Page 119 of 377

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:13 pm
by Chipfonix
Zxeait wrote:
Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:35 pm
Is there a code to edit the seasonal ticket amounts? A little annoying when you accidentally used some.
If you are referring to the Authumn tickets

If you enable ‘ignore crafting requirements’ this script looks like it gives you 50 of each item to ‘ignore’ the requirements, so use that and you can just buy all the stuff you want that requires Autumn tickets

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:02 pm
by Depleted
Chipfonix wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:13 pm
Zxeait wrote:
Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:35 pm
Is there a code to edit the seasonal ticket amounts? A little annoying when you accidentally used some.
If you are referring to the Authumn tickets

If you enable ‘ignore crafting requirements’ this script looks like it gives you 50 of each item to ‘ignore’ the requirements, so use that and you can just buy all the stuff you want that requires Autumn tickets
Confirmed this works for creating the palico sets.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:39 pm
by Eternallydissolved
Depleted wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:43 am
Table's unstable/buggy now with certain features because of the autumn harvest event update, the scripts for items/mats/event don't work, monster health bars still aren't working but other features like inf ammo/weapon buffs/ hp/stam/kill all monsters all work ok.

If you use idlehands modded armour/decos armour titles/descriptions are bugged and your game crashes randomly or when opening up the start menu, for anyone using idles modded gear you need to delete the mods and wait for an update or edit the files and mod all the armour again as five new user sets and two palico sets were added to the gear list - I've just deleted the files and i'm using Squall8's table to max out gear bonuses and slots/gems in the meantime.
Only the armor.am_dat and skills file were affected. skillgemparam.spga was fine. additionally you can use the armor editor to mod the armor file in chunk3.bin for the equip you use.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:31 pm
by IcyPurpose99
Ventor wrote:
Sun Oct 07, 2018 1:29 pm
This is where I have to once again show my ignorance (I do that a lot, to be fair, so it's not as though it's surprising). How do I utilize these updated scripts in the table? It seems like Marcus has the best solution for addressing the current auto-DC problem, if not permanently then at least for the time being. I would like to make use of this solution, but it seems to be a little more complicated then just trying to copy and paste over the existing scripts in the table. Or am I mistaken?

Hopefully someone -- Marcus, Squall, Seikur0, or anyone with a strong understanding of how to work within the memory -- can find a way to arrange the operations so the game thinks all is normal. Until then, it does seem like sticking to static values is the safe bet.
Marcus101RR wrote:
Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:26 pm
Looks like they added an anti-cheat disconnect setup, you will be disconnected by using most functions that are transferred over peer to peer.

My Scripts / Pointers Updated:
View Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"[Marcus101RR's Scripts]"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
<Description>"Charm Editor"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : MonsterHunterWorld.exe
Date : 2018-08-21
Author : Marcus101RR

This script allows editing for active charm.


aobscanmodule(charmeditor,MonsterHunterWorld.exe,4C 8B 8C C1 18 5E 00 00) // should be unique




mov r9,[rcx+rax*8+00005E18]
mov [charmIdi],r9
jmp return

dq 0

jmp newmem


db 4C 8B 8C C1 18 5E 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CC7

"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CA2: C3 - ret
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CA3: 41 81 F8 2D 01 00 00 - cmp r8d,0000012D
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CAA: 73 23 - jae MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1A6CCF
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CAC: 49 63 C0 - movsxd rax,r8d
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CAF: 4C 8B 8C C1 48 4B 00 00 - mov r9,[rcx+rax*8+00004B48]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CB7: 49 8B C1 - mov rax,r9
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CBA: C3 - ret
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CBB: 41 81 F8 2C 01 00 00 - cmp r8d,0000012C
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CC2: 73 0B - jae MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1A6CCF
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CC4: 49 63 C0 - movsxd rax,r8d
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CC7: 4C 8B 8C C1 18 5E 00 00 - mov r9,[rcx+rax*8+00005E18]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CCF: 49 8B C1 - mov rax,r9
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CD2: C3 - ret
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CD3: 90 - nop
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CD4: 42 6C - insb
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CD6: 1A 00 - sbb al,byte ptr [rax]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CD8: 5B - pop rbx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CD9: 6C - insb
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CDA: 1A 00 - sbb al,byte ptr [rax]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CDC: 73 6C - jae MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1A6D4A
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+1A6CDE: 1A 00 - sbb al,byte ptr [rax]
<VariableType>Array of byte</VariableType>
<Action>Set Value</Action>
<Value>3 3 3 0 0 0 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 0 0 0</Value>
<Description>"No description"</Description>
<Description>"Skill 1"</Description>
<DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">00:None
01:Poison Resistance
02:Paralysis Resistance
03:Sleep Resistance
04:Stun Resistance
05:Muck Resistance
06:Blast Resistance
07:Bleeding Resistance
08:Iron Skin
09:Res Down Protection
0D:Tremor Resistance
10:Effluvial Expert
11:Heat Guard
13:Attack Boost
14:Defense Boost
15:Health Boost
16:Recovery Up
17:Recovery Speed
18:Fire Resistance
19:Water Resistance
1A:Ice Resistance
1B:Thunder Resistance
1C:Dragon Resistance
1D:Blight Resistance
1E:Fire Attack
1F:Water Attack
20:Ice Attack
21:Thunder Attack
22:Dragon Attack
23:Poison Attack
24:Paralysis Attack
25:Sleep Attack
26:Blast Attack
27:Normal Attack
28:Piercing Shots
29:Spread/Power Shots
2A:Poison Functionality
2B:Para Functionality
2C:Sleep Functionality
2D:Power Functionality
2E:Blast Functionality
2F:Free Elem/Ammo Up
30:Critical Eye
31:Critical Boost
32:Weakness Exploit
33:Repeat Offender
35:Powert Prolonger
37:Critical Draw
3A:Stamina Thief
3B:Master Mounter
3D:Latent Power
3F:Peak Performance
44:Horn Maestro
45:Capacity Boost
46:Special Ammo Boost
48:Heavy Artillery
49:Marathon Runner
4B:Leap of Faith
4C:Stamina Surge
4D:Hunger Resistance
4E:Evade Window
4F:Evade Extender
51:Quick Sheath
53:Item Prolonger
54:Free Meal
55:Speed Eating
56:Speed Sharpening
5B:Master Fisher
5C:BBQ Master
5D:Pro Transporter
5E:Master Gatherer
5F:Honey Hunter
60:Carving Pro
61:Divine Blessing
62:Palico Rally
65:Maximum Might
66:Slinger Capacity
68:Flinch Free
69:Scoutfly Range Up
6A:Speed Crawler
6B:Jump Master
6C:Sporepuff Expert
6D:Aquatic Expert
74:Effluvia Resistance
76:Forager's Luck
78:Tool Specialist
7A:Affinity Sliding
7B:Elderseal Boost
7D:Anjanath Power
7E:Nergigante Hunger
7F:Vaal Hazak Vitality
80:Rathalos Power
81:Diablos Power
82:Kirin Blessing
83:Pink Rathian Mastery
84:Anjanath Will
87:Rathalos Mastery
88:Diablos Mastery
89:Kirin Favor
8A:Urgaan Protection
8E:Bazelgeuse Protection
8F:Teostra Technique
90:Kushala Daora Flight
91:Xeno'jiiva Divinity
93:Zorah Magdaros Mastery
94:Hero's Protection
95:Guild Guidance
96:Commission Guidance
97:Legiana Blessing
98:Legiana Favor
99:Odogaron Power
9A:Odogaron Mastery
9B:Bow Charge Plus
9C:Mind's Eye/Ballistics
9D:Guard Up
9E:Protective Polish
9F:Non-elemental Boost
A1:Hasten Recovery
A2:Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
A3:Lunastra Favor
<Description>"Skill 2"</Description>
<DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">00:None
01:Poison Resistance
02:Paralysis Resistance
03:Sleep Resistance
04:Stun Resistance
05:Muck Resistance
06:Blast Resistance
07:Bleeding Resistance
08:Iron Skin
09:Res Down Protection
0D:Tremor Resistance
10:Effluvial Expert
11:Heat Guard
13:Attack Boost
14:Defense Boost
15:Health Boost
16:Recovery Up
17:Recovery Speed
18:Fire Resistance
19:Water Resistance
1A:Ice Resistance
1B:Thunder Resistance
1C:Dragon Resistance
1D:Blight Resistance
1E:Fire Attack
1F:Water Attack
20:Ice Attack
21:Thunder Attack
22:Dragon Attack
23:Poison Attack
24:Paralysis Attack
25:Sleep Attack
26:Blast Attack
27:Normal Attack
28:Piercing Shots
29:Spread/Power Shots
2A:Poison Functionality
2B:Para Functionality
2C:Sleep Functionality
2D:Power Functionality
2E:Blast Functionality
2F:Free Elem/Ammo Up
30:Critical Eye
31:Critical Boost
32:Weakness Exploit
33:Repeat Offender
35:Powert Prolonger
37:Critical Draw
3A:Stamina Thief
3B:Master Mounter
3D:Latent Power
3F:Peak Performance
44:Horn Maestro
45:Capacity Boost
46:Special Ammo Boost
48:Heavy Artillery
49:Marathon Runner
4B:Leap of Faith
4C:Stamina Surge
4D:Hunger Resistance
4E:Evade Window
4F:Evade Extender
51:Quick Sheath
53:Item Prolonger
54:Free Meal
55:Speed Eating
56:Speed Sharpening
5B:Master Fisher
5C:BBQ Master
5D:Pro Transporter
5E:Master Gatherer
5F:Honey Hunter
60:Carving Pro
61:Divine Blessing
62:Palico Rally
65:Maximum Might
66:Slinger Capacity
68:Flinch Free
69:Scoutfly Range Up
6A:Speed Crawler
6B:Jump Master
6C:Sporepuff Expert
6D:Aquatic Expert
74:Effluvia Resistance
76:Forager's Luck
78:Tool Specialist
7A:Affinity Sliding
7B:Elderseal Boost
7D:Anjanath Power
7E:Nergigante Hunger
7F:Vaal Hazak Vitality
80:Rathalos Power
81:Diablos Power
82:Kirin Blessing
83:Pink Rathian Mastery
84:Anjanath Will
87:Rathalos Mastery
88:Diablos Mastery
89:Kirin Favor
8A:Urgaan Protection
8E:Bazelgeuse Protection
8F:Teostra Technique
90:Kushala Daora Flight
91:Xeno'jiiva Divinity
93:Zorah Magdaros Mastery
94:Hero's Protection
95:Guild Guidance
96:Commission Guidance
97:Legiana Blessing
98:Legiana Favor
99:Odogaron Power
9A:Odogaron Mastery
9B:Bow Charge Plus
9C:Mind's Eye/Ballistics
9D:Guard Up
9E:Protective Polish
9F:Non-elemental Boost
A1:Hasten Recovery
A2:Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
A3:Lunastra Favor
<Description>"Skill 3"</Description>
<DropDownList DisplayValueAsItem="1">00:None
01:Poison Resistance
02:Paralysis Resistance
03:Sleep Resistance
04:Stun Resistance
05:Muck Resistance
06:Blast Resistance
07:Bleeding Resistance
08:Iron Skin
09:Res Down Protection
0D:Tremor Resistance
10:Effluvial Expert
11:Heat Guard
13:Attack Boost
14:Defense Boost
15:Health Boost
16:Recovery Up
17:Recovery Speed
18:Fire Resistance
19:Water Resistance
1A:Ice Resistance
1B:Thunder Resistance
1C:Dragon Resistance
1D:Blight Resistance
1E:Fire Attack
1F:Water Attack
20:Ice Attack
21:Thunder Attack
22:Dragon Attack
23:Poison Attack
24:Paralysis Attack
25:Sleep Attack
26:Blast Attack
27:Normal Attack
28:Piercing Shots
29:Spread/Power Shots
2A:Poison Functionality
2B:Para Functionality
2C:Sleep Functionality
2D:Power Functionality
2E:Blast Functionality
2F:Free Elem/Ammo Up
30:Critical Eye
31:Critical Boost
32:Weakness Exploit
33:Repeat Offender
35:Powert Prolonger
37:Critical Draw
3A:Stamina Thief
3B:Master Mounter
3D:Latent Power
3F:Peak Performance
44:Horn Maestro
45:Capacity Boost
46:Special Ammo Boost
48:Heavy Artillery
49:Marathon Runner
4B:Leap of Faith
4C:Stamina Surge
4D:Hunger Resistance
4E:Evade Window
4F:Evade Extender
51:Quick Sheath
53:Item Prolonger
54:Free Meal
55:Speed Eating
56:Speed Sharpening
5B:Master Fisher
5C:BBQ Master
5D:Pro Transporter
5E:Master Gatherer
5F:Honey Hunter
60:Carving Pro
61:Divine Blessing
62:Palico Rally
65:Maximum Might
66:Slinger Capacity
68:Flinch Free
69:Scoutfly Range Up
6A:Speed Crawler
6B:Jump Master
6C:Sporepuff Expert
6D:Aquatic Expert
74:Effluvia Resistance
76:Forager's Luck
78:Tool Specialist
7A:Affinity Sliding
7B:Elderseal Boost
7D:Anjanath Power
7E:Nergigante Hunger
7F:Vaal Hazak Vitality
80:Rathalos Power
81:Diablos Power
82:Kirin Blessing
83:Pink Rathian Mastery
84:Anjanath Will
87:Rathalos Mastery
88:Diablos Mastery
89:Kirin Favor
8A:Urgaan Protection
8E:Bazelgeuse Protection
8F:Teostra Technique
90:Kushala Daora Flight
91:Xeno'jiiva Divinity
93:Zorah Magdaros Mastery
94:Hero's Protection
95:Guild Guidance
96:Commission Guidance
97:Legiana Blessing
98:Legiana Favor
99:Odogaron Power
9A:Odogaron Mastery
9B:Bow Charge Plus
9C:Mind's Eye/Ballistics
9D:Guard Up
9E:Protective Polish
9F:Non-elemental Boost
A1:Hasten Recovery
A2:Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
A3:Lunastra Favor
<Description>"Set Item Quantity"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : MonsterHunterWorld.exe
Date : 2018-08-11
Author : Marcus101RR

This script does blah blah blah

define(bytes,8B 48 0C 89 0A)





cmp [rax+0C],#50
jge @f
mov [rax+0C],#50
mov ecx,[rax+0C]
mov [rdx],ecx
jmp return

jmp newmem


db bytes
// mov ecx,[rax+0C]
// mov [rdx],ecx


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC1C

"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144ABFF: 44 8B C3 - mov r8d,ebx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC02: 8B D6 - mov edx,esi
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC04: E8 17 11 80 FF - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+C4BD20
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC09: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC0C: 74 13 - je MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144AC21
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC0E: 48 8B 0F - mov rcx,[rdi]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC11: 8B 11 - mov edx,[rcx]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC13: 39 50 08 - cmp [rax+08],edx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC16: 75 09 - jne MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144AC21
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC18: 48 8B 57 08 - mov rdx,[rdi+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC1C: 8B 48 0C - mov ecx,[rax+0C]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC1F: 89 0A - mov [rdx],ecx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC21: 48 8B 0D 90 CC 6D 02 - mov rcx,[MonsterHunterWorld.exe+3B278B8]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC28: FF C3 - inc ebx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC2A: E8 F1 A5 30 00 - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1755220
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC2F: 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC32: 8B D6 - mov edx,esi
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC34: E8 C7 0F 80 FF - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+C4BC00
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC39: 3B D8 - cmp ebx,eax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC3B: 72 B3 - jb MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144ABF0
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC3D: 48 8B 5C 24 30 - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AC42: 48 8B 74 24 38 - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
<Description>"Set Item Box Quantity"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : MonsterHunterWorld.exe
Date : 2018-10-05
Author : Marcus101RR

This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(boxCarry,MonsterHunterWorld.exe,8B 48 0C 89 0A) // should be unique



cmp [rax+0C],#300
jge @f
mov [rax+0C],#300
mov ecx,[rax+0C]
mov [rdx],ecx
jmp return

jmp newmem


db 8B 48 0C 89 0A


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773BC

"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+147739F: 44 8B C3 - mov r8d,ebx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773A2: 8B D6 - mov edx,esi
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773A4: E8 97 D9 7F FF - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+C74D40
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773A9: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773AC: 74 13 - je MonsterHunterWorld.exe+14773C1
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773AE: 48 8B 0F - mov rcx,[rdi]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773B1: 8B 11 - mov edx,[rcx]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773B3: 39 50 08 - cmp [rax+08],edx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773B6: 75 09 - jne MonsterHunterWorld.exe+14773C1
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773B8: 48 8B 57 08 - mov rdx,[rdi+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773BC: 8B 48 0C - mov ecx,[rax+0C]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773BF: 89 0A - mov [rdx],ecx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773C1: 48 8B 0D 80 28 70 02 - mov rcx,[MonsterHunterWorld.exe+3B79C48]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773C8: FF C3 - inc ebx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773CA: E8 71 E5 30 00 - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1785940
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773CF: 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773D2: 8B D6 - mov edx,esi
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773D4: E8 47 D8 7F FF - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+C74C20
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773D9: 3B D8 - cmp ebx,eax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773DB: 72 B3 - jb MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1477390
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773DD: 48 8B 5C 24 30 - mov rbx,[rsp+30]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+14773E2: 48 8B 74 24 38 - mov rsi,[rsp+38]
<Description>"Change Max Carry"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : MonsterHunterWorld.exe
Date : 2018-08-24
Author : Marcus101RR

This script does blah blah blah


aobscanmodule(maxCap,MonsterHunterWorld.exe,0F BE 48 12 EB 03) // should be unique



mov ecx,[curCap]
mov [rax+12],ecx
movsx ecx,byte ptr [rax+12]
jmp MonsterHunterWorld.exe+1477502
jmp return

dq 0A

jmp newmem


db 0F BE 48 12 EB 03

// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD79

"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD57: 48 8B 4F 08 - mov rcx,[rdi+08]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD5B: C6 01 01 - mov byte ptr [rcx],01
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD5E: 48 8B 0F - mov rcx,[rdi]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD61: 8B 11 - mov edx,[rcx]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD63: 48 8B 0D 46 4A 6D 02 - mov rcx,[MonsterHunterWorld.exe+3B1F7B0]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD6A: 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD6D: 74 10 - je MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144AD7F
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD6F: E8 8C 6B 16 00 - call MonsterHunterWorld.exe+15B1900
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD74: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD77: 74 06 - je MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144AD7F
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD79: 0F BE 48 12 - movsx ecx,byte ptr [rax+12]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD7D: EB 03 - jmp MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144AD82
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD7F: 41 8B CE - mov ecx,r14d
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD82: 48 8B 47 10 - mov rax,[rdi+10]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD86: 2B 4B 0C - sub ecx,[rbx+0C]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD89: 89 08 - mov [rax],ecx
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD8B: 48 8B 47 10 - mov rax,[rdi+10]
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD8F: 44 39 30 - cmp [rax],r14d
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD92: 7D 10 - jnl MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144ADA4
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD94: 44 89 30 - mov [rax],r14d
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD97: EB 0B - jmp MonsterHunterWorld.exe+144ADA4
"MonsterHunterWorld.exe"+144AD99: 85 C0 - test eax,eax
<Description>"Static Data (AOB)"</Description>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
<AssemblerScript>{ Game : MonsterHunterWorld.exe
Date : 2018-08-21
Author : Marcus101RR


aobscanmodule(conitemparam,MonsterHunterWorld.exe,F3 0F 10 80 A8 00 00 00 48)



mov [itemparamp],rax

movss xmm0,[rax+000000A8]
jmp return

dq 0

jmp newmem


db F3 0F 10 80 A8 00 00 00

<Description>"Might Seed Duration"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Might Seed Power"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Might Pill Duration"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Might Pill Power"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Adamant Seed Duration"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Adamant Seed Power"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Adamant Pill Duration"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Hardshell Powder Duration"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Hardshell Powder Power"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon Powder Duration"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Description>"Demon Powder Power"</Description>
<VariableType>2 Bytes</VariableType>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
<Options moHideChildren="1"/>
<LastState Value="" RealAddress="00000000"/>
<Description>"Max Health"</Description>
<LastState Value="200" RealAddress="06999C3C"/>
<Description>"Max Stamina"</Description>
<LastState Value="200" RealAddress="06999C54"/>
<LastState Value="250" RealAddress="BBB2FB34"/>
<LastState Value="250" RealAddress="BBB2FB30"/>
<LastState Value="200" RealAddress="C9B072A4"/>
<LastState Value="200" RealAddress="BBB2FC1C"/>
<LastState Value="200" RealAddress="BBB2FC24"/>
If you simply edit only the Max Data HP/STamina values they are the base pointers that are grabbed regarding maximum actual HP/Stamina, editing your live HP/Stamina of any kind seems to cause a DC instantly. Atleast for me. So I was able to run around with 9999 hp just fine.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:47 pm
by Squall8
Update 46 added.

Still looking into the Character Edit Vouchers. Going to be tough without anything to reference. May have to break out Ultimap..

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:56 am
by TemptingIcarus
Squall8 wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:47 pm
Update 46 added.

Still looking into the Character Edit Vouchers. Going to be tough without anything to reference. May have to break out Ultimap..
HE'S A ZOMBIE! Well. It's October, so it's okay. Welcome back man.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:45 am
by rokutar0
Hello, is there a code that here that completes all the (captured) PETS/Small monsters that can be displayed in "Your Room" if not, is it possible to kindly request it? Thank you so much.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:59 am
by PapricaJim
rokutar0 wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:45 am
Hello, is there a code that here that completes all the (captured) PETS/Small monsters that can be displayed in "Your Room" if not, is it possible to kindly request it? Thank you so much.
Pretty much every animal listed not under DLC works fine in your room: [Link]

People think the cactuar has models too now and can be placed, but I haven't been able to figure out its catchid yet gotta wait for the other table maker to update his pet script.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:14 am
by rokutar0
Thanks but what should I activate on the trainer table to unlock the endemic life?

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:20 pm
by Depleted
Eternallydissolved wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:39 pm
Only the armor.am_dat and skills file were affected. skillgemparam.spga was fine. additionally you can use the armor editor to mod the armor file in chunk3.bin for the equip you use.
Yeah dude I know the armour editor is a thing, i tried it and the resulting mod i made to the wyvern charm and the set of gear i used made the game crash whenever a menu opened up so in its current state it's hit n miss unless you do simple armour/ele res edits as editing charms and skills/gem slots is buggy, either that or some options in the editor via drop down menus are incompatible and/or break the game.
rokutar0 wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:14 am
Thanks but what should I activate on the trainer table to unlock the endemic life?
Are you on about pets? you have to actually go out and capture them, there is no table option to give you pets.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:46 pm
by sue75
Hi, is there a way to choose the monster's spawn point? I guess it would be tough, but Deviljho and random spawn system drive me mad

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:49 pm
by Eternallydissolved
Depleted wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:20 pm
Eternallydissolved wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:39 pm
Only the armor.am_dat and skills file were affected. skillgemparam.spga was fine. additionally you can use the armor editor to mod the armor file in chunk3.bin for the equip you use.
Yeah dude I know the armour editor is a thing, i tried it and the resulting mod i made to the wyvern charm and the set of gear i used made the game crash whenever a menu opened up so in its current state it's hit n miss unless you do simple armour/ele res edits as editing charms and skills/gem slots is buggy, either that or some options in the editor via drop down menus are incompatible and/or break the game.
rokutar0 wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:14 am
Thanks but what should I activate on the trainer table to unlock the endemic life?
Are you on about pets? you have to actually go out and capture them, there is no table option to give you pets.
With your armor mod file, go the the view equipment info tab in the start menu, are the names of your equipment buggy? If so your using the old armor file, and you would need to use the armor file from the chunk3.bin file. it supersedes the armor file from chunk0.bin which is the one idlehands88 modded.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:37 pm
by yoyonucca
Eternallydissolved wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:49 pm
Depleted wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:20 pm
Eternallydissolved wrote:
Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:39 pm
Only the armor.am_dat and skills file were affected. skillgemparam.spga was fine. additionally you can use the armor editor to mod the armor file in chunk3.bin for the equip you use.
Yeah dude I know the armour editor is a thing, i tried it and the resulting mod i made to the wyvern charm and the set of gear i used made the game crash whenever a menu opened up so in its current state it's hit n miss unless you do simple armour/ele res edits as editing charms and skills/gem slots is buggy, either that or some options in the editor via drop down menus are incompatible and/or break the game.
rokutar0 wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:14 am
Thanks but what should I activate on the trainer table to unlock the endemic life?
Are you on about pets? you have to actually go out and capture them, there is no table option to give you pets.
With your armor mod file, go the the view equipment info tab in the start menu, are the names of your equipment buggy? If so your using the old armor file, and you would need to use the armor file from the chunk3.bin file. it supersedes the armor file from chunk0.bin which is the one idlehands88 modded.
Has anyone gotten around to mod the armor file from the chunk3.bin file similar to how idlehands88 did it? If so, are they willing to share :D

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:11 am
by Eternallydissolved
yoyonucca wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:37 pm
Eternallydissolved wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:49 pm
Depleted wrote:
Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:20 pm

Yeah dude I know the armour editor is a thing, i tried it and the resulting mod i made to the wyvern charm and the set of gear i used made the game crash whenever a menu opened up so in its current state it's hit n miss unless you do simple armour/ele res edits as editing charms and skills/gem slots is buggy, either that or some options in the editor via drop down menus are incompatible and/or break the game.

Are you on about pets? you have to actually go out and capture them, there is no table option to give you pets.
With your armor mod file, go the the view equipment info tab in the start menu, are the names of your equipment buggy? If so your using the old armor file, and you would need to use the armor file from the chunk3.bin file. it supersedes the armor file from chunk0.bin which is the one idlehands88 modded.
Has anyone gotten around to mod the armor file from the chunk3.bin file similar to how idlehands88 did it? If so, are they willing to share :D
I just had a thought; between your decorations, and your modded armor and modded skills, are you perhaps running more than 33 combined skills and set bonuses? if so, that is why the game crashes when you open the menu; for what ever reason, the game cannot parse above 33 skills and throws an exception.

Re: Monster Hunter World (Steam)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:27 pm
by asasasas
Is there a way to increase the KO damage of a weapon so I get faster knockdowns? Also me and I friend tried changing the damage numbers in mp but it didnt work.