Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Necrosx »

wannabecheater wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:35 pm
I have been digging around Jaethal's data in the save file and so far i managed to give myself Elf's racial modifiers on top of the original race's. In my test case, my human character retained his +2 str but also got modified with Elf's +2 dex, +2 int, -2 con.
Not really useful since we can edit attribute scores (stats) outright in the file but it may be useful for understanding how the game stores data in the saves to pave the way for custom race mods or just allowing players to swap race in a save game editor. Hope can successfully isolate the undead flags for her...

Code: Select all

	"$id": "1428",
	"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
	"m_Context": {
		"$id": "1429",
		"m_OwnerDescriptor": {
			"$ref": "1155"
		"m_CasterReference": {
			"m_UniqueId": "6fd7cf32-e84f-4e1a-a24c-7d9839efac9f"
		"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		"m_Params": null,
		"AssociatedBlueprint": "25a5878d125338244896ebd3238226c8",
		"ParentContext": null,
		"m_MainTarget": null,
		"Params": {},
		"SpellDescriptor": "None",
		"SpellSchool": "None",
		"SpellLevel": 0,
		"Direction": {
			"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
			"x": 0.0,
			"y": 0.0,
			"z": 0.0
	"Blueprint": "25a5878d125338244896ebd3238226c8",
	"m_ComponentsData": [{
			"$id": "1430",
			"ComponentName": "$AddStatBonus$86c8aa3c-8fcf-422c-96a6-7a1e790b0052"
		}, {
			"$id": "1431",
			"ComponentName": "$AddStatBonus$1af5c609-b3a8-4791-ab6e-246bdbf96d68"
		}, {
			"$id": "1432",
			"ComponentName": "$AddStatBonus$a9cb1661-0d1b-4f64-a9af-5660e1f31609"
	"Rank": 1,
	"Source": null,
	"Param": null,
	"IgnorePrerequisites": true,
	"Owner": {
		"$ref": "1155"
	"Initialized": true,
	"Active": true,
	"SourceItem": null,
	"SourceCutscene": null
If you would kindly let us know as soon as you find the undead traits that would be amazing.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by wannabecheater »

I isolated the block of code, which seems correct since it contains adding immunities and even had addimmortality (i assume this is related to her undying feat), but when pasted over into my test char and loaded it won't show up. Game won't crash either >_>; it loads the save so maybe that means that entire block of code was not processed by the game at all - suspect it calls a script or function but couldn't find it in my test char's save file perhaps... or it is hardcoded as part of Jaethal's character class since i see AddClassLevels at the very top of the function.

Update: I got the undying feat to show up in character sheet, it's worthless though as the game is over instantly when you die (i killed myself with acid splash cantrip to test this), either it does not fire or the game flags game over state before allowing your character to get back up. Still can't get the game to see my character as undead, since disrupt undead does not work on myself (jaethal can use it to kill herself with it lol)
Last edited by wannabecheater on Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by wannabecheater »

if any pros want to try, this is the code that i tried to replicate Jaethal's undeath state. Game won't parse it though. (saves would load without problem, but nothing seems to be executed from this block of code)

Code: Select all

	"$id": "1433",
	"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
	"m_Context": {
		"$id": "1434",
		"m_OwnerDescriptor": {
			"$ref": "1155"
		"m_CasterReference": {
			"m_UniqueId": "6fd7cf32-e84f-4e1a-a24c-7d9839efac9f"
		"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		"m_Params": null,
		"AssociatedBlueprint": "34280596dd550074ca55bd15285451b3",
		"ParentContext": null,
		"m_MainTarget": null,
		"Params": {},
		"SpellDescriptor": "None",
		"SpellSchool": "None",
		"SpellLevel": 0,
		"Direction": {
			"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
			"x": 0.0,
			"y": 0.0,
			"z": 0.0
	"Blueprint": "34280596dd550074ca55bd15285451b3",
	"m_ComponentsData": [{
		"$id": "1435",
		"ComponentName": "$AddClassLevels$9861307b-4fbf-498e-83f5-8cbb036ac94d",
		"m_Applied": true
	}, {
		"$id": "1436",
		"ComponentName": "$AddFacts$927e2ec6-7a26-42b8-adec-71397a1a71e4",
		"m_AppliedFacts": {
			"$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Kingmaker.Blueprints.Facts.Fact, Assembly-CSharp]], mscorlib",
			"$values": [{
				"$id": "1437",
				"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
				"m_Context": {
					"$id": "1438",
					"m_OwnerDescriptor": {
						"$ref": "1155"
					"m_CasterReference": {
						"m_UniqueId": "6fd7cf32-e84f-4e1a-a24c-7d9839efac9f"
					"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
					"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
					"m_Params": null,
					"AssociatedBlueprint": "734a29b693e9ec346ba2951b27987e33",
					"ParentContext": null,
					"m_MainTarget": null,
					"Params": {},
					"SpellDescriptor": "None",
					"SpellSchool": "None",
					"SpellLevel": 0,
					"Direction": {
						"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
						"x": 0.0,
						"y": 0.0,
						"z": 0.0
				"Blueprint": "734a29b693e9ec346ba2951b27987e33",
				"m_ComponentsData": [{
					"$id": "1439",
					"ComponentName": "$UndeadHealth$1503981b-ebd8-4b6d-829c-e5af8ca7a164"
				}, {
						"$id": "1440",
						"ComponentName": "$AddFacts$6c1f8290-b2a9-4bc7-84af-511dbc33110e",
						"m_AppliedFacts": {
							"$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Kingmaker.Blueprints.Facts.Fact, Assembly-CSharp]], mscorlib",
							"$values": [{
								"$id": "1441",
								"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
									"m_Context": {
										"$id": "1442",
										"m_OwnerDescriptor": {
											"$ref": "1155"
										"m_CasterReference": {
											"m_UniqueId": "6fd7cf32-e84f-4e1a-a24c-7d9839efac9f"
										"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
										"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
										"m_Params": null,
										"AssociatedBlueprint": "8a75eb16bfff86949a4ddcb3dd2f83ae",
										"ParentContext": null,
										"m_MainTarget": null,
										"Params": {},
										"SpellDescriptor": "None",
										"SpellSchool": "None",
										"SpellLevel": 0,
										"Direction": {
											"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
											"x": 0.0,
											"y": 0.0,
											"z": 0.0
									"Blueprint": "8a75eb16bfff86949a4ddcb3dd2f83ae",
									"m_ComponentsData": [{
										"$id": "1443",
										"ComponentName": "$AddConditionImmunity$e9468234-1521-4f8a-8d6d-610a35cf23c4"
									}, {
										"$id": "1444",
										"ComponentName": "$AddConditionImmunity$1941b6f7-6098-4360-a258-889cddd02c2b"
									}, {
										"$id": "1445",
										"ComponentName": "$AddConditionImmunity$ffa417e1-0295-440a-82fd-278c11fa28c6"
									}, {
										"$id": "1446",
										"ComponentName": "$BuffDescriptorImmunity$eb929088-4f9e-4c60-92ee-89a0fa13d8f1"
									}, {
										"$id": "1447",
										"ComponentName": "$BuffDescriptorImmunity$d4fb14f4-7d7b-45b3-ab7f-d7eb6f9f7a63"
									}, {
										"$id": "1448",
										"ComponentName": "$DerivativeStatBonus$24891956-1323-478e-b0a4-b96472b79ad6"
									}, {
										"$id": "1449",
										"ComponentName": "$AddConditionImmunity$af9970d7-30c1-490c-a87b-3327969b3343"
									}, {
										"$id": "1450",
										"ComponentName": "$SpellImmunityToSpellDescriptor$c0976aae-8934-4994-9b1a-f5614f7d4f26"
									}, {
										"$id": "1451",
										"ComponentName": "$SpellImmunityToSpellDescriptor$fb56d182-0078-4f5e-a1dd-5730215f7e72"
									}, {
										"$id": "1452",
										"ComponentName": "$AddImmunityToAbilityScoreDamage$d886f4a4-2033-4ed0-bf23-14c29641d25b"
									"Rank": 1,
									"Source": null,
									"Param": null,
									"IgnorePrerequisites": true,
									"Owner": {
										"$ref": "1155"
									"Initialized": true,
									"Active": true,
									"SourceItem": null,
									"SourceCutscene": null
				"Rank": 1,
				"Source": null,
				"Param": null,
				"IgnorePrerequisites": true,
				"Owner": {
					"$ref": "1155"
				"Initialized": true,
				"Active": true,
				"SourceItem": null,
				"SourceCutscene": null
			}, {
					"$id": "1453",
					"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
					"m_Context": {
						"$id": "1454",
						"m_OwnerDescriptor": {
							"$ref": "1155"
						"m_CasterReference": {
							"m_UniqueId": "6fd7cf32-e84f-4e1a-a24c-7d9839efac9f"
						"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						"m_Params": null,
						"AssociatedBlueprint": "9751e3c650fec96449961f21094af6eb",
						"ParentContext": null,
						"m_MainTarget": null,
						"Params": {},
						"SpellDescriptor": "None",
						"SpellSchool": "None",
						"SpellLevel": 0,
						"Direction": {
							"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
							"x": 0.0,
							"y": 0.0,
							"z": 0.0
					"Blueprint": "9751e3c650fec96449961f21094af6eb",
					"m_ComponentsData": [{
							"$id": "1455",
							"ComponentName": "$DamageWithDescriptorRecievedTrigger$334a8f75-e152-44f3-b575-62e0d50dcd59"
					"Rank": 1,
					"Source": null,
					"Param": null,
					"IgnorePrerequisites": true,
					"Owner": {
						"$ref": "1155"
					"Initialized": true,
					"Active": true,
					"SourceItem": null,
					"SourceCutscene": null
				}, {
					"$id": "1456",
					"$type": "Kingmaker.UnitLogic.Feature, Assembly-CSharp",
					"m_Context": {
						"$id": "1457",
						"m_OwnerDescriptor": {
							"$ref": "1155"
						"m_CasterReference": {
							"m_UniqueId": "6fd7cf32-e84f-4e1a-a24c-7d9839efac9f"
						"m_Ranks": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						"m_SharedValues": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
						"m_Params": null,
						"AssociatedBlueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
						"ParentContext": null,
						"m_MainTarget": null,
						"Params": {},
						"SpellDescriptor": "None",
						"SpellSchool": "None",
						"SpellLevel": 0,
						"Direction": {
							"$type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
							"x": 0.0,
							"y": 0.0,
							"z": 0.0
					"Blueprint": "1ed5fac73a4dc054d8411f24cf09d703",
					"m_ComponentsData": [{
							"$id": "1458",
							"ComponentName": "$AddImmortality$be58f378-0d60-4fe4-a867-0fa55dc92519"
					"Rank": 1,
					"Source": null,
					"Param": null,
					"IgnorePrerequisites": true,
					"Owner": {
						"$ref": "1155"
					"Initialized": true,
					"Active": true,
					"SourceItem": null,
					"SourceCutscene": null
	"Rank": 1,
	"Source": null,
	"Param": null,
	"IgnorePrerequisites": true,
	"Owner": {
		"$ref": "1155"
	"Initialized": true,
	"Active": true,
	"SourceItem": null,
	"SourceCutscene": null

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Angelcmss »

So just recently started using this stuff, and been keeping it pretty simple, but now I'm totally hitting a wall.

Was running into the dwarven fortress thing, crashed with this error. Keep getting it but I believe the final string is always different. Any chance someone much smarter than me can tell me what I messed up here?

Photos link:

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Niedzielan »

Angelcmss wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:21 pm
So just recently started using this stuff, and been keeping it pretty simple, but now I'm totally hitting a wall.

Was running into the dwarven fortress thing, crashed with this error. Keep getting it but I believe the final string is always different. Any chance someone much smarter than me can tell me what I messed up here?

Photos link:
Hmm, GameStatistic.Tick is what I've been hooking into to load most of the pointers. I've not run into this problem before though. If you disable the scripts (or rather, not activate them at all) does it still crash? If not, PM me your save and I'll see if I can replicate and fix it.

If it crashes all the time then it's an issue the devs will have to fix, though I might be able to patch it if it's not too badly broken.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by PapaPetro »

If anyone's interested, I've created an AoB injection script for spell levels on level up: so when you level up a class, it'll bump up the caster level and your access to spells & spell levels per day. Good for if you want to take Mystic Theurge without having to to be level 10 and split between a divine and arcane caster, and can take it at a much lower level.

Here's the code, just adjust the number of "inc eax" based on how many spell levels you want; this one increased it by 5. Just turn it on when you're leveling up and select the spellcasting class you want to bump up.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Kingmaker.exe
  Date   : 2018-09-30


aobscan(INJECT,FF C0 89 46 70 48 8B CE 90) // should be unique



  inc eax
  inc eax
  inc eax
  inc eax
  inc eax
  mov [rsi+70],eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db FF C0 89 46 70



0A4A6C63: 48 89 45 80                       -  mov [rbp-80],rax
0A4A6C67: 48 89 45 88                       -  mov [rbp-78],rax
0A4A6C6B: 48 89 45 90                       -  mov [rbp-70],rax
0A4A6C6F: 48 89 85 70 FF FF FF              -  mov [rbp-00000090],rax
0A4A6C76: 48 8B CE                          -  mov rcx,rsi
0A4A6C79: 48 8D 64 24 00                    -  lea rsp,[rsp+00]
0A4A6C7E: 49 BB C0 6F 4A 0A 00 00 00 00     -  mov r11,000000000A4A6FC0
0A4A6C88: 41 FF D3                          -  call r11
0A4A6C8B: 89 85 68 FF FF FF                 -  mov [rbp-00000098],eax
0A4A6C91: 48 63 46 70                       -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rsi+70]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
0A4A6C95: FF C0                             -  inc eax
0A4A6C97: 89 46 70                          -  mov [rsi+70],eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
0A4A6C9A: 48 8B CE                          -  mov rcx,rsi
0A4A6C9D: 90                                -  nop 
0A4A6C9E: 49 BB C0 6F 4A 0A 00 00 00 00     -  mov r11,000000000A4A6FC0
0A4A6CA8: 41 FF D3                          -  call r11
0A4A6CAB: 48 8B D8                          -  mov rbx,rax
0A4A6CAE: 48 8B 46 18                       -  mov rax,[rsi+18]
0A4A6CB2: 0F B6 40 64                       -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+64]
0A4A6CB6: 85 C0                             -  test eax,eax
0A4A6CB8: 0F 84 A4 02 00 00                 -  je 0A4A6F62
0A4A6CBE: 48 63 85 68 FF FF FF              -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp-00000098]
Kingmaker Spell Levels Script.CT
(2.49 KiB) Downloaded 87 times

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Niedzielan »

PapaPetro wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:46 pm
If anyone's interested, I've created an AoB injection script for spell levels on level up: so when you level up a class, it'll bump up the caster level and your access to spells & spell levels per day. Good for if you want to take Mystic Theurge without having to to be level 10 and split between a divine and arcane caster, and can take it at a much lower level.

Here's the code, just adjust the number of "inc eax" based on how many spell levels you want; this one increased it by 5. Just turn it on when you're leveling up and select the spellcasting class you want to bump up.

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Kingmaker.exe
  Date   : 2018-09-30


aobscan(INJECT,FF C0 89 46 70 48 8B CE 90) // should be unique



  inc eax
  inc eax
  inc eax
  inc eax
  inc eax
  mov [rsi+70],eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db FF C0 89 46 70



0A4A6C63: 48 89 45 80                       -  mov [rbp-80],rax
0A4A6C67: 48 89 45 88                       -  mov [rbp-78],rax
0A4A6C6B: 48 89 45 90                       -  mov [rbp-70],rax
0A4A6C6F: 48 89 85 70 FF FF FF              -  mov [rbp-00000090],rax
0A4A6C76: 48 8B CE                          -  mov rcx,rsi
0A4A6C79: 48 8D 64 24 00                    -  lea rsp,[rsp+00]
0A4A6C7E: 49 BB C0 6F 4A 0A 00 00 00 00     -  mov r11,000000000A4A6FC0
0A4A6C88: 41 FF D3                          -  call r11
0A4A6C8B: 89 85 68 FF FF FF                 -  mov [rbp-00000098],eax
0A4A6C91: 48 63 46 70                       -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rsi+70]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
0A4A6C95: FF C0                             -  inc eax
0A4A6C97: 89 46 70                          -  mov [rsi+70],eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
0A4A6C9A: 48 8B CE                          -  mov rcx,rsi
0A4A6C9D: 90                                -  nop 
0A4A6C9E: 49 BB C0 6F 4A 0A 00 00 00 00     -  mov r11,000000000A4A6FC0
0A4A6CA8: 41 FF D3                          -  call r11
0A4A6CAB: 48 8B D8                          -  mov rbx,rax
0A4A6CAE: 48 8B 46 18                       -  mov rax,[rsi+18]
0A4A6CB2: 0F B6 40 64                       -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+64]
0A4A6CB6: 85 C0                             -  test eax,eax
0A4A6CB8: 0F 84 A4 02 00 00                 -  je 0A4A6F62
0A4A6CBE: 48 63 85 68 FF FF FF              -  movsxd  rax,dword ptr [rbp-00000098]
I've added this to my table (with a modification to make it more customizable). Currently in the Debug section because I haven't tested it, so let me know if it works like you expect.

Denton wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:12 pm
Thanks, but whether there is in the table a function that would disable all these requirements on a diagonal. So that I could turn it on and play calmly, but I would have all the branches of dialogues open?
Sorry for Google translator)))))
I've added a script that can do this to my table.
It allows you to select the option, but currently doesn't show the option text (just "Specific Alignment Required").
If anyone knows where in the code the check to show the text is, I'd appreciate the help.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Angelcmss »

Niedzielan wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:33 pm
Angelcmss wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:21 pm
So just recently started using this stuff, and been keeping it pretty simple, but now I'm totally hitting a wall.

Was running into the dwarven fortress thing, crashed with this error. Keep getting it but I believe the final string is always different. Any chance someone much smarter than me can tell me what I messed up here?

Photos link:
Hmm, GameStatistic.Tick is what I've been hooking into to load most of the pointers. I've not run into this problem before though. If you disable the scripts (or rather, not activate them at all) does it still crash? If not, PM me your save and I'll see if I can replicate and fix it.

If it crashes all the time then it's an issue the devs will have to fix, though I might be able to patch it if it's not too badly broken.
Thanks man, you're awesome. I'm using your tables but having issues with my kingdom events. Not sure how to work it so I loaded a much earlier save to try and deal with the trolls because those events keep destroying my kingdom.

Anyway I did the old restart and it worked, so there must AVE been an issue from when I altered stats where I was standing and facing and a billion other things. If it happens again I'll see if I can be more specific.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Lord Blade »

So, the new table with the kingdom event stuff shouldn't cause any problems?
How exactly do I use it safely?

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by batf247 »

I am not sure if the kingdom task thing isn't working for me or I am doing it wrong. I set claim time rank up time and building time to -1 and then I went to task for the specfic task I tried setting it to -1 but it went to a ridiculously high number but ranking up still takes 14 days am I doing something worng?

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Liorash7 »

Niedzielan wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:17 pm

I've added this to my table (with a modification to make it more customizable). Currently in the Debug section because I haven't tested it, so let me know if it works like you expect.

I've added a script that can do this to my table.
It allows you to select the option, but currently doesn't show the option text (just "Specific Alignment Required").
If anyone knows where in the code the check to show the text is, I'd appreciate the help.
My man, your table looks great, but when I try to activate a script the table crushes... Have 6.8.1 Cheat Engine and your most recent table you've published.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Niedzielan »

Liorash7 wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:05 pm
Niedzielan wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:17 pm

I've added this to my table (with a modification to make it more customizable). Currently in the Debug section because I haven't tested it, so let me know if it works like you expect.

I've added a script that can do this to my table.
It allows you to select the option, but currently doesn't show the option text (just "Specific Alignment Required").
If anyone knows where in the code the check to show the text is, I'd appreciate the help.
My man, your table looks great, but when I try to activate a script the table crushes... Have 6.8.1 Cheat Engine and your most recent table you've published.
Any script or specific ones? Your version of CE is fine, and the version of the game shouldn't matter until they do a bit patch. Are you running 64bit windows? No idea if the game even supports that, but it could cause issues since the table is written for 64bit instructions. Do other tables like DrummerIX's on the first page also crash?

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Liorash7 »

Niedzielan wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:11 pm
Liorash7 wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:05 pm
Niedzielan wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:17 pm

I've added this to my table (with a modification to make it more customizable). Currently in the Debug section because I haven't tested it, so let me know if it works like you expect.

I've added a script that can do this to my table.
It allows you to select the option, but currently doesn't show the option text (just "Specific Alignment Required").
If anyone knows where in the code the check to show the text is, I'd appreciate the help.
My man, your table looks great, but when I try to activate a script the table crushes... Have 6.8.1 Cheat Engine and your most recent table you've published.
Any script or specific ones? Your version of CE is fine, and the version of the game shouldn't matter until they do a bit patch. Are you running 64bit windows? No idea if the game even supports that, but it could cause issues since the table is written for 64bit instructions. Do other tables like DrummerIX's on the first page also crash?
Thanks for the quick answer.

Have 64bit windows.

The DrummerIX's table works fine, but currently it has fewer option and scripts than yours.

For me, infinite spells usage crushes the table(or I simply wait one minute for the table to continue working albeit without the script activated). Infinite abilities usage also takes pretty long time to be activated. Haven't tried yet other scripts. Game script and Selected Character work fine also.

Sorry for not being specific, so let me restate, currently the infinite spells usage script doesn't work for me, infinite abilities script does work for me, but the activation of the scripts takes a while.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Niedzielan »

Liorash7 wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:19 pm
Niedzielan wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:11 pm
Liorash7 wrote:
Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:05 pm

My man, your table looks great, but when I try to activate a script the table crushes... Have 6.8.1 Cheat Engine and your most recent table you've published.
Any script or specific ones? Your version of CE is fine, and the version of the game shouldn't matter until they do a bit patch. Are you running 64bit windows? No idea if the game even supports that, but it could cause issues since the table is written for 64bit instructions. Do other tables like DrummerIX's on the first page also crash?
Thanks for the quick answer.

Have 64bit windows.

The DrummerIX's table works fine, but currently it has fewer option and scripts than yours.

For me, infinite spells usage crushes the table(or I simply wait one minute for the table to continue working albeit without the script activated). Infinite abilities usage also takes pretty long time to be activated. Haven't tried yet other scripts. Game script and Selected Character work fine also.

Sorry for not being specific, so let me restate, currently the infinite spells usage script doesn't work for me, infinite abilities script does work for me, but the activation of the scripts takes a while.
The Infinite Skills script takes longer since it has to patch two areas. There may be a few ways I can speed things up which I'll look into.

For infinite spells, are you activating the script after you've used at least one spell? The way Unity works is it only creates the code when it's first used, so you need to cast something for the script to be able to find it.
If that still doesn't work, do Array of Bytes scans for 0F B6 45 88 85 C0 74 25 and 0F B6 45 88 85 C0 74 17.
If they both find something, then I have no idea why the script doesn't activate.
If only one of them finds something, then right click that address and do "Disassemble this memory region". Then in the new window, right click the line, do "Go to address", and add +F3 to the end (if the first one gave a result) or -F3 (if the second gave a result). Scroll a little so you get some of the previous code in view (but keep the address highlighted), then take a screenshot and either paste it here or PM it to me.
If neither find anything, do a scan for 48 8B C1 48 8B 00 FF 50 58 85 C0 0F 84 62 00 00 00, disassemble that memory region, and take a screenshot.
If that doesn't find it, in CE's main window do Mono -> Activate. Then in the Memory Viewer do "go to address" and enter Kingmaker.UnitLogic:Spellbook:SpendInternal+274. Again, take a screenshot.
If that doesn't find it something is seriously wrong. Especially if the infinite spell usage in DrummerIX's table works.

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Re: Pathfinder: Kingmaker (Steam)

Post by Reytar »

Maybe some computers can not handle the process? Or something along the line...

But I remember having some problems as well... that Cheat Engine seems like crashing, but is just not responding for some time. It always happens when I open the Table mid-game when I already did stuff and try to activate the script for the game stuff (like Kingdom and all that). It will then load for some time... but not activate it and even says if I want to kill the process.
Restarting the game and opening the Table in the Main Menu helped me fix this problem all the time. Sooo...

tl;dr Have you tried put it off and on again? :P

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