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Aliens vs Predator 2010

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:35 pm
by STN
Made by Geri

This table is for the Razor1911 (cracked) version of Aliens vs Predator 2010 for the DX9 executable.

It has been made with Cheat Engine 5.6 so You may need to use this version for the table.


Unlimited Predator Energy (it will not decrease)

Unlimited Ammo (for the marines of course)

Infinite Health (You may die if You take so much damage that it would kill You instantly)

Instant Kill (this will kill anything that takes some damage (except You of course) but this will decrease the fun of the killing)

God Mode + Instant Kill (the above mentioned in one option)

Do not use "Infinite Health", "Instant Kill" or "Infinite Health + Instant Kill" at the same time, choose only one of them and if You wish to change it, deactivate the other code first. Otherwise Your game will mess up.

At the beginning of the first level with the Marines and in the Tutorial with the Predator, You need to use the Health pack to heal Yourself to learn how to use it. If You have enabled Infinite Health, You are not able to use it since You are not injured. So activate the Infinite Health only if You have passed this step, otherwise You will stuck in the game.