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Armada 2526 Supernova (GM and More) REUP

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:26 am
by STN
Made by Recifense

Hi guys,

Here is my contribution (An Easter Gift) for "Armada 2526 Supernova" Version The table contains 3 scripts with the following features:

- Minimum Resource; (*1)
- Minimum Population; (*2)
- God Mode; (*3)

(*1) Minimum value = 15000. The Script can be activated as soon as a game starts;
(*2) The cheat works when you are at a colony main screen. Minimum population = 50.
The script can only be activated after you have double-click on one of your colony.
(*3) God Mode: During battle, mantain your units visible for the cheat to work. The script can only be activated during a battle. Then it can remain active.
Weak Foe: During battle, mantain the enemy units visible for the cheat to work. The script can only be activated during a battle. Then it can remain active.

The table also contains (when the GodMode script is active):

- Enable/Disable God Mode; (*)
- Enable/Disable weak Foe; (**)

(*) This feature is enabled by default. For disabling it, just change its value to 0;
(**) This feature is disabled by default. For enabling it, just change its value to 1;

Note: The script uses AOBScan, so it can take sometime to be activated.

After downloading the table, rename it to Armada2526.CT and copy it to the "My Cheat Table" folder.

It is for CE 6.0
