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[Th12.8] Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Fairy Wars (v1.00a)

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:08 pm
by DreadZone3030
Save these CT files in "My Documents/My Cheat Tables" (for Win XP, or lower) or "Documents/My Cheat Tables" (Win Vista, or higher).
Note: If running th128e.exe, just load th128.CT.

Invulnerable [n1]
Autocollect items
Auto-death cancel [n2]
Freeze boss timer
Score [n3]
Ice power
Perfect freeze
Ice area [n4]
Music room
Boss lifebar [n5]

Set to any value, then freeze it.

-must have full perfect freeze
-not effective if Invulnerable is on

If the first digit of the score is from 1 to 9, there will be no ending, the game will bring the player directly to the Name Entry, and cannot unlock Extra stage.

Set it to its max value, freeze it, then start/restart gameplay.

Display only. To hack the boss's HP, search for the said value by 4 bytes (start address = 100000; end address = FFFFFFF), shoot the boss, search its decreased value until there are 3 entries left (one is the lifebar).

-some minor changes
-replaced "th128.exe+" with numbers

-added Autocollect items

-added Autobomb and Freeze boss timer

-updated Result
-added Music room

-initial upload