UPDATE CollectionDynamic SET ItemState = "Obtained", UpdateTime = 596359858070379192 WHERE CategoryID = "Traits";
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LocksDynamic (LockID, ELockState) SELECT LockID, 0 FROM LockDefinition WHERE LockID like "GearTrait_____________%";
i replaced the Traits i didn't collect to Obtained in CollectionDynamic section and replace those update time with 596359858070379192
but i don't understand "INSERT INTO LocksDynamic" ?
i filter GearTrait and replace all 0 to 1
in-game Collection page , it display 75/75 as all found
but the Traits are still grey and can't apply to gear at Loom
what have i done wrong ?
CollectionDynamic only unlocks the Collection page
LocksDynamic is real unlocks in game but need save and reload
is there a way to make the update LockDefinition set LockTypeID='Simple_Unlocked' where LockID like 'Spell_%' command permanent in the game so I dont have to execute it again or do I have to do it every time I want all spells unlocked
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "LocksDynamic" ("LockID", "ELockState") SELECT LockID,0 FROM "LockDefinition" WHERE "LockID" LIKE 'Spell\_%' escape '\';
unlock all teleport INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "LocksDynamic" ("LockID", "ELockState") SELECT LockID,0 FROM LockDefinition where LockID IN (SELECT Name from FastTravelLocations);
unlock all teleport INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "LocksDynamic" ("LockID", "ELockState") SELECT LockID,0 FROM LockDefinition where LockID IN (SELECT Name from FastTravelLocations);
Can you screen me yout sql db for one fast travel ? Bc in steam i don't have this
Only getting one trait slot with the item generator. Am I missing something?
The game will only show the 1 trait slot, might be a cut feature added it in for testing. If you set 3 traits it should have all 3 on it in theory just wont show in the gear screen.
Also I made a slight upgrade to my slot number selection code so I can change the current Item generator to a gear generator and add a true item generator. Find slot number select, if item already exist select, or select first null, or insert new
SELECT iif((SELECT iif((SELECT iif(ItemID is not NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID = "Thestral_Byproduct" and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),(SELECT iif(ItemID is not NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID = "Thestral_Byproduct" and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),NULL)) is not Null,
(SELECT iif((SELECT iif(ItemID is not NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID = "Thestral_Byproduct" and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),(SELECT iif(ItemID is not NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID = "Thestral_Byproduct" and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),NULL)),
(SELECT ( Select iif( (SELECT iif((SELECT iif(ItemID is NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID is null and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),(SELECT iif(ItemID is NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID is null and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),NULL) ) is not null, ( SELECT iif((SELECT iif(ItemID is NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID is null and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),(SELECT iif(ItemID is NULL,SlotNumber,NULL) from InventoryDynamic WHERE ItemID is null and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderID = "ResourceInventory" LIMIT 1 ),NULL) ),( SELECT SlotNumber FROM ( SELECT 1 AS SlotNumber ) q1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM InventoryDynamic WHERE SlotNumber = 1 and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderId = "ResourceInventory" ) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ( SELECT SlotNumber + 1 FROM InventoryDynamic t WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM InventoryDynamic ti WHERE ti.SlotNumber = t.SlotNumber + 1 and CharacterID = "Player0" and HolderId = "ResourceInventory" ) ORDER BY SlotNumber LIMIT 1 ) q2 ORDER BY SlotNumber LIMIT 1 ) ) )))
Last edited by Gc43 on Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How can we permanently unlock spells with this? I was unable to obtain Avada Kedavra due to a game bug and I would really like to obtain it on my save. I've followed some of the steps on the previous pages, but even if you resave after it seems to only work temporarily. If you restart it resets and goes back to locked.
I've also attempted modifying the DB to add Avada Kedavra to my talents but it also stays locked, so not sure if I'm missing something else?
I managed to figure this out. For anyone needing to unlock Avada if they missed it, you need to;
- Add Talent_Curse_AvadaKedavra to PerkDynamic
- Add Spell_AvadaKedavra to LocksDynamic
If you do just 1 of these it causes the spell to bug out and be locked in certain places and unlocked in others, so you need both to perm unlock it fully in the UI from my testing.
UPDATE CollectionDynamic SET ItemState = "Obtained", UpdateTime = 596359858070379192 WHERE CategoryID = "Traits";
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LocksDynamic (LockID, ELockState) SELECT LockID, 0 FROM LockDefinition WHERE LockID like "GearTrait_____________%";
i replaced the Traits i didn't collect to Obtained in CollectionDynamic section and replace those update time with 596359858070379192
but i don't understand "INSERT INTO LocksDynamic" ?
i filter GearTrait and replace all 0 to 1
in-game Collection page , it display 75/75 as all found
but the Traits are still grey and can't apply to gear at Loom
what have i done wrong ?
CollectionDynamic only unlocks the Collection page
LocksDynamic is real unlocks in game but need save and reload
i finally got it working , i forget to add GearTrait in LocksDynamic
forget few of them will continue tomorrow
unlock all teleport INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "LocksDynamic" ("LockID", "ELockState") SELECT LockID,0 FROM LockDefinition where LockID IN (SELECT Name from FastTravelLocations);
Can you screen me yout sql db for one fast travel ? Bc in steam i don't have this