to this: Function BmGame.MShockGlovesBase.ForceDeactivate. I opted not to patch it out, as it's more convenient for me to just enable/disable or punch my way through Smile

2. When transitioning from one map to another, you may notice the Power indicator not appearing in top-left part of the screen, yet the gloves are active and charged. No worries, it will reappear when you punch a thug.

3. When using any Numpad keys in conjunction with the emulated RCheatManager UObject script, you will notice something interesting: due to UObject being emulated, some features become active - the Num keys are used to play with FOV, screen positioning left, right, foward, backward, camera positions, etc. If you want to entirely deactivate this Num keys functionality, just alter the DefaultInput.ini file in known location.

B. [Console] section contains the following:

Commands you can use with the first two sub-scripts in this section ENABLED:

ActivateAllGadgets ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ActivateAllGadgets )
AddScreenShake ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.AddScreenShake )
AddXP ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.AddXP )
AllAmmo ( Function Engine.CheatManager.AllAmmo )
AllWeapons ( Function Engine.CheatManager.AllWeapons )
Amphibious ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Amphibious )
BankExperience ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.BankExperience )
BarkDewedge ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.BarkDewedge )
BarkWTF ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.BarkWTF )
BmRagDoll ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.BmRagDoll )
CE ( Function Engine.CheatManager.CE )
CauseEvent ( Function Engine.CheatManager.CauseEvent )
ChangeQuickGadgets ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ChangeQuickGadgets )
ChangeSize ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ChangeSize )
CompleteAllCaseFileReports ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CompleteAllCaseFileReports )
CompleteAllDataPacks ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CompleteAllDataPacks )
CompleteAllNetworkNodes ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CompleteAllNetworkNodes )
CompleteDataPacks ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CompleteDataPacks )
CreateDebugCamera ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CreateDebugCamera )
CreateDebugCamera ( Function Engine.CheatManager.CreateDebugCamera )
CycleAIPhysWalking ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CycleAIPhysWalking )
CycleControllerSpy ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.CycleControllerSpy )
DebugAI ( Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugAI )
DebugAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugAbility )
DebugCamera ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCamera )
DebugCamera2Pad ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCamera2Pad )
DebugCameraBack ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraBack )
DebugCameraDown ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraDown )
DebugCameraForward ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraForward )
DebugCameraLeft ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraLeft )
DebugCameraRight ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraRight )
DebugCameraUp ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraUp )
DebugCameraZoomIn ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraZoomIn )
DebugCameraZoomOut ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugCameraZoomOut )
DebugExtendedViewDist ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugExtendedViewDist )
DebugFocusViewDist ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugFocusViewDist )
DebugForce3rdPersonCamera ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugForce3rdPersonCamera )
DebugFov ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugFov )
DebugGiveAllGadgets ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveAllGadgets )
DebugGiveArmour ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveArmour )
DebugGiveDualClaw ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveDualClaw )
DebugGiveGlueGrenade ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveGlueGrenade )
DebugGiveMultiTargetBatarang ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveMultiTargetBatarang )
DebugGiveShockGloves ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveShockGloves )
DebugGiveSmokeBomb ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveSmokeBomb )
DebugGiveSonicBatarang ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveSonicBatarang )
DebugGiveStunGrenade ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveStunGrenade )
DebugGiveWeaponDisruptor ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugGiveWeaponDisruptor )
DebugInteractableItems ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugInteractableItems )
DebugKillAllEnemies ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugKillAllEnemies )
DebugLoadGame ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugLoadGame )
DebugPause ( Function Engine.CheatManager.DebugPause )
DebugPlayerObstructions ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugPlayerObstructions )
DebugRemoveArmour ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugRemoveArmour )
DebugShowBillboards ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugShowBillboards )
DebugUpgradeDualClaw ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugUpgradeDualClaw )
DebugUpgradeEquipment ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugUpgradeEquipment )
DebugVertFov ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugVertFov )
DebugViewDist ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DebugViewDist )
DestroyFractures ( Function Engine.CheatManager.DestroyFractures )
DisplayThoughtsOnAll ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DisplayThoughtsOnAll )
DrawUnsupportingEdges ( Function Engine.CheatManager.DrawUnsupportingEdges )
DumpAllNav ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DumpAllNav )
DumpCoverStats ( Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpCoverStats )
DumpDialogueCoord ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DumpDialogueCoord )
DumpOnlineSessionState ( Function Engine.CheatManager.DumpOnlineSessionState )
DumpPDat ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DumpPDat )
DumpPawnLevelVol ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DumpPawnLevelVol )
DumpPawns ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DumpPawns )
DumpRoomState ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.DumpRoomState )
EnableDebugCamera ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.EnableDebugCamera )
EnableDebugCamera ( Function Engine.CheatManager.EnableDebugCamera )
EndPath ( Function Engine.CheatManager.EndPath )
EraseAllLeaderBoards ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.EraseAllLeaderBoards )
EraseLeaderBoard ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.EraseLeaderBoard )
EraseMeFromLeaderBoard ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.EraseMeFromLeaderBoard )
ExplodeDrone ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ExplodeDrone )
Fly ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Fly )
ForceCalcStats ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ForceCalcStats )
FractureAllMeshes ( Function Engine.CheatManager.FractureAllMeshes )
FractureAllMeshesToMaximizeMemoryUsage ( Function Engine.CheatManager.FractureAllMeshesToMaximizeMemoryUsage )
FreezeFrame ( Function Engine.CheatManager.FreezeFrame )
GFxSafeFrame ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.GFxSafeFrame )
GetBatmanController ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.GetBatmanController )
Ghost ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Ghost )
GhostAndTriggerVolumes ( Function Engine.CheatManager.GhostAndTriggerVolumes )
GiveEncryptionKey ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.GiveEncryptionKey )
GiveRiddlerMap ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.GiveRiddlerMap )
GiveWeapon ( Function Engine.CheatManager.GiveWeapon )
God ( Function Engine.CheatManager.God )
GodModeOn ( Function Engine.CheatManager.GodModeOn )
GotoName ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.GotoName )
HideAllIcons ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.HideAllIcons )
IncreaseDataPackCount12 ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.IncreaseDataPackCount12 )
InfiniteGadgets ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.InfiniteGadgets )
InitCheatManager ( Function Engine.CheatManager.InitCheatManager )
InitCheatManager ( Function Engine.CheatManager.InitCheatManager )
InitCheatManager ( Function Engine.CheatManager.InitCheatManager )
InstantCasualty ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.InstantCasualty )
Invisible ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.Invisible )
KillAll ( Function Engine.CheatManager.KillAll )
KillAllPawns ( Function Engine.CheatManager.KillAllPawns )
KillMe ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.KillMe )
KillPawns ( Function Engine.CheatManager.KillPawns )
KillViewedActor ( Function Engine.CheatManager.KillViewedActor )
ListDynamicActors ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ListDynamicActors )
ListDynamicActors ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ListDynamicActors )
ListNames ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ListNames )
LockGlideButton ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.LockGlideButton )
LockNewGamePlus ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.LockNewGamePlus )
LogParticleActivateSystemCalls ( Function Engine.CheatManager.LogParticleActivateSystemCalls )
LogPlaySoundCalls ( Function Engine.CheatManager.LogPlaySoundCalls )
MakeTerrified ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.MakeTerrified )
MassJam ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.MassJam )
MiniMap ( Function Engine.CheatManager.MiniMap )
NavMeshVerification ( Function Engine.CheatManager.NavMeshVerification )
Online ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Online )
OnlyLoadLevel ( Function Engine.CheatManager.OnlyLoadLevel )
PauseAndPan ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.PauseAndPan )
PlayerWTF ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.PlayerWTF )
PlayersOnly ( Function Engine.CheatManager.PlayersOnly )
PrintNavMeshObstacles ( Function Engine.CheatManager.PrintNavMeshObstacles )
RefreshPaths ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RefreshPaths )
ReloadLevel ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ReloadLevel )
RememberSpot ( Function Engine.CheatManager.RememberSpot )
ResetMiniMap ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ResetMiniMap )
ResetRoom ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ResetRoom )
ResetSpotted ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ResetSpotted )
RestoreHealth ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RestoreHealth )
RevealAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RevealAbility )
RevealAllAbilities ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RevealAllAbilities )
RevealByChallengesAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RevealByChallengesAbility )
RevealByMostWantedAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RevealByMostWantedAbility )
RevealByStoryAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RevealByStoryAbility )
RiddlerPickupDebug ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RiddlerPickupDebug )
RiddlerRevealItems ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.RiddlerRevealItems )
SetBallisticHealthLevel ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetBallisticHealthLevel )
SetControlType ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetControlType )
SetControllerMode ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetControllerMode )
SetEasy ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetEasy )
SetEasyDifficulty ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetEasyDifficulty )
SetGravity ( Function Engine.CheatManager.SetGravity )
SetHard ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetHard )
SetHardDifficulty ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetHardDifficulty )
SetJumpZ ( Function Engine.CheatManager.SetJumpZ )
SetLevelStreamingStatus ( Function Engine.CheatManager.SetLevelStreamingStatus )
SetMeleeHealthLevel ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetMeleeHealthLevel )
SetNormal ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetNormal )
SetNormalDifficulty ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SetNormalDifficulty )
SetOnlineDebugLevel ( Function Engine.CheatManager.SetOnlineDebugLevel )
SetSpeed ( Function Engine.CheatManager.SetSpeed )
ShowAllIcons ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ShowAllIcons )
ShowKDOP ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ShowKDOP )
ShowProgress ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ShowProgress )
ShowVPointAttackCache ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ShowVPointAttackCache )
Slomo ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.Slomo )
Slomo ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Slomo )
SpamBatarangs ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SpamBatarangs )
SpecialMoveCheat ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SpecialMoveCheat )
SplitScreenMovieCapture ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.SplitScreenMovieCapture )
StepPawnDisplayingThoughts ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.StepPawnDisplayingThoughts )
StopDebugCameraMovement ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.StopDebugCameraMovement )
StreamLevelIn ( Function Engine.CheatManager.StreamLevelIn )
StreamLevelOut ( Function Engine.CheatManager.StreamLevelOut )
Summon ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Summon )
TelemetryTogglePause ( Function Engine.CheatManager.TelemetryTogglePause )
TelemetryTogglePauseDisk ( Function Engine.CheatManager.TelemetryTogglePauseDisk )
Teleport ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.Teleport )
Teleport ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Teleport )
TestAchievement ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestAchievement )
TestBatmanInc ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestBatmanInc )
TestCombo ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestCombo )
TestLeaderboards ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestLeaderboards )
TestLevel ( Function Engine.CheatManager.TestLevel )
TestLevelHidden ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestLevelHidden )
TestNavMeshPath ( Function Engine.CheatManager.TestNavMeshPath )
TestNoSaving ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestNoSaving )
TestScoreSetHP ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestScoreSetHP )
TestScoreSetPoints ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestScoreSetPoints )
TestScoreSetXP ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestScoreSetXP )
TestScoreShow ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestScoreShow )
TestSetGlobalFlag ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestSetGlobalFlag )
TestStatsCWLoot ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestStatsCWLoot )
TestStatsRevenge ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestStatsRevenge )
TestStatsStory ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestStatsStory )
TestTargetCursor ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestTargetCursor )
TestUnlockWeaponCache ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestUnlockWeaponCache )
TestZoomMode ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TestZoomMode )
Tick ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.Tick )
ToggleAILogging ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleAILogging )
ToggleAIPaths ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleAIPaths )
ToggleDebugCamera ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleDebugCamera )
ToggleDetectiveModeJammer ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleDetectiveModeJammer )
ToggleDialogueDebug ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleDialogueDebug )
ToggleDialogueLinesDebug ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleDialogueLinesDebug )
ToggleEnemiesCanAttack ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleEnemiesCanAttack )
ToggleGhost ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleGhost )
ToggleHighSpeed ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleHighSpeed )
ToggleLookInvert ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleLookInvert )
ToggleLowSpeed ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleLowSpeed )
ToggleMagicGunStartle ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleMagicGunStartle )
ToggleMagicSmasher ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleMagicSmasher )
ToggleMemRecording ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleMemRecording )
ToggleMusicDebug ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleMusicDebug )
TogglePaths ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TogglePaths )
TogglePhysicsGrabber ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TogglePhysicsGrabber )
ToggleScreenshotCamera ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleScreenshotCamera )
ToggleStatsRecording ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ToggleStatsRecording )
ToggleSuperHighSpeed ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleSuperHighSpeed )
ToggleThoughts ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleThoughts )
ToggleVerboseAnimThoughts ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ToggleVerboseAnimThoughts )
TriggerHeatConcealEffect ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TriggerHeatConcealEffect )
TriggerRandomOverlay ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TriggerRandomOverlay )
TurnOffEnemiesCanAttack ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TurnOffEnemiesCanAttack )
TurnOffSickness ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.TurnOffSickness )
UA ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UA )
UCM ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UCM )
UnlinkWBID ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlinkWBID )
UnlockAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAbility )
UnlockAll ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAll )
UnlockAllAbilities ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllAbilities )
UnlockAllAchievements ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllAchievements )
UnlockAllCaseFileReports ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllCaseFileReports )
UnlockAllDataPacks ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllDataPacks )
UnlockAllMaps ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllMaps )
UnlockAllMostWantedCriminals ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllMostWantedCriminals )
UnlockAllNetworkNodes ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllNetworkNodes )
UnlockAllTowers ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockAllTowers )
UnlockBio ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockBio )
UnlockBios ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockBios )
UnlockCatwomanEpisodes ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockCatwomanEpisodes )
UnlockChallengeID ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockChallengeID )
UnlockChallengeMode ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockChallengeMode )
UnlockCharacter ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockCharacter )
UnlockCityStory ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockCityStory )
UnlockEMEA ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockEMEA )
UnlockGallery ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockGallery )
UnlockGalleryItem ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockGalleryItem )
UnlockMostWantedCriminal ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockMostWantedCriminal )
UnlockMostWantedSection ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockMostWantedSection )
UnlockNewGamePlus ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockNewGamePlus )
UnlockNewGamePlusIAB ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockNewGamePlusIAB )
UnlockPlayableBmCash ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockPlayableBmCash )
UnlockPlayableDeathstroke ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockPlayableDeathstroke )
UnlockPlayableNinjaBruce ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockPlayableNinjaBruce )
UnlockRiddler ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockRiddler )
UnlockSkins ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockSkins )
UnlockTape ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockTape )
UnlockTapes ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockTapes )
UnlockThemeID ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UnlockThemeID )
UpdateCharacterBioState ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UpdateCharacterBioState )
UpgradeAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UpgradeAbility )
UpgradeAllAbilities ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UpgradeAllAbilities )
UpgradeEquipmentMenu ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UpgradeEquipmentMenu )
UpgradeMag ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.UpgradeMag )
VerbosePathDebug ( Function Engine.CheatManager.VerbosePathDebug )
VerifyNavMeshObjects ( Function Engine.CheatManager.VerifyNavMeshObjects )
ViewAbility ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.ViewAbility )
ViewActor ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewActor )
ViewPlayer ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewPlayer )
ViewSelf ( Function Engine.CheatManager.ViewSelf )
Walk ( Function Engine.CheatManager.Walk )
WeaponConfigWTF ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.WeaponConfigWTF )
WriteToLog ( Function Engine.CheatManager.WriteToLog )
useBM2Gadgets ( Function BmGame.RCheatManager.useBM2Gadgets )

1. First script needs to be enabled for the sub-scripts to work - aside from last two, independent, related to Timers.

2. AddXP Adjust script is to be ignored. I used this in previous games where it wasn't properly implemented, thus giving you hardcoded XP values (like 250 in Asylum and City). In console, if needed, type in AddXP 5000 or AddXP 25000 or the amount you want to get that amount of XP.

3. Last two scripts can be used to deal with countdown or elapse timers you see in the various game challenges: datapacks collection, Anarky bombs defusal, certain sections that use a timer, actual challenges you access either in the Batcave or main menu etc.

C. [Debug] section is used for testing purposes. You may find script snippets you can use in our own quests in this section.

Best regards,

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
BatmanOrigins (1).CT
(95.6 KiB) Downloaded 5220 times

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Question about a few codes

Post by HickGamer »

I'm looking for a way to use my disrupt er as many times as I need to as well as having no cool down. I tried the InfinateGadgets code, and I couldn't tell it did anything. Any suggestions on this? Also, The DebugGiveArmour and DebugRemoveArmour codes, I assumed they would refresh the default Bat Suit without any damage markings, but I can't tell they did anything as well. Suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by Salvodif »




doesn't works.

Plus is there a way to enable the other costume?
Last edited by Salvodif on Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:10 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by SunBeam »

*claps* Welcome to 2018.

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by ZhellZhocker »

So I used this with the Origin version and it worked perfectly, so I thought why not try this with the steam version. But it just keeps freezing, like I can hear music and everything but the video and everything else freezes. Is that a common problem or is it just new?

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by ZhellZhocker »

ZhellZhocker wrote:
Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:05 pm
So I used this with the Origin version and it worked perfectly, so I thought why not try this with the steam version. But it just keeps freezing, like I can hear music and everything but the video and everything else freezes. Is that a common problem or is it just new?
Nvm I fixed it by just hitting restart,

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by krul »

When I use script for never reset combo, game crashes when loading some areas and when saves.

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by krul »

How to set Combo score 4x and number which adds to the Combo score?

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by portgaplaya »

I don't know if anyone will see this considering the age of it, but I simply want to level up my worst nightmare rank by one level. I am not actually trying to manipulate the game much, i simply want to rank up because of how glitchy this challenge tree is.

Would anyone have any pointers here?

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by twofacetoo »

portgaplaya wrote:
Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:33 pm
I don't know if anyone will see this considering the age of it, but I simply want to level up my worst nightmare rank by one level. I am not actually trying to manipulate the game much, i simply want to rank up because of how glitchy this challenge tree is.

Would anyone have any pointers here?
Joined to say I have the exact same problem. I actually completed Rank 8 of the Worst Nightmare challenges, only for my save to glitch and deleted that one element after I was already out of the room, leaving me unable to do it again. Bottom line, I need the same thing as yourself. I've already done it and I'm fucked if I'm going to waste my time doing it again just to make the game happy.

Any help on the matter will be much appreciated.

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins - Enable Console/Commands

Post by caccorl »

the ghost mode doens't get dactivated even when i set it to 0 ? what's the problem ???

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