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Vagante (2018-03-06)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:47 am
by Shinkansen
Simple table for Vagante, may or may not work.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address.
E. Do action ZZZ.

1. Player Stats.
"Knight Set to Massive?" sets Knight skills to massive.
"Rogue Set to Massive?" sets Rogue skills to massive.
"Mage Set to Massive?" sets Mage skills to massive.
"Wilding Set to Massive?" sets Wilding skills to massive.
"Miscellaneous Set to Massive?" sets Walking Extra Damage Charge to massive.

Allows the following to be modfied.
- Level Points.

2. Inventory Stats.
"Charges Set to Max?" sets Charge to massive.

Allows the following to be modfied. Save and reload to take effect.
- Item ID.
- Enchantments. Can be modified, to add more use an Enhantment scroll first.

3. Spell Stats.
"Charge Set to Massive?" sets Charge to massive.
"Cooldown Set to 0?" sets Cooldown to 0.
"Level Set to Massive?" sets Level to massive.

1. Tested game version V1.01 32-bit. May work on other versions.

2. Player Stats.
"Invincibility Set to Invincible?" sets Invincibility to Invincible.
"Hp Set to Max?" sets HP to max.
"Air Set to Max?" sets Air to max.
"Jump Set to Massive?" sets Jump to massive.
"Stats Set to Massive?" sets Stats to massive.

3. Inventory Stats.
"Consumable Quantity Set to Minimum 5?" sets Consumable Quantity to minimum 5.

4. Gold Stats.
"Gold Set to Massive?" sets Gold to massive.

Re: Vagante (2018-03-06)

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:14 pm
by waynec
could u update plz