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Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:30 pm
by STN
Made by sub1to

Works with steam006 version (leaked version)
-INF Focus
-INF Battery
-INF Ammo & No-Reload
-INF Ammo & INF gadgets
-INF Skill points & INF money
-God Mode
-Money Pointer for direct access

There are 2 more pointers in there (lvl and exp), which might or might not work for you. I've been reset to lvl 0 after using this, but have also had success with it. BE CAREFUL!

The undetectable script will stop the meters (triangles) from filling, but the triangles will still appear. You will never be detected however.

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:57 pm
by Johngiri
Is this for watch dogs 1 or 2 ?

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:13 pm
by eTheBlack
Johngiri wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:57 pm
Is this for watch dogs 1 or 2 ?
Its for +7

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:22 pm
by Johngiri
I don't understand.There is only watch dogs 1 and 2.

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:58 am
by STN
Johngiri wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:22 pm
I don't understand.There is only watch dogs 1 and 2.
This is for watch dogs 1. The +7 refers to number of cheats in the table.

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:14 pm
by Johngiri
Can you give me a cheat to be invisible in watch dogs ?

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:22 pm
by Johngiri
Please bro.I need it.

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:33 pm
by Johngiri
Are you there STN ?

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:50 am
by driftwolf
Posted upload doesn't work. Steam+UPlay 1.06.329
Most of the time, none of the scripts activate. Not. One.

On the intermittent occasions they do (I can detect no pattern: sometimes right after loading new save, sometimes I have to play a while), the game usually just crashes. Even if I just activate a single script, ie: "undetectable".

Needs. Work.

edit: Not specifically aimed at the author of this table, I have nothing but admiration for those who have the skills to build these things!! But I can only go "WTF" at the fact that NONE of the cheat engine tables I've found (all four) actually work, even the ones that specifically mention the exact version I'm using. I've already played the game straight, I'm bored with some of the mechanics, I just want to have FUN with the game, which means I want to turn off certain features that the game itself uses to "cheat". I realize it's all volunteer labour, but still, it's annoying that NONE of the cheat tables I've found so far do ANYTHING other than crash the game. Sigh.

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 4:31 am
by mrcthulhu
well its out again just crashing it

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:29 pm
by GameZor
I know this is an old post, but can someone update research point ? or what he needs to update research point ? I`m trying to do it but without success because I don`t know what to change in script (I don`t know anything about scripting or code edit)
I will put here what I found, and maybe is useful for someone to update it

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(researchP,Disrupt_64.dll,48 89 43 28 48 83 65 DF 00) // should be unique



 mov [rbx+28],rax
 and qword ptr [rbp-21],00
 jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db 48 89 43 28 48 83 65 DF 00



Disrupt_64.dll+5C76ED6: 74 23                 - je Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76ED8: 48 8B 86 30 04 00 00  - mov rax,[rsi+00000430]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EDF: 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EE2: 74 17                 - je Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EE4: 4C 3B 70 58           - cmp r14,[rax+58]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EE8: 75 11                 - jne Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EEA: 4C 89 F2              - mov rdx,r14
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EED: 48 89 F1              - mov rcx,rsi
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EF0: E8 60 FA 00 00        - call Disrupt_64.dll+5C86955
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EF5: 89 C0                 - mov eax,eax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EF7: 48 89 43 28           - mov [rbx+28],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB: 48 83 65 DF 00        - and qword ptr [rbp-21],00
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F00: 48 83 65 E7 00        - and qword ptr [rbp-19],00
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F05: 48 8D 96 80 05 00 00  - lea rdx,[rsi+00000580]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F0C: 48 8D 4D DF           - lea rcx,[rbp-21]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F10: E8 1A 1E FF FF        - call Disrupt_64.dll+5C68D2F
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F15: 48 8B 7D E7           - mov rdi,[rbp-19]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F19: 48 8B 5D DF           - mov rbx,[rbp-21]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F1D: 48 C1 EF 20           - shr rdi,20
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F21: 0F BA F7 1F           - btr edi,1F
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F25: 48 C1 E7 04           - shl rdi,04

Code: Select all

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(ReserCHPOint,Disrupt_64.dll,48 89 87 88 00 00 00 48 8B 5C 24 40) // should be unique



  mov [rdi+00000088],rax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 48 89 87 88 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Disrupt_64.dll+654EB33

Disrupt_64.dll+654EB02: 48 8B 5C 24 38        - mov rbx,[rsp+38]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB07: 48 89 C2              - mov rdx,rax
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB0A: 48 89 D9              - mov rcx,rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB0D: E8 0D 85 8E FF        - call Disrupt_64.dll+5E3701F
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB12: 48 8B 4F 08           - mov rcx,[rdi+08]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB16: 48 8D 54 24 30        - lea rdx,[rsp+30]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB1B: 48 89 5C 24 30        - mov [rsp+30],rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB20: E8 E5 28 F3 FF        - call Disrupt_64.dll+648140A
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB25: 48 8B 87 80 00 00 00  - mov rax,[rdi+00000080]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB2C: C6 87 90 00 00 00 00  - mov byte ptr [rdi+00000090],00
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB33: 48 89 87 88 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000088],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3A: 48 8B 5C 24 40        - mov rbx,[rsp+40]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3F: 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB43: 5F                    - pop rdi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB44: C3                    - ret 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB45: CC                    - int 3 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB46: CC                    - int 3 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB47: 48 89 5C 24 10        - mov [rsp+10],rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB4C: 48 89 74 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rsi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB51: 57                    - push rdi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB52: 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20

Code: Select all

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(researchpoint2,Disrupt_64.dll,48 89 81 80 00 00 00 48 83 79) // should be unique



  mov [rcx+00000080],rax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 48 89 81 80 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Disrupt_64.dll+654EA27

Disrupt_64.dll+654EA0B: C3                    - ret 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA0C: CC                    - int 3 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA0D: 48 89 5C 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA12: 57                    - push rdi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA13: 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA17: 48 8B 41 50           - mov rax,[rcx+50]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA1B: 48 89 CF              - mov rdi,rcx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA1E: 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA21: 74 0B                 - je Disrupt_64.dll+654EA2E
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA23: 48 8B 40 28           - mov rax,[rax+28]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA27: 48 89 81 80 00 00 00  - mov [rcx+00000080],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA2E: 48 83 79 58 00        - cmp qword ptr [rcx+58],00
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA33: 0F 84 01 01 00 00     - je Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3A
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA39: 80 B9 90 00 00 00 00  - cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000090],00
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA40: 75 19                 - jne Disrupt_64.dll+654EA5B
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA42: 48 8B 81 88 00 00 00  - mov rax,[rcx+00000088]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA49: 48 39 81 80 00 00 00  - cmp [rcx+00000080],rax
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA50: 0F 95 D0              - setne al
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA53: 84 C0                 - test al,al
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA55: 0F 84 DF 00 00 00     - je Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3A
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA5B: 48 8B 51 60           - mov rdx,[rcx+60]

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:40 am
by germany1231ggg
GameZor wrote:
Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:29 pm
I know this is an old post, but can someone update research point ? or what he needs to update research point ? I`m trying to do it but without success because I don`t know what to change in script (I don`t know anything about scripting or code edit)
I will put here what I found, and maybe is useful for someone to update it

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(researchP,Disrupt_64.dll,48 89 43 28 48 83 65 DF 00) // should be unique



 mov [rbx+28],rax
 and qword ptr [rbp-21],00
 jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db 48 89 43 28 48 83 65 DF 00



Disrupt_64.dll+5C76ED6: 74 23                 - je Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76ED8: 48 8B 86 30 04 00 00  - mov rax,[rsi+00000430]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EDF: 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EE2: 74 17                 - je Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EE4: 4C 3B 70 58           - cmp r14,[rax+58]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EE8: 75 11                 - jne Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EEA: 4C 89 F2              - mov rdx,r14
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EED: 48 89 F1              - mov rcx,rsi
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EF0: E8 60 FA 00 00        - call Disrupt_64.dll+5C86955
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EF5: 89 C0                 - mov eax,eax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EF7: 48 89 43 28           - mov [rbx+28],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76EFB: 48 83 65 DF 00        - and qword ptr [rbp-21],00
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F00: 48 83 65 E7 00        - and qword ptr [rbp-19],00
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F05: 48 8D 96 80 05 00 00  - lea rdx,[rsi+00000580]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F0C: 48 8D 4D DF           - lea rcx,[rbp-21]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F10: E8 1A 1E FF FF        - call Disrupt_64.dll+5C68D2F
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F15: 48 8B 7D E7           - mov rdi,[rbp-19]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F19: 48 8B 5D DF           - mov rbx,[rbp-21]
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F1D: 48 C1 EF 20           - shr rdi,20
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F21: 0F BA F7 1F           - btr edi,1F
Disrupt_64.dll+5C76F25: 48 C1 E7 04           - shl rdi,04

Code: Select all

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(ReserCHPOint,Disrupt_64.dll,48 89 87 88 00 00 00 48 8B 5C 24 40) // should be unique



  mov [rdi+00000088],rax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 48 89 87 88 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Disrupt_64.dll+654EB33

Disrupt_64.dll+654EB02: 48 8B 5C 24 38        - mov rbx,[rsp+38]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB07: 48 89 C2              - mov rdx,rax
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB0A: 48 89 D9              - mov rcx,rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB0D: E8 0D 85 8E FF        - call Disrupt_64.dll+5E3701F
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB12: 48 8B 4F 08           - mov rcx,[rdi+08]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB16: 48 8D 54 24 30        - lea rdx,[rsp+30]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB1B: 48 89 5C 24 30        - mov [rsp+30],rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB20: E8 E5 28 F3 FF        - call Disrupt_64.dll+648140A
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB25: 48 8B 87 80 00 00 00  - mov rax,[rdi+00000080]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB2C: C6 87 90 00 00 00 00  - mov byte ptr [rdi+00000090],00
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB33: 48 89 87 88 00 00 00  - mov [rdi+00000088],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3A: 48 8B 5C 24 40        - mov rbx,[rsp+40]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3F: 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB43: 5F                    - pop rdi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB44: C3                    - ret 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB45: CC                    - int 3 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB46: CC                    - int 3 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB47: 48 89 5C 24 10        - mov [rsp+10],rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB4C: 48 89 74 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rsi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB51: 57                    - push rdi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EB52: 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20

Code: Select all

//code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat

aobscanmodule(researchpoint2,Disrupt_64.dll,48 89 81 80 00 00 00 48 83 79) // should be unique



  mov [rcx+00000080],rax
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2

//code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat
  db 48 89 81 80 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: Disrupt_64.dll+654EA27

Disrupt_64.dll+654EA0B: C3                    - ret 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA0C: CC                    - int 3 
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA0D: 48 89 5C 24 18        - mov [rsp+18],rbx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA12: 57                    - push rdi
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA13: 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA17: 48 8B 41 50           - mov rax,[rcx+50]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA1B: 48 89 CF              - mov rdi,rcx
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA1E: 48 85 C0              - test rax,rax
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA21: 74 0B                 - je Disrupt_64.dll+654EA2E
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA23: 48 8B 40 28           - mov rax,[rax+28]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA27: 48 89 81 80 00 00 00  - mov [rcx+00000080],rax
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA2E: 48 83 79 58 00        - cmp qword ptr [rcx+58],00
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA33: 0F 84 01 01 00 00     - je Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3A
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA39: 80 B9 90 00 00 00 00  - cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000090],00
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA40: 75 19                 - jne Disrupt_64.dll+654EA5B
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA42: 48 8B 81 88 00 00 00  - mov rax,[rcx+00000088]
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA49: 48 39 81 80 00 00 00  - cmp [rcx+00000080],rax
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA50: 0F 95 D0              - setne al
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA53: 84 C0                 - test al,al
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA55: 0F 84 DF 00 00 00     - je Disrupt_64.dll+654EB3A
Disrupt_64.dll+654EA5B: 48 8B 51 60           - mov rdx,[rcx+60]
I would help but i have no clue what any of this means and STN retired a long time ago

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:27 pm
by STN
germany1231ggg wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:40 am
I would help but i have no clue what any of this means and STN retired a long time ago
I haven't, just busy and no interest in this game

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 5:47 pm
by hazq
I want reputation hack please 🥺

Re: Watch dogs +7 [UPDATED] FIXED!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:50 pm
by nnebula781
This Really needs a update.