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Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:58 pm
by fantomas

Current game version: 0.5.206 [Sept 11, 2021 ] New!

About cheat table: It has been made for education purpose, in single player mode. No warranty (nor encouragement) as to its use in multiplayer mode.

Due to my 'jb' minimum specs pc, the cheat table has been made on the first 5 min gaming. :lol: Sorry! ;)


Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 6:27 am
by Vortox14
Infinite Oxygen crashes game for me.
Version: Steam Retail. (currently 0.1.180)
Still checking other scripts.. seems stable beyond that.

Hunger doesn't work.
Suit Integrity does work by numbers, not effects. You can still get tears which can't be repaired till you turn it off.

All other scripts works from my testing.

---Other Notes---
Wish I could edit all 4 drones and had a unlimited HP/Fuel script(s) for the vehicles.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:46 pm
by fantomas
Table updated to support the open beta v0.1.1175

Be aware that the table has been made on mono method, which is using JIT (just-in-time) compilation, the game may generate the code differently in your system. Knowing that, the table may or may not work properly for everyone. I said that just before someone says it does not work. :)

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:22 am
by Vortox14
I see.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:41 am
by jamilnielsen
yea its definitely not working for me.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 7:58 am
by fantomas
jamilnielsen wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:41 am
yea its definitely not working for me.
None of them???

I'm downloading the latest beta version and will try to update the table. Do not know how much I'll be able to go through the game as this beta version is game-limited pretty much.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 7:17 pm
by fantomas
If you're able to use PlayerControlUpdate ->godMode from the latest table, then you can playing with one of many in-game debug inputs.

Code: Select all

//Player Inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha1 = add "Complex_RepairTool" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha2 = add "Advanced_Pistol"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha3 = add "Advanced_AssaultRifle"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha4 = add "Complex_Scanner"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha5 = add "Advanced_Laser"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha6 = add "Complex_Chisel"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha7 = add "Complex_Shovel"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha8 = add "Complex_Container"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha9 = add "Compound_BotanyKit"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Alpha0 = add "Advanced_HeavyAssaultRifle"  in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Minus = add "Complex_Wire" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Equals = add "Complex_CircuitBoard" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Backspace = add "Complex_Battery" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+LeftBracket = add "Compound_InflatableDomeKit" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Q = add "ComplexPart_AirFilter" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+W = add "ComplexPart_Fan" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+E = add "ComplexPart_Hydraulic" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+R = add "ComplexPart_LiquidFilter" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+T = add "ComplexPart_Motor" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Y = add "ComplexPart_PowerCell" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+U = add "ComplexPart_WaterPump" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+I = add "ComplexPart_VacuumPump" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+O = add "ComplexPart_Transformer" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Tab = add "ComplexPart_TorqueMotor" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+A = add "Complex_ScrewDriver" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+S = add "Complex_Wrench" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+D = add "Complex_SolderingIron" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+F = add "Complex_Vice" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+G = add "Complex_Multimeter" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+H = add "Complex_LiquidBarrel" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+J = add "Complex_Barrel" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+Z = add "Advanced_AssaultRifleMagazine" in inventory
RightShift+Slash+X = add "Advanced_BlasterCell" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha1 = add "Liquid_Water" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha2 = add "Material_Rubber"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha3 = add "Material_Plastic"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha4 = add "Liquid_Phencyclidine"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha5 = add "Liquid_PCX"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha6 = add "Liquid_Flourescence"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha7 = add "Liquid_Hydrazine"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha8 = add "Compound_Explosive"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+Alpha9 = add "Compound_BotanyKit"  in inventory
RightShift+Period+W = add "Compound_Bandage" in inventory
RightShift+Period+E = add "Compound_Medkit" in inventory
RightShift+Period+R = add "Compound_SuitWaterTank" in inventory
RightShift+Period+T = add "Compound_SuitOxygenTank" in inventory
RightShift+Period+Y = add "Complex_SuitBattery" in inventory
RightShift+Period+U = add "Compound_SuitHoverFuel" in inventory
RightShift+Period+I = add "Complex_PatchTape" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha1 = add "Material_Steel" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha2 = add "Material_Glass"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha3 = add "Complex_Barrel"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha4 = add "Fruit_Apple"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha5 = add "Fruit_Potato"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha6 = add "Fruit_Carrot"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Alpha7 = add "Fruit_Berry"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+A = add "Mineral_Aluminum"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+S = add "Mineral_Azurnium"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+D = add "Mineral_Carbon"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+F = add "Mineral_Chromium"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+G = add "Mineral_Cobalt"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+H = add "Mineral_Copper"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+J = add "Mineral_Diamond"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+K = add "Mineral_Gold"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+L = add "Mineral_Iron"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Z = add "Mineral_Lead"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+X = add "Mineral_Lithium"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+C = add "Mineral_Magnesium"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+V = add "Mineral_Mercury"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+B = add "Mineral_Molybdenum"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+N = add "Mineral_Nickel"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+M = add "Mineral_Obsidian"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Q = add "Mineral_Plutonium"  in inventory
RightShift+Comma+W = add "Mineral_Tin" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+E = add "Mineral_Titanium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+R = add "Mineral_Tungsten" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+T = add "Mineral_Zinc" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+Y = add "Mineral_Zirconium" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+U = add "Gas_Nitrogen" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+I = add "Gas_Hydrogen" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+O = add "Gas_Oxygen" in inventory
RightShift+Comma+P = add "Gas_Flourine" in inventory
//RightShift alone
RightShift+Alpha1 = add "Gas_Chlorine" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha2 = add "Particle_Dirt" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha3 = add "Particle_Sand" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha4 = add "Particle_Snow" in inventory
RightShift+Alpha5 = add "Particle_Soil" in inventory

//Player Health
RightShift+F12 = "INVINCIBLE"
RightShift+F2+RightControl = "DECREASE HEALTH"
RightShift+F3+RightControl = "DECREASE SUIT INTEGRITY"
RightShift+F4+RightControl = "DECREASE OXYGEN"
RightShift+F5+RightControl = "INCREASE HUNGER"
RightShift+F6+RightControl = "DECREASE THIRST"
RightShift+F7+RightControl = "DECREASE SUIT TEMP"
Once you put godMode on Yes, open the inventory up, hold down the 'Right Shift' key + slash/period/comma then use input [Link] you wish.

And if the current script does not work in your system, please try this one (copy/past this code to overwrite the current one):

Code: Select all

//Game: Osiris: New Dawn
//Version: Open Beta 0.1.1175 [ Sept 25, 2019 ]




  mov [playerControlUpdate_ptr],rax

  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+3A]
  test eax,eax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db 0F B6 40 3A 85 C0


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: PlayerControl:Update+f4

167B34EBEB8: 75 1D                          -  jne 167B34EBED7
167B34EBEBA: 48 8B CE                       -  mov rcx,rsi
167B34EBEBD: 48 83 EC 20                    -  sub rsp,20
167B34EBEC1: 49 BB 9E BF 4E B3 0F B6 40 3A  -  mov r11,3A40B60FB34EBF9E
167B34EBECB: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
167B34EBECD: D3 48 83                       -  ror [rax-7D],cl
167B34EBED0: C4 20 E9 87 00                 -  xchg [rax],dx,r8w
167B34EBED5: 00 00                          -  add [rax],al
167B34EBED7: 48 B8 E0 AB BD FF 67 01 00 00  -  mov rax,00000167FFBDABE0
167B34EBEE1: 48 8B 00                       -  mov rax,[rax]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
167B34EBEE4: 0F B6 40 3A                    -  movzx eax,byte ptr [rax+3A]
167B34EBEE8: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
167B34EBEEA: 0F 84 3E 00 00 00              -  je 167B34EBF2E
167B34EBEF0: B9 2F 01 00 00                 -  mov ecx,0000012F
167B34EBEF5: 48 83 EC 20                    -  sub rsp,20
167B34EBEF9: 49 BB F6 86 4E B3 67 01 00 00  -  mov r11,00000167B34E86F6
167B34EBF03: 41 FF D3                       -  call r11
167B34EBF06: 48 83 C4 20                    -  add rsp,20
167B34EBF0A: 85 C0                          -  test eax,eax
167B34EBF0C: 75 1E                          -  jne 167B34EBF2C
167B34EBF0E: B9 31 01 00 00                 -  mov ecx,00000131
167B34EBF13: 48 83 EC 20                    -  sub rsp,20

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:20 pm
by jamilnielsen
ill take a look at it later.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:51 am
by jamilnielsen
the alternate script you provided works :) thanks.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:26 pm
by jamilnielsen
i like having all tools at my dispossal when checking an WIP game, got to say im slightly disapointed that most of the things are not working, even things that worked in the old build.
lets see if they release old content with new wrapping paper or if they do right by community, anyway im gonna play some warframe and grind some crap while i wait for them to release the next update.

oh yea, nice job on the script, i hope you do a day 1 update ones they drop the next update, seems it might be slightly bigger in scope.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:34 pm
by fantomas
jamilnielsen wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:26 pm
I'll quote here (I already did it many time in my other topics :P ) Cake-san's post where he explains why my table does not work on other system
Cake-san wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:34 am
Since the game is using mono and mono is using JIT (Just in time) compilation. The game might generate code differently on different system to optimize performance,eg:(amd vs intel cpu) . So, if table maker updated their table to the latest steam version and you're still can't use that table, then your game is generating code differently than the table maker's game, which us table maker can't do much because we don't have the same system as you.
But since CE 6.5, if I'm not wrong, there's a new method called 'aobscanregion' which is pretty helpful especially in unity games based tables (the most of my tables :P ). It will in sort improve the compatibility with other systems. And it is what I did with the new script I posted above and it is what I'm doing with the whole table. After table updated, it should work properly then. But I'm updating the table on the latest beta version and this version is a locked-game version, so do not know how the table will work with the next unlocked game updated version.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:44 pm
by fantomas
Table rewritten to improve compatibility with other systems.
It was made expressly for the latest beta version ONLY (due to gameplay limitations)!!!

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 3:37 am
by faked547
I get this error when trying it. [Link]

edit: Looks like there is an issue with line 3040 however thats all the info I could get.

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:38 pm
by fantomas
faked547 wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 3:37 am
I get this error when trying it. [Link]

edit: Looks like there is an issue with line 3040 however thats all the info I could get.
File re-uploaded

Re: Osiris: New Dawn

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:15 pm
by faked547
Thank you. good sir. Works like a charm now.