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Funding FearlessRevolution: Usergroups

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:21 pm
by STN
Some of you have been asking me ways they could help and support FearlessRevolution or for the supporter role now that donations aren’t an option.

There is now a way to get the supporter role along with its extra perks and a way to help support and fund FRF. Instead of donations requiring manual intervention from my side, you can now directly subscribe to get the upgraded usergroup automatically and likewise downgrade when no longer supporting.

Perks of upgraded usergroups

Extra PM inbox space
Ability to use signatures
Supporting FRF
Custom titles
Stand out from the crowd with coloured nickname

Upgrading the usergroup is optional and offers a way to get extra benefits from your FRF membership. I also hope to use these to make it difficult to abuse different features of FRF e.g PM spam.

The extension isn’t live yet, I will update this topic when it is and you can upgrade.