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On The Rain-Slicked Precipice - Episode 2

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:06 pm
by STN
Made by AuSlade

Here's a working table with the following cheats:

Infinite Health Player 1
Set your own exp Player 1
Infinite Health Gabe
Infinite Health Tycho

There are two versions of the PL1 cheats, as with the Episode 1 cheat table, the V2 cheat should only be activated during combat. For some odd reason, I was able to find two cheats for Tycho, either should work just as well.

I found it weird that the players character has a 1 level pointer, but the other characters (Gabe & Tycho) are 7 level pointers ! I'd be happy for any insight as to why this is.
