Tales of Arise

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Tales of Arise

Post by DhaosCollider »

  • Requires Cheat Engine 7.2/later. (used many features added on CE 7.2)

    Have fun :)
    Tales of Arise.CT
    Nov 12, 2023: View update history for details.
    (481.83 KiB) Downloaded 8044 times
View current options
  • Script or Script that's no available for AOB Error
  • AddressGroupHeader
  • GroupHeader/Comment
  • Variable

  • CE:
    • Compact Mode
    • Add Hotkeys Menu
  • CT:
    • Save Checkbox States
      • Notes:
        • If saved, states of the checkbox can be restored when CT is started next time.
        • If they are variables, the values are also saved. (supports AllowIncrease/Decrease)
    • Load Checkbox States
    • Expand All
      • Note: Enable all headers.
    • Check Updates
  • Combat:
    • Infinite HP (control player only)
    • Super Armor (control player only)
    • Damage Multiplier
      • times: party
      • times: enemy
    • Critical Rate 100%
    • Just Avoid Time Bonus Modifier (Easy Just Avoid)
      • bonus value (default 0.25)
    • Just Guard Time Bonus Modifier (Easy Just Guard)
      • bonus value (default 0.25)
    • Quick Chant (control player only)
    • Quick Over Limit
    • Infinite AG
    • Infinite BG
    • Infinite Over Limit Gauge
  • Result:
    • CP Recovery Bonus Modifier
      • bonus value
    • Battle Chain Bonus Modifier
      • bonus value
    • EXP Multiplier
      • times
    • SP Multiplier
      • times
    • Arte Proficiency Multiplier
      • times
    • Item Drop 100%
      • item count
  • Misc:
    • Freeze Food Timer
    • Ignore Camp Talk Waiting Timer
    • Ignore Weapon Crafting Material Costs
    • Instant Enhancing Accessories
    • Instant Fish Catching

  • Pointer->AriseGameInstance
    • AriseBasePlayerController
      • P->PFPlayerCharacter
        • P->CharacterMovementComponent
          • JumpZVelocity
          • GroundFriction
          • MaxWalkSpeed
          • MaxWalkSpeedCrouched
          • MaxSwimSpeed
          • MaxFlySpeed
          • MaxAcceleration
        • P->CapsuleComponent
          • x coordinate
          • y coordinate
          • z coordinate
        • P->PFPActorComponent
          • WalkSpeed
          • RunSpeed
          • DashSpeed
          • TurnAngle
          • JumpCollisionHalfHeight
          • bControlEnable
          • JumpZVelocity
          • SwimSlowSpeed
          • SwimEarlySpeed
          • WaterDepthWalk
          • HeightOfWaterFromFeetOnSwimming
          • Buoyancy
          • WetTime
          • SwimStartControlWhenAscending
          • UTurnInputAngle
          • RotationSpeed
          • UTurnRotationSpeed
          • RestoreRotationSpeedTime
          • SwimRotationSpeed
          • WetKeepTime
          • WetToDryTime
          • WetKeepHeightRatio
          • WetSpecularOffDepthRate
          • WetSpecularSwitchTime
          • WetEffectPlayBorder
          • DelayInputJudgmentTimer
          • JumpCollisionHalfHeight
          • bControlEnable
          • MaxWetHeightRate
          • NextWetHeightRate
          • CurrentWetHeightRate
          • WetRate
          • WetKeepTimer
          • WetSpecularRate
      • P->BtlCharacterBase
        • Notes: Override PFPlayerCharacter at the start of combat.
        • IsNotDieFlag.BitFlags
        • IsDownFlag.BitFlags
        • IsInvincibleFlag.BitFlags
        • IsSuperArmorFlag.BitFlags
        • IsIgnoreSPFlag.BitFlags
        • IsIgnoreTPFlag.BitFlags
        • P->BtlPartyStatusComponent
          • hp: current
          • hp: maximum
          • attack
          • elemental attack
          • defense
          • elemental defense
          • penetration
          • resistance
      • P->ArisePlayerCameraManager
        • FOV: default
        • FOV: set
        • P->CameraActor
          • Note: Instances are overwritten in various situations.
          • camera: x coordinate
          • camera: y coordinate
          • camera: z coordinate
          • P->BP_FightFish_C
            • Note: Can only be used when the fish are biting.
            • bVibrationEnable
            • FishHP
            • FishMaxHP
            • P->WaterModelName
              • string
          • P->BP_LineTensionController_C
            • Note: Can only be used while fishing.
            • fishing: tension
            • fishing: hi tension time
            • TensionZone_size
            • P->TensionZone
              • [0]
              • [1]
              • [2]
              • [3]
    • P->ArisePartyOrder
      • Thanks: Dropdown by Sora3100
        • dropdown: Order & Guest
        • dropdown: Yes/No
      • PartyOrder.Order_size
      • PartyOrder.Guest_size
      • P->PartyOrder.Order
        • [0]
        • [1]
        • [2]
        • [3]
        • [4]
        • [5]
        • [6]
        • [7]
      • P->PartyOrder.Guest
        • [0]
        • [1]
        • [2]
        • [3]
      • P->ArisePCStatus
        • Thanks: Offsets by kloze, TheByteSize, Sora3100
        • P->[0]: Alphen
          • Level
          • Max HP
          • AG
          • EXP
          • HP+
          • Attack+
          • Elemental Attack+
          • Penetrarion+
          • Defense+
          • Elemental Defense+
          • Resistance+
          • P->Title-related
            • <Base>
              • Iron Mask
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Comrades in Freedom
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Blazing Sword
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Emissary of Liberation
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Undefeated Swordsman
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Blazing Blow
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Infernal Tongue
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Rebellious Spark
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Another Day, Another Wall
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Arms Collector
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • The Power of a Sovereign
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Unrelenting Blaze
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Vanquisher of the Four Lights
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Enlightening Bond
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Arms Sommelier
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
            • <DLC>
              • Veteran Samurai
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Beach Hero
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Strait-Laced Schoolboy
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
          • P->Arte Proficiency
            • 1
            • 2
            • 3
          • P->Ground Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
          • P->Aerial Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
        • P->[1]: Shionne
          • Level
          • Max HP
          • AG
          • EXP
          • HP+
          • Attack+
          • Elemental Attack+
          • Penetrarion+
          • Defense+
          • Elemental Defense+
          • Resistance+
          • P->Title-related
            • <Base>
              • Healer
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Escape Artist
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Thorny Woman
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Sniper
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Loose Cannon
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Bombshell
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Goddess of Kindness
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Chic
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Bottomless Stomach
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Speedy Chef
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Latest Maiden
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Insect Deposer
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Love Chef
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Explosive Gunslinger
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Fashionista
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
            • <DLC>
              • Scarlet Battlemaiden
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Seaside Queen
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • New Girl in Class
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
          • P->Arte Proficiency
            • 1
            • 2
            • 3
          • P->Ground Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
          • P->Aerial Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
        • P->[2]: Rinwell
          • Level
          • Max HP
          • AG
          • EXP
          • HP+
          • Attack+
          • Elemental Attack+
          • Penetrarion+
          • Defense+
          • Elemental Defense+
          • Resistance+
          • P->Title-related
            • <Base>
              • Dahnan Mage
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Attuned Mage
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Unbeatable Mage
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Retired Avenger
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Bibliophile
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Spell Canceller
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Silver Sword
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Sugar Connoisseur
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Birdie Bestie
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Item Scholar
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Lightning Princess
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Gusty Girl
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Torrential Mage
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Feathered Friend
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Item Professor
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
            • <DLC>
              • Dark Crow Demon
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Serious Swimmer Girl
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Vivacious Schoolgirl
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
          • P->Arte Proficiency
            • 1
            • 2
            • 3
          • P->Ground Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
          • P->Aerial Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
        • P->[3]: Law
          • Level
          • Max HP
          • AG
          • EXP
          • HP+
          • Attack+
          • Elemental Attack+
          • Penetrarion+
          • Defense+
          • Elemental Defense+
          • Resistance+
          • P->Title-related
            • <Base>
              • Mournful Son
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Intervener
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Unbreakable Fists
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Silver Wolf Reawakened
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Growing Boy
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Snake Eye Turncoat
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Bumbling Fighter Extraordinaire
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Prince of Iron Fists
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Caretaker
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Bounty Hunter
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Space Champion
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Calves of Steel
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Armor Breaker
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Friend to the Animals
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Torch Bearer
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
            • <DLC>
              • Noisy Ninja
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Serious Driver Boy
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • High School Heartthrob
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
          • P->Arte Proficiency
            • 1
            • 2
            • 3
          • P->Ground Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
          • P->Aerial Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
        • P->[4]: Kisara
          • Level
          • Max HP
          • AG
          • EXP
          • HP+
          • Attack+
          • Elemental Attack+
          • Penetrarion+
          • Defense+
          • Elemental Defense+
          • Resistance+
          • P->Title-related
            • <Base>
              • Captain Kisara
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Idealist
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Rock Buster Shield
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Unbreakable Wall
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Devout Sister
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Unblemished Fighter
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Migalpedia
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Queen Angler
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Skilled Angler
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Catch and Fillet
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Heartfelt Shield
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • All-Pulverizing Hammer
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Indomitable Golden Lion
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Stupidly Strong Fisherman
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Chief Chef
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
            • <DLC>
              • Devout Warrioress
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Shoreside Lady
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Passionate Home Ec Teacher
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
          • P->Arte Proficiency
            • 1
            • 2
            • 3
          • P->Ground Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
          • P->Aerial Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
        • P->[5]: Dohalim
          • Level
          • Max HP
          • AG
          • EXP
          • HP+
          • Attack+
          • Elemental Attack+
          • Penetrarion+
          • Defense+
          • Elemental Defense+
          • Resistance+
          • P->Title-related
            • <Base>
              • Architect of Coexistence
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Eternal Protector
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Dilettante
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Rare Food Connoisseur
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Ivy Master
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Former Lord
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Treasure Hunter
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Undefeated Lord
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Fateful Matchmaker
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Patron Lord
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Drinking Buddy
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Renan Leader
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Dark Sorcerer
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Antique Collector
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Transcendent Matchmaker
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
            • <DLC>
              • Commander of the Wu Xing
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Seagazer
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
              • Irreproachable Principal
                • Animation played?
                • Title unlocked?
          • P->Arte Proficiency
            • 1
            • 2
            • 3
          • P->Ground Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
          • P->Aerial Artes
            • [0]
            • [1]
            • [2]
            • [3]
            • [4]
            • [5]
    • P->ArisePartyProfile
      • gald
      • food timer: current
      • food timer: start
      • PR = Play Records
        • PR: play time
        • PR: total gald acquired
        • PR: total gald spent
        • PR: current gald
        • PR: items found
        • PR: weapon types forged
        • PR: total weapons forged
        • PR: accessory types forged
        • PR: total accessories created
        • PR: total accessory enhancements
        • PR: recipes cooked
        • PR: total times cooked
        • PR: skits triggered
        • PR: total distance
        • PR: successful fishing rounds
        • PR: times camped
        • PR: total livestock
        • PR: owls found
        • PR: sub-quests cleared
        • PR: battles
        • PR: max hit counter
        • PR: combo damage record
        • PR: enemies defeated
        • PR: enemy types defeated
        • PR: boost attacks
        • PR: boost strikes
        • PR: counter edges
        • PR: total accessories synthesized
      • play time
      • play time: camp talking
      • battle chain timer
      • Thanks: DAC = Devil's Arms Count by kloze, Sora3100
        • DAC: Alphen: nebilim
        • DAC: Shionne: damonisch core
        • DAC: Rinwell: records of the fallen
        • DAC: Law: demon's cry
        • DAC: Kisara: os rex
        • DAC: Dohalim: diablo nox
View update history
Nov 12, 2023:
  • Added
    • Arte/Skill Use Multiplier
Nov 10, 2023:
  • Fixed
    • Arte Proficiency Multiplier
    • Ignore Weapon Crafting Material Costs
    • Instant Enhancing Accessories
  • Tales of Arise.CT
    (476.52 KiB) Downloaded 2047 times
Nov 09, 2023: Supports Build ID 12162925+ (Beyond the Dawn Expansion)
  • Added
    • Some scripts to extend CE functionality.
    • Ignore Camp Talk Waiting Timer
    • Battle Chain Bonus Modifier
    • Infinite HP (control player only)
    • Super Armor (control player only)
    • Added some pointers/variables under the <pointers>.
  • Fixed
    • Organized the entire table.
    • Damage Multiplier
      Improved party/enemy filters.
    • Critical Rate 100%
      Improved party/enemy filters.
    • Infinite BG
    • Changed Maximize Arte Proficiency to Arte Proficiency Multiplier
  • Tales of Arise.CT
    (475.6 KiB) Downloaded 536 times
Edit 7:
  • Fixed table to support the Build ID: 8472380 ~.
  • I haven't fixed Master_Builder/TheByteSize's scripts.
  • Removed Some Titles Unlocker.
    Look at P->Title-related in P->ArisePCStatus instead.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (438.37 KiB) Downloaded 15925 times
Edit 6:
  • Added P->BP_ArisePlayerController_Game_C, P->BP_PFPartyTopCharacter_C, P->BP_FightFish_C, P->BP_LineTensionController_C, P->Title-related, P->Ground Artes, P->Aerial Artes, "Devil's Arms Count by kloze, Sora3100" and "play time: camp talking".
    P->BP_FightFish_C will only work when a fish bite. You can pause it and tweak it as you wish. Have fun.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (507.59 KiB) Downloaded 3149 times
Edit 5.3:
  • Added Scripts by TheByteSize. Thanks for the scripts.
    I'll see what I can do with Cake-San's table (Basic UE Object Dumper) this weekend. Done.
  • Added <structure>.
  • Updated the table to match TheByteSize's table update. Thanks again.
  • Added Character Status Editor, P->BP_ArisePlayerCameraManager_C and "play time".
    Character Status Editor offset by kloze. Thanks for the offset.
  • Added P->PartyOrder.
    dropdown by Sora3100. Thanks for the dropdown.
    My weekend is over. Everyone who helped me, Thanks to this, I think we made a pretty cool table. Cheers.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (214.26 KiB) Downloaded 488 times
Edit 4.1:
  • Automatic process attach has been fixed to specify "processName" instead of "windowName".
  • Added Some Titles Unlocker.
    Modified 6 OpCodes that seemed to be the same method.
    I wanted to unlock all the parts not related to the story flags, but I couldn't.
    I tried a few other things, but my fatigue started to affect my job, so I stopped debugging this game. Have fun.
  • Added Result: Maximize Arte Proficiency. Cheers.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (81.14 KiB) Downloaded 415 times
Edit 3.1:
  • Added Just Guard Time Bonus Modifier (Easy Just Guard), Quick Chant and Instant Enhancing Accessories.
  • Added Skill Use Multiplier by Master_Builder. Thanks again.
  • Fixed Quick Chant. The effect only affects the character you control.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (75.18 KiB) Downloaded 418 times
Edit 2:
  • Added Infinite CP by Master_Builder. Thanks for the script.
  • Changed names that could cause confusion.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (59.9 KiB) Downloaded 390 times
Edit 1:
  • Added Result: CP Recovery Bonus, Result: Item Drop 100% and Stop Food Timer.
    Tales of Arise.CT
    (52.55 KiB) Downloaded 408 times
Edit 0:
Thanks: Reply:
MSoniSama wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:26 am
I want to use this save checkbox feature in my personal tables for personal use, and wanted to know how to add this to my tables.
  • Unfortunately, it is difficult to generalize this.
    I would have created a thread dedicated to this if it were easy.
    If you have Lua knowledge, save Register.lua to disk from the table and find function Obj.loadCheckboxStates.
    Most of the functionality you want is concentrated in that function.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Last edited by DhaosCollider on Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:03 pm, edited 45 times in total.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by BlackMonster »

Amazing table and the damage and crit actually work in auto settings and for whole party

Would like to request a 100% drop rate normal+rare items.

Ty bro , ur tables are starting to become my fav out there.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by Kira »

thanks for the table! one question, what does the CE: Compact Mode does?

Nvm, it literally does what the name is. Any chance you might add a multiplier to Artes usage count and infinite CP please?

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by MzJ »

Can we include,

Items amount editor
Artes proficiency
Food timer

Also, is it possible to have an "Ignore accessory material cost" or maybe an infinite items usage code that includes Ores as well?

Great work btw, thank you!

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by ilcommendatore »

Many thanks for your table, DhaosCollider! The Quick Over Limit and Infinite Over Limit Gauge work splendidly.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by MzJ »

I would like to also point out that there is an issue with Infinite BG. When it's turned on, you can't do the "Boost attack + switch to said character" when you L1+dpad, it only swaps to another character without the boost attack.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by gunbalde60 »

Thank you!

Unlimited Boost and Infinite Food Duration would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by gunbalde60 on Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by Asuma »

Thank you. However, some of the option are Greyed out?

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by Impala »

How about when you craft an accessory it doesn't consume materials

not really needed, how about using 1 accessory for max level when enhancing
Last edited by Impala on Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by fearnotcheating »

how does "Result: Item Drop 100%" work. There is a option called item count. Is that the number of the item you get ?

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Ninomae Tako'nis
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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by Ninomae Tako'nis »

How exactly does the damage reduction multiplier work? I actually need to reduce my damage because I can't unlock a skill due to killing shit too fast haha. I've tried both positive and negative values and my damage doesn't seem to really change.

Edit: Actually, I may have understood. Is it an enemy damage reduction then?

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by timechaos69 »

Ninomae Tako'nis wrote:
Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:59 pm
How exactly does the damage reduction multiplier work? I actually need to reduce my damage because I can't unlock a skill due to killing shit too fast haha. I've tried both positive and negative values and my damage doesn't seem to really change.
It's not for the damage you do. Its for the damage that the enemy does to you... you need to change the other damage multiple to be a decimal like .25 for doing 1/4 of the normal damage you do.

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Ninomae Tako'nis
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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by Ninomae Tako'nis »

timechaos69 wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:03 am
Ninomae Tako'nis wrote:
Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:59 pm
How exactly does the damage reduction multiplier work? I actually need to reduce my damage because I can't unlock a skill due to killing shit too fast haha. I've tried both positive and negative values and my damage doesn't seem to really change.
It's not for the damage you do. Its for the damage that the enemy does to you... you need to change the other damage multiple to be a decimal like .25 for doing 1/4 of the normal damage you do.
Yeah, I realized that a few minutes after posting haha. Thanks.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by Master_Builder »

I posted a version of this in the other thread, but there's two spots, not just one, and I didn't catch the other one.
So here's an updated "Infinite CP" script that covers field/battle/etc. (Dhaos, feel free to add this to the main table if you want.)

Code: Select all

{ Game   : Tales of Arise.exe
  Date   : 2021-09-11
  Author : Master_Builder

  rcx+9c == current cp
  rcx+9e == max cp
  rcx+f9c == cp bonus from food or something, not sure

  The game calculates the max CP, then assignes the current CP to it if it's less than max (cmovl).
  This stops the conditional move and thus 'current' becomes 'max'.


aobscanmodule(INF_CP,Tales of Arise.exe,0F 4C C7 8B D8) // should be unique

  nop 3


aobscanmodule(INF_CP_2,Tales of Arise.exe,0F 4C C3 66 89 82 9C 00 00 00) // should be unique

  nop 3


aobscanmodule(INF_CP_3,Tales of Arise.exe,0F 4C C2 8B F8 66 89) // should be unique

  nop 3



  db 0F 4C C7 8B D8


  db 0F 4C C3 66 89 82 9C 00 00 00


  db 0F 4C C2 8B F8



Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA7D: 0F 84 F7 00 00 00        - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+D7DB7A
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA83: 48 8B 80 C8 00 00 00     - mov rax,[rax+000000C8]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA8A: 48 8B 50 50              - mov rdx,[rax+50]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA8E: 48 8B 4A 28              - mov rcx,[rdx+28]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA92: 44 0F B7 81 9C 00 00 00  - movzx r8d,word ptr [rcx+0000009C]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA9A: 85 FF                    - test edi,edi
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA9C: 78 14                    - js "Tales of Arise.exe"+D7DAB2
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DA9E: 0F B7 81 9E 00 00 00     - movzx eax,word ptr [rcx+0000009E]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAA5: 03 81 9C 0F 00 00        - add eax,[rcx+00000F9C]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAAB: 3B F8                    - cmp edi,eax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAAD: 0F 4C C7                 - cmovl eax,edi
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAB0: 8B D8                    - mov ebx,eax
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAB2: 66 89 99 9C 00 00 00     - mov [rcx+0000009C],bx
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAB9: 48 8B 42 28              - mov rax,[rdx+28]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DABD: 66 44 3B 80 9C 00 00 00  - cmp r8w,[rax+0000009C]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAC5: 0F 84 AF 00 00 00        - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+D7DB7A
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DACB: E8 C0 26 10 00           - call "Tales of Arise.exe"+E80190
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAD0: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAD3: 0F 84 A1 00 00 00        - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+D7DB7A
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAD9: 48 8B 88 80 05 00 00     - mov rcx,[rax+00000580]
Tales of Arise.exe+D7DAE0: 48 85 C9                 - test rcx,rcx

// INF_CP_2
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Tales of Arise.exe+B32E20

Tales of Arise.exe+B32DF9: 48 8B 48 50              - mov rcx,[rax+50]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32DFD: 48 8B 51 28              - mov rdx,[rcx+28]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E01: 44 0F B7 82 9C 00 00 00  - movzx r8d,word ptr [rdx+0000009C]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E09: 85 DB                    - test ebx,ebx
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E0B: 79 04                    - jns "Tales of Arise.exe"+B32E11
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E0D: 33 C0                    - xor eax,eax
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E0F: EB 12                    - jmp "Tales of Arise.exe"+B32E23
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E11: 0F B7 82 9E 00 00 00     - movzx eax,word ptr [rdx+0000009E]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E18: 03 82 9C 0F 00 00        - add eax,[rdx+00000F9C]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E1E: 3B D8                    - cmp ebx,eax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E20: 0F 4C C3                 - cmovl eax,ebx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E23: 66 89 82 9C 00 00 00     - mov [rdx+0000009C],ax
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E2A: 48 8B 41 28              - mov rax,[rcx+28]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E2E: 66 44 3B 80 9C 00 00 00  - cmp r8w,[rax+0000009C]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E36: 74 35                    - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+B32E6D
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E38: E8 53 D3 34 00           - call "Tales of Arise.exe"+E80190
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E3D: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E40: 74 2B                    - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+B32E6D
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E42: 48 8B 88 80 05 00 00     - mov rcx,[rax+00000580]
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E49: 48 85 C9                 - test rcx,rcx
Tales of Arise.exe+B32E4C: 74 1F                    - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+B32E6D

// INF_CP_3
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Tales of Arise.exe+ED4880

Tales of Arise.exe+ED4859: 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
Tales of Arise.exe+ED485C: 74 2E                 - je "Tales of Arise.exe"+ED488C
Tales of Arise.exe+ED485E: 48 8B 40 50           - mov rax,[rax+50]
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4862: 48 8B 48 28           - mov rcx,[rax+28]
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4866: 0F B7 91 9C 00 00 00  - movzx edx,word ptr [rcx+0000009C]
Tales of Arise.exe+ED486D: 2B D3                 - sub edx,ebx
Tales of Arise.exe+ED486F: 78 14                 - js "Tales of Arise.exe"+ED4885
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4871: 0F B7 81 9E 00 00 00  - movzx eax,word ptr [rcx+0000009E]
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4878: 03 81 9C 0F 00 00     - add eax,[rcx+00000F9C]
Tales of Arise.exe+ED487E: 3B D0                 - cmp edx,eax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4880: 0F 4C C2              - cmovl eax,edx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4883: 8B F8                 - mov edi,eax
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4885: 66 89 B9 9C 00 00 00  - mov [rcx+0000009C],di
Tales of Arise.exe+ED488C: 48 8B 5C 24 30        - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4891: 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4895: 5F                    - pop rdi
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4896: C3                    - ret 
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4897: CC                    - int 3 
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4898: CC                    - int 3 
Tales of Arise.exe+ED4899: CC                    - int 3 
Tales of Arise.exe+ED489A: CC                    - int 3 
(In short, any use of CP should set it to max.)

EDIT: Had to add a third spot to cover map actions. I think I've finally covered all of them. Not sure though.
Last edited by Master_Builder on Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tales of Arise

Post by lsdlsdlsdlsd »

Can I please request that ores (accessory material for creation) always be max level? Thank you in advance.

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