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Ghost Master V1.0.20.0 Table

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:37 pm
by STN
Made by sired22

This table is for the game 'Ghost Master' V1.0.20.0 NoCD. In Ghost Master you take on the role of a 'ghost master'(duh). but instead of you going around stopping ghosts you ARE the ghost's. and its your job to direct other ghost's on where and how they should haunt to drive those silly mortals insane with fright. Not only that but you must also help to free other ghosts that are trapped so that they may aid you in your cause.

The table has the following cheats
Insane Amount of Plasm - Normally you have a set amount of plasm(energy) to work with. to gain more you would have to scare people. This cheat disables the checks and set's your plasm at 20,000.

Used Plasm is 0 - This cheat sets the amount of plasm your using to 0. If the plasm your using goes over whats available its game over. Not really needed but as i did this game as practice its there.

Powers Never Drain - Normally when a ghost uses a power they have to wait for the power to recharge. This disables that so they game never sets the power to empty.

Powers Always Charged - This is different from the one above in that instead of making it so the game never sets the powers to 0 so they need to be recharged this one instead makes it so the game is always setting them to full. with the other cheat if you turned it on while a power was already charging you would still have to wait for it to charge. this one just sets them all to fully charged.

90,000 gold plasm - In the game there is 'Gold Plasm' and it is used to buy new powers for your ghost's. what this does is set it so that you always have 90,000 gold plasm

Everyone Scared - be careful when using this cheat because some times you don't want to scare everyone away or you may need someone to free a ghost. what this cheat does is set everyone's 'scared' meter to 200% full

Now i know some cheats are not needed but like i said i did this as practice and for learning. While learning this i have found out i HATE playing around with floats in asm. But while floats can be annoying there not to bad.