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Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga (GM and More)

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:39 pm
by Recifense
Hi guys,

Here is my contribution for "Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga" Version The table contains a script with the following features:

- God Mode;
- Unlimited Mana;
- Minimum Gold;
- Minimum Gold Value;

The table also contains:

- Enable/Disable God Mode; (*)
- Enable/Disable Unlimited Mana; (*)
- Enable/Disable Minimum Gold; (*)
- Minimum Gold Value; (10000)
- Hero´s HP;
- Hero´s Mana;
- Hero´s Gold;
- Hero´s XP;
- Hero´s Attribute Points;
- Hero´s Skill Points;
- Hero´s Vitality;
- Hero´s Spirit;
- Hero´s Strength;
- Hero´s Dexterity;
- Hero´s Intelligence;

Code: Select all

 Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga
 Game Version  :
 Script Version: 2.0
 CE Version    : 5.6
 GodMode, Mana and Gold
 12-Nov-2010 For version
 27-Dec-2010 Changed offsets for version + _MonXP
 27-Dec-2010 AOB Version
CTRL+Home = Enable  cheats;
CTRL+End  = Disable cheats;
(*) These features are enabled by default. For disabling any of them, just change its value to 0;

After downloading the table, rename it to Divinity2.CT and copy it to the CE´s folder.

It is for CE 5.6

Note: The script now uses the new CE command assert and will not load if it is incompatible with the running game version.
